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1895; puisne judge of the Superior Court, Province of Quebec, Canada, 1895-1909; conservative in politics. Contested Shefford against L. S. Huntington for Canadian House of Commons, 1876; presented with a purse of $7000, chiefly by the citizens of Montreal, in acknowledgement of his services as member of Parliament, 1890; delegate to Irish Race Convention, DubUn, 1896; former president of St. Patrick's Society; in appreciation of his many services as a citizen, his name given to bridge over the Lachine Canal, WeUington Street, Montreal; former president, Ottawa University Alumni Association; noted judge and orator. Former member of : the Knights of Colum- bus; the CathoHe Mutual Benefit Association; presi- dent of the Holy Name Society. Edited: "Golden Jubilee of the Reverend Fathers Dowd and Toupin" (Montreal, 1887); "Golden Jubilee of St. Patrick's Orphan Asylum" (Montreal, 1902); contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLES: Anglin, Timothy WAHiiEN; Cemetery, Cana- dian Legislation Concerning.

Currier, Right Reverend Chakles Wakeen D.D.^ Ph.D., b. in St. Thomas Island, Danish West Indies, 22 March, 1857. Education: Roermond and Wittem, Holland. Ordained 1880; at various times missionary in South America and in the United States, lecturer, parish priest, professor of Latin, philosophy, etc.; lecturer, collector, and assistant. Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions, Washington, D. C, 1905-1913; Bishop of Matanzas, Cuba, 1913- 1915; resigned, appointed titular Bishop of Hetalonia, 1915; resident at Washington, D. C. Appointed Bishop of Zamboanga, PhiUppine Islands, but declined, 1910; represented the United States Govern- ment (on one occasion Vice-President), various International Congresses of Americanists. Member of: American Oriental Society; Washington Society of Fine Arts; Spanish American Atheneum. Author of: "Carmel in America" (Baltimore, 1890); "History of Rehgious Orders" (New York, 1894) ; "Church and Saints" (New York, 1897); "Dimitrios and Irene" (Baltimore, 1893); "The Rose of Alhama" (New York, 1895); "A child of Mary" (Boston, 1897); "The Mass" (Baltimore, 1898); "Divinity of Christ" (Baltimore, 1898); "Cuba, What Shall We Do with It?" (Baltimore, 1898); "Lands of the Southern Cross" (Washington, 1911); contributor to: "Dona- hoe's Magazine"; "Conservative Review"; "Ameri- can Ecclesiastical Review"; "New York Recorder";

"New York Freeman's Journal"; "Catholic Mirror"; "Orphan's Bouquet"; "Boston Herald"; "American Cathohc Quarterly Review"; "New Century"; "Carmelite Review"; "Ave Maria"; "Annals of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart"; "Cathohc World"; "Forum"; "Lippincott's"; "New York Press". ABTICLE: Uniterbities, Spanish-American.

Cusick, Reverend Peter Fahartt, s.j., b. at Minooka, Pennsylvania, 28 June, 1875. Education: pubHc schools, Minooka and Taylor, Pennsylvania; St. Thomas's College, Soranton, Pennsylvania; Woodstock College, Maryland; Innsbruck University, Austria. Entered the Society of Jesus 1895; professor of chemistry. Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mas- sachusetts, 1902-1906; ordained 1909; professor of chemistry, geology, and German, Boston College, Massachusetts, 1910-1913; assistant master of novices, St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New York, 1913- . Member of the American Chemical Society.

ARTICLE: Molloy, Gerald.

Cuthbert, Reverend Father (Lawrence Anthony Hess), o.s.p.c, b. at Brighton, Sussex, England, 1866. Education: St. Mary's College, Woolhampton, England; Capuchin scholasticates. Entered the Capuchin Order 1881; ordained 1889; engaged in parochial- and missionary work in England 1889-1911; in charge of (and organizer), Franciscan Mission to the Hop-pickers of Kent, England, 1905— J principal of St. Anselm's House, Oxford, and provmcial of the Capuchins, 1911- . Founder of the Cathohc Nurses Association. Author of: "The Friars and How They Came to England"; "Cathohc Ideals in Social Life"; "A Tuscan Penitent, being the Life and Legend of St. Margaret of Cortona"; "The Chronicle of Thomas of Eccleston"; "De Torrente, Devotional Essays"; "St. Francis and Poverty*'; "Life of St. Francis of Assisi"; etc.; contributor to: "The Tablet"; "Cathohc World".

ARTICLES: Capuchinesses; Capuchin Friars Minor; Carli, Dionigi da Piacenza; Cavazzi, Giovanni Antonio; Definitors (in Religious Orders); Felix of Cantalice, Saint; Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Saint; Francis of Paula, Saint; Fytch, William Benedict; Gennings, Edmund and John; Haymo of Feversham; Hilarius of Sexten; John Cap- istran, Saint; John Joseph of the Cross, Saint; Joseph of Leonessa, Saint; Margaret of Cortona, Saint; Massaia, GuGLiELMO, Cardinal; Pehsico, Ignatius, Cardinal; Piatus of Mons; Rites: Friars Minor Capuchin; Theodosius Flo- rentin; Third Order of St. Francis in Great Britain and Ireland; Veronica, Giuliani, Saint.