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Dal-Gal, Reverend Gieolamo Niccolo, o.f.m., b. at Villafranca di Verona, Italy, 4 November, 1875. Education: Lyceum, Verona; Franciscan scholasti- cates at Venice, Florence, and Rome. Entered the Franciscan Order 1895; ordained 1901; collaborator in the critical edition of the works of Alexander of Hales brought out at St. Bonaventure's College, Quaracchi, near Florence, 1902-1905; vice-postulator general of the Friars Minor 1905-1910; professor of Franciscan history, Franciscan scholasticate, Venice, 1910- ; at present at work on a history of the Franciscans for the schools of his order at the instance of Cardinal Vives y Tuto, prefect of rehgious; lecturer on media3val art, Uterature, and history. President of the Franciscan Congress, Vicenza, 1909; former editor of "Voce di S. Antonio". Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts of Lucca. Author of: "S. Antonio di Padova" (1907); various critical historical studies; contributor to "Archivum Franciscanum Historicum".

ARTICLE : Anthony of Padua, Saint.

D'Alton, Vert Reverend Canon Edward Alfred, d.d., ll.d., m.r.i.a., b. at Lavall3rroe, Co. Mayo, Ireland, 1860. Education: St. Jarlath's Col- lege, Tuam; Maynooth College, Dublin. Ordained 1887; parish work successively at Abbey, Kilmaine, Tourlough, Balla, and Athenry; vicar forane and pastor, BaUinrobe, 1911- ; canon of the cathedral of Tuam, 1911. Has read papers before the May- nooth Union and the Irish National Literary Society; dehvered a series of public lectures on Irish history at University College, Galway, 1909. Member of the Royal Irish Academy; on the Board of Governors of University College, Galway. Author of: "History of Ireland", 6 vols. (1903-1910; illustrated edition, London, 1910); pamphlets for the Catholic Truth Society; contributor to: "Donahoe's Magazine"; "Weekly Nation"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "DubHn Review".

ARTICLES : Bangor Abbet; Gabon, Raymond; Clynn, John; Cogitoshs, Monk of Kildahe; Creagh, Richard; Cui/- DEES; Dease, Thomas; Donlevy, Andrew; Down and Connor; Doyle, James Warren; Ddffy, Sir Charles Gavan; Egan, Boetius, Archbishop of Tuam; Fitzpatrick, William John; Fleming, Patrick; Galway and Kilmacduagh; Ireland; Lim- erick; Lombard, Peter, Archbishop of Armagh; Lynch, John; McCabe, Edward, Cardinal; MacGeoghegan, James; Ma- GRATH, John Macrory; Moore, Arthur, Count; Moylan, Francis, Bishop of Cork; Murray, Daniel, Archbishop of Dublin; O'Connell, Daniel; O'Fihely, Maurice, Archbishop OF Tuam; O'Hanlon, John; O'Neill, Hugh, Earl op Tyrone; O'Neill, Owen Roe; O'Reilly, Edmund, Archbishop of Ar- magh; OssoRY, Diocese of; O'Sullivan Beare, Philip; Penal Laws (Ireland); Rinuccini, Giovanni Battista; Roman Catholic Relief Bill (Ireland); Sarsfield, Patrick; Troy, John Thomas, Archbishop of Dublin.

Daly, Reverend Joseph John, s.j., b. at Brad- ford, England, 7 December, 1875. Education: secondary schools, Bradford and Manchester, Eng- land; St. Peter's College, Jersey City, New Jersey; Jesuit scholasticates, Frederick and Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus; former professor of mathematics, languages, and history, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C; former professor of English literature, and, at present, master of the Preparatory School, Ateneo, Manila. Collaborator in Herder's "Kirchenlexikon"; contribu- tor to various periodicals. ARTICLE: Nueva CAceres, Diocese of.

Daniel, Reverend J. E., o.m.i. Education:

Erimary schools, Wales; St. Albert's Seminary and t. Joseph's Scholasticate, Ottawa, Ontario. Ordained 1913; assistant priest, St. Joachim's Church, Edmonton, Alberta, 1915; chaplain, 51st Bat., Canadian Expeditionary Forces, 1915- Commissioner of the Juvenile Court of Alberta, Canada. ARTICLE: Keewatin, Vicariate Apostolic of.

Davey, Reverend James Charles, s.j., b. in New York, 19 September, 1869. Education: St. Leonard's Academy, Brookljm; St. Bonaventure's College, Allegany, New York; Woodstock College, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1893; ordained 1907; professor of mathematics, English, and Classics, St. Joseph's College,Philadelphia, 1901- 1905; professor of Classics, Brooklyn College, Brook- lyn, 1905-1907; parish work, St. Peter's Church, Jersey City, New Jersey, 1907-1908; vice-president and prefect of studies, Brookljoi College, 1908-1911, and St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, 1911-

ARTICLE: Alea, Leonard.

Deasy, John A., m.a., ll.b.


Deasy, Reverend Timotht J., d.d., Ph.D., rector, Church of St. CeciUa's, Cincinnati, Ohio. ARTICLE: Elder, Willlam Henry.

De Becker, Right Reverend Canon Jules Alphonsb Marie, j.tj.d., s.t.l., b. at Louvain, 7 December, 1857, son of jEmile de Becker, ll.d., member of the Belgian ParUament, grandson of A. Ernst, Miiiister of Justice under Leopold I. Educa- tion: Josephite College and Catholic University, Louvain; Gregorian University, Rome. Ordained 1881; professor of canon law and hturgy, American College, Louvain, 1885; professor of canon law. Catholic University, Louvain, 1889- ; canon of the Chapter of St. Rombaut s Cathedral, Mechlin, 1891; rector, American College, Louvain, 1898- ; Knight of the Order of Leopold 1903; domestic prelate of Pope Pius X. Founded a chair of philoso- phy at the American College, Louvain; secured the advantages of attendance at the theological courses of Louvain University for the American CoUege students; rebuilt their seminary. Member of the Commission for the Codification of Canon Law, 1904r- . Author of: "L'Eghse aux Etats Unis: Le College Am6ricain de Louvain" (Louvain, 1903); "De Sponsalibus et Matrimonio: Praelectiones canonicse" (Brussels, 1896; 2nd ed., Louvain, 1903); "Legislatio nova de forma substantiali quoad spon- salia et matrimonium catholicorum Commentarii, (Louvain, 1908); wrote papers for the Congress of Social Works, Mechlin, 1891, and the Congress of Economic Expansion, Mons, 1905; contributor to: "American Ecclesiastical Review" (Philadelphia); "I^a Belgique judioiaire" (Brussels); "La revue g^n^rale" (Brussels); "The American CoUege Bul- letin" (Louvain); "Annuaire de 1' University" (Lou- vain).

ARTICLE: American College, The, at Loutain.

De Boeck, Reverend William, c.ss.cc, rector, church of the Sacred Hearts, Kenney Heights, Rose- dale, Kansas.