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ARTICLE : Sacred Hearts op Jestts and Mart, Congrega- tion OF THE, AND OF THE PERPETUAL AdORATION OF THE BlEBSED

Sacrament of the Altar.

Debuchy, Rbvekend Paul, s.j., Litt.L., b. at Tourcoing, France, 16 April, 1862. Education: Col- lege of Tourcoing; Catholic University, Lille. Entered the Society of Jesus 1880; ordained 1894; has held at various .Jesuit scholasticates and colleges the post of prof essorof moral theology ; at various times professor of humanities, Dijon; professor of rhetoric, Boulogne- sur-Mer, Saint-Dizier, Lille; professor of Classic archsEology and the history of French literature, Champagne Province; at present, assistant director of the Library of the Exercises of St. Ignatius, Eng- hien, Belgium; in collaboration with Reverend Henri Watrigant, s.j., occupied in historical research in connection with the Exercises of St. Ignatius. Author of: "Th6orie breve de la composition litteraire" (Tours, 1904) ; "Etudes sur les auteurs latins " (Tours, 1904); "Le Petit Office de I'lmmacul^e Conception" (Brussels, 1904); "Introduction h I'^tude des Exer- cices spirituels de St. Ignace" (Enghien, 1906); "La V^n&able Catherine de FrancheviUe" (Enghien, 1908); "P. Bernard OKvier, s.j," (Enghien, 1911); collaborator with Reverend Henri Watrigant, S.J., in: "Collection de la Biblioth&que des Exercices"; "Collection des Retraites SpiritueUes " ; edited Saurez, "De spiritualibus exercitiis Sti. Ignatii" (Paris, 1910).

ARTICLES: Discernment of Spirits; Gagliardi, Achille; Gaudier, Antoine le; Gisbert, Blaise; Judde, Claude; Re- treats; Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius.

Dedieu-Barthe, Reverend Joseph Germain Eugene, litt.D., b. 18 November, 1878. Education: college and university, Toulouse. Professor of Latin literature, Cathohc Institute, Toulouse, 1907-1913; chaplain of the Lyc6e National, Toulouse; director of the College de Juilly, near Paris, 1914; Laureate of the French Academy (Prix Bordin), 1910, and (Prix MarceDin Gui5rin), 1913; laureate of the Academic des Jeux Floraux of Toulouse, 1910 and 1911. Author of: "Montesquieu et la tradition politique anglaise en France: Les Sources anglaises de L'Esprit des Lois" (Paris, 1909); "L'Art po^tique de Pierre de Laudun d'Aigaliers" (Toulouse, 1909); collaborator in "Collection des Grands Philosophes (by M. Dedieu: "Montesquieu") (Paris, 1912); contributor to: "Le Bulletin du Bibliophile"; "Revue de Gascogne"; "Revue pratique d'apologftique"; "Bulletin de litt&ature ecclesiastique " ; "Revue de Comminges"; "Les Annales romantiques"; "Revue des Pyr^ndes", and other reviews.

ARTICLES: Peter of Auvergne; Peterssen, Gbrlac; Prades, Jean-Martin de; Remigius, Saint, Archbishop of Reims; Remt, Abbey op Saint; Remiremont; Remuzat, Anne- Madeleine, Venerable; Rusticub of Nabbonne, Saint.

Degert, Very Reverend Canon Antoine, Litt.D., b. at T6thieu, Landes, France, 9 Dec, 1859. Educa- tion: Preparatory Seminary and Grand Seminary, Aire, France; Cathohc Institute, Toulouse. Ordained 1885; professor at the Free College of Dax 1887; professor of Latin literature, Catholic Institute, Toulouse, 1899- ; honorary canon of Auch, 1904, and of Aire, 1909. Member of: the Archaeological Society of the South of France; the Historical Society of Gascogne. Author of: "Les Sermons de S. Jean Chrysostome", crowned by the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences (1890); Latin thesis on the manners and customs of the Christians of Africa, taken from the sermons of St. Augustine (thesis for doctorate) (1894); "Cardinal d'Ossat", crowned by the French Academy (Paris, 1894); "Constitutions synodales de I'anoien diocese de Dax" (Dax, 1898) "L'impression des liturgies gasconnes" (Paris, 1903) "L'histoire des ^veques de Dax" (Paris, 1903) "L'histoire de I'ancien college de Dax" (Dax, 1904) "Les idfes morales de CiciSron" (Paris, 1907)

"L'histoire des ^veques d'Aire" (Paris, 1908); "Le Stoicisme", crowned by the Academy of Moral and Pohtical Sciences (1909); "Histoire des Seminaires frangais jusqu'4, la Revolution", 2 vols., crowned by the French Academy (Paris, 1911); "Histoire des Dogmes", translated from the German of Schwane, 5 vols. (Paris, 1903-1904) ; collaborator in Buchberger, "Kirchhches Handlexikon"; contributor to: "Moni- teur Universel" (Paris); "Revue des questions his- toriques"; "Revue de Gascogne"; "Bulletin de litt&ature ecclesiastique"; director of the "Revue de Gascogne".

ARTICLES: F^nblon, FRANgois Salignac de la Mothb, Bishop; Gallicanism; Guyon, .Teanne-Marie-Bouvier de la Motte; Huet, Pierre-Daniel, Bishop; Huguenots; John Parvus; Kramer, John; Lamennais, F^licit^ Robert de; Lamennais, Jean-Marie-Robebt de; Latin, Ecclesiastical; Le6n, Luis de; Marca, Pierre de, Bishop; Mabbillon, Jean- Baptiste, Bishop; Mathieu, Franqois-D^sir^, Bishop and Cardinal; Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de; Nicolas, Augubte; Noailles, Louis-Antoine de. Cardinal AND Bishop; Nonnotte, Claude-Adrien; Ossat, Arnaud d'. Cardinal; Sainctes, Claude de; Saturninus, Saint; Sj^gur, Louis Gaston de, Prelate; Sulpitiub, Saint, Bishop (2); Sti.vius, Francis; Terrasson, Andr^ and Gaspard; Tourn^lt,. HoNOR^; V^RON, FRANgois; Veronica, Saint; Vigor, Simon, Bishop; Vincent de P'— l, Saint; Virgiliub, Saint, Arch- bishop of Arleb; William of St.-Thierrt, Abbot; Ysajmbert, Nicolas.

De Jongh, Vert Reverend Canon Henri, S.T.D., b. at Wynghene, Belgium, 12 August, 1875. Education: Seminary, MechUn, and Louvain Univer- sity, Belgium. Ordained 1898; successively professor at the Seminary, Mechlin, and (at present) special professor of moral theology, Louvain University; Canon of the Cathedral of Mechhn. Author of: "La Faculty de th(Sologie de I'Universite de Louvain au XVe siecle et au commencement du XVe (Louvain, 1910); "L'ancienne Faculty de thdologie de Louvain" (Louvain, 1911); "Les grandes lignes de l'histoire des Indulgences" (Louvain, 1912); "Het ideaal van het Christelijk leven" (Louvain, 1913); contributor to: "Vie diocéeaine" (Mechlin); "Documenta ecclesi- astica" (Mechlin); "Analectes pour servir k l'histoire ecclesiastique de la Belgique"; "Archives beiges"; "American College Bulletin"; "One Geloof"; one of the directors of "Revue d'histoire eccMsiatique" (Louvain) . ARTICLE: Lindanus, William Damasus.

De Laak, Reverend Joseph Henry, s.j. Educa- tion: St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri; Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md. Ordained 1890. Professor of mathematics, physics and mechanics, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri.

ARTICLE: Audiffredi, Giovanni Battiste.

De Lacy, Hon. William Henry, b.s., ll.m., D.C.L., b. at Wa.shington, D. C, 8 February, 1863. Education: St. John's College, Georgetown Univer- sity, and Cathohc University, Washington. Practis- ing lawyer 1883-1906; admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the U. S. 1902; judge of the Juvenile Court of the District of Columbia 1906- 1913; associate professor of common law, Cathohc University, Washington; sometime vice-president of the American Institute of Criminal Law; president. Particular Council D. C, Society of St. Vincent de Paul. One of the vice-presidents, International Peace Congress, Washington, 1910; has been a delegate to the American Prison Congress, the National Conference of Charities and Correction, the National Conference of Cathohc Charities. Member of the American Bar Association. Author of: "The Treat- ment of U. S. Prisoners by Probation" (Washington, 1906); collaborator in "Administration of Justice in the U. S." (by Judge De Lacy: "Functions of the Juvenile Court") (Philadelphia, 1910); contributor of article "Non-Support of the Family" to "The Designer".

ARTICLES; Juvenile Courts; Protectories.