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Delamarre, Louis Nakcisse, m.a., Ph.D., b. in France, 1863. Education: University of Paris. Successively teacher of Classics and French hterature, Paris, and tutor, instructor, and (at present) associate professor of Romance Languages, College of the City of New York 1907-1915; associate professor. Graduate School of New Yorli University. Has lectured extensively in the United States for the Alliance frangaise. Member of: the National Society of French Professors in America; the Modern Languages Association; the Society of University Professors; secretary general of the Federation of French Al- hances in the United States and Canada, 1909- Author of: "Tacite et la htt&ature frangaise" (Paris, 1906); contributed articles on contemporary French hterature to "Transatlantic Tales"; editor of "Bul- letin officiel des professeurs francais en AmcSrique" (1907- ).

ARTICLES: Barth^lemt, Jean-Jacques; Bossuet, Jacques- B^NiGUE, Bishop; BhunetiIire, Ferdinand; Campan, Jeanne- LoniSE-HENHlETrE ; Caylus, Anne-Claude-Philippe de Tu- biehes-Gbimoaed de Pestels de Li^.vis, Comte de; Chartieh, Alain; Chastellain, Georges; Christine de Piban; Cor- neille, Pierre; Coppice, Francois Edouard Joachim; Daeeste de la Chavanne, Antoine-Elisabeth; Deschamps, Eustache; Didot (family); Dupin, Pierre-Charles-Francois; Estaing, Jean-Baptiste-Charles-Henri-Hector, Comte d', Marquis DE Saillans; Fauriel, Charles-Claude; Florian, Jean- Pierre Claris, Chevalier de; Gebhart, Emile; Gilbert, Nicolas- Joseph-Laurent; Gresset, Jean Baptiste; Gu^rin, Eugenie de; Guerin, Georges-Maurice de; Huysmans, Jonis ICarl; Jasmin, Jacques; Joubert, Joseph; La Fontaine, Jean de; La Harpe, Jean-Franqois; IjA Moriciere, Louis-Chris- TOPHE L]6oN JucHAULT de; Lapparent, Albert-Auguste de; LiTTR^, Paul-Maximilien-Emile; Nic:eron, Jean-Pierre; Paris, Alex^s-Paulin; Paris, Gaston-Bruno-Paulin; Per- KAULT, Charles; Raynouard, FRANg-ois-JusTE-MARiE; Ro- CHETTE, r>]^siR]S Raoul; Ronsard, Pierre db; Rousseau, Jean Baptist; Scarron, Paul; Thibaut de Champagne; Vogu^, Eug£:ne-Melchior, Vicomte de; Wage, Robert; William of Digulleville; William the Clerk.

Delany, Revekenb Fhancis Xavibr, s.j., a.b., b. at Newburgh, New York, 11 November, 1875. Education: Georgetown University, Washington, D. C; Jesuit scholasticates, Frederick and Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1897; teacher, Loyola School, New York, 1903-1908; ordained 1911; headmaster of St. George's College, Kingston, Jamaica, 1915—

Articles : Raccolta; Scheffmacher, John James; Schnee- tvtann, Gerard.

Delany, Reverend Joseph Francis, a.m., s.t.d., b. in New York, 19 January, 1866. Education: St. Francis Xavier's CoUege, New York; American College, Rome. Ordained 1889; has been professor at the Provincial Seminary, Troy, New York; for some years engaged in parish work; rector of St. Malachy's Church, New York, 1906- . Member of the United States Cathohc Historical Society.

ARTICLES: Accession; Accomplice; Affirmation; Age op Reason; Aggressor, Unjust; Ambition; Amulets, Use and Abuse of; Anger; Avarice; Baptismal Vows; Benedict Joseph Labre, Saint; Calumny; Correction, Fraternal; Death, Preparation for; Decalogue; Despair; Detraction; Dis- traction; Error; Euthanasia; Fear; Gluttony; Good Faith; Hatred; Homicide; Hope; Hypocrisy; Ignorance; Incest; Infamy; Injustice; Intention; Jealousy; Lust; Merct, Cor- poral and Spiritual Works of; Negligence; Obedience; Occasions of Sin; Omission; Parents; Perjury; Prescrip- tion; Presumption; Pride; Prudence; Relationship (Carnal AND Spiritual) : Relatives, Duties of; Religion, Virtue of; Reputation (Property in); Sacrilege; Scruple; Secret; Seduction; Slander; Sloth; Temperance; Temptation; Theft; Vice; Wealth, Use of,

Delaunay, Reverend John Baptist Stephen, c.s.c, liitt.B., Ph.D., S.T.B., J.O.D., b. in Paris, 8 July, 1886. Education: Notre Dame de Ste. Croix, NeuiUy, and Ecole Ste. Croix, Le Vesinet, France;" Sorbonne; Holy Cross College and Cathohc Univer- sity, Washington, D. C; Gregorian University and CoUegio angelico, Rome. Entered the Congregation of the Holy Cross; formerly professor of French and Latin hterature. University of Notre Dame, Indiana; professor of canon law and hturgy. Holy Cross

College, Washington, 1909-1911; 1913- : secre- tary of St. John Chrysostom Society, Cathohc University, Washington. Author of: "Tertullian • and His Apologetics" (thesis for doctorate) (Notre Dame, Indiana, 1912) ; editor of "Annals of Our Lady of Lourdes" (Notre Dame).

ARTICLES: Cl^manges, Mathieu-Nicolas Poillevillain de; Cochin, Jacques-Denis; Cochin, Pierre-Suzanne-Augus- tin; Coll^iqe de France; Syntagma Canonum.

Delaunoit, Reverend Leopold, s.j., b. at Li6ge, Belgium, 11 September, 1865. Education: St. Stan- islaus College, Mons, and Jesuit CoUege, Louvain, Belgium. Entered the Society of Jesus 1882; ordained 1897; has been professor at the Jesuit colleges of LiSge, Turnhout, Namur (Belgium), and Calcutta (India); at present defensor vinouli and fiscal advocate, archdiocese of Calcutta. Contribu- tor to: "Bode van het heilige Hart" (Holland); "Action populaire" (France).

ARTICLE: Calcutta, Archdiocese of.

Delehaye, Reverend Hippoltte, s.j., b. at Antwerp, Belgium, 19 August, 1859. Education: Antwerp; Louvain. Entered the Society of Jesus 1876; ordained 1890; has spent his life, as member of the Society of Bollandists, of which he is president, in hagiographio research; resident in Brussels. Member of the Austrian Archffiological Institute; Knight of the Order of Leopold. Author of: "Syn- axarium ecclesias Constanttnopolitanae" (1902); "Les 16gendes hagiographiques " (1905; 2nd ed. 1906); "Les versions grecques des actes des martyrs Persans" (1906); "Les legendes grecques des saints mihtaires" (1909); "Les Origines du Culte des Martyrs" (1912); "Saints de Thrace et de M^sie" (1912); collaborator in "Analecta BoUandiana"; contributor to: "Revue des questions historiques " ; "Byzantinische Zeit- schrift".

ARTICLES: Hagiography; Henschen, Godfrey; Mahtyr-


Delplace, Reverend Louis, ,s.j., b. at Bruges, Belgium, 16 September, 1843. Education: Episcopal CoUege, Bruges, and Jesuit scholastioate, Louvain, Belgium. Entered the Society of Jesus 1861; profes- sor of humanities, Jesuit scholastioate, Louvain, 186't- 1870; ordained 1876; professor of humanities (1879- 1881) and of Church history (1881-1899), Jesuit scholastioate, Louvain; professor of Christian Doc- trine, Normal School of the Christian Brothers, Louvain, 1903- . Author of :" Histoire rehgieuse de Belgique", 4 vols.; "Le Cathohcisme au Japon", 2 vols.; "La rdforme et la hbert(S religieuse"; has pubUshed various historical documents relating to the Society of Jesus; contributor to "Bien Pubhc". ARTICLE: Mabtyes, Japanese.

Demain, Reverend Henry R., s.j., b. at Brussels, Belgium, 8 July, 1879. Entered the Society of Jesus 1896; former professor at the Jesuit College, Alost, Belgium; ordained 1911; at present, stationed at St. John Berchmans CoUege, Louvain, Belgium.

ARTICLE : John Berchmans, Saint.

Deppen, Vert Reverend Louis George, a.b., b. in LouisvUle, 6 March, 1847, son of Captain Henry Deppen, founder and president of the German Bank of Louisville, and Mary Rosaha Weydd. Education: St. Mary's College, St. Mary, Kentucky; University of Louisville; University of Wiirzburg; University of Innsbruck. While a student, edited "The Athe- nasum", a high school paper; entered upon business career 1866; abandoned it to study for the priesthood 1873; ordained 1878; professor, St. Joseph's College, Bardstown, Kentucky, 1879; missionary in Kentucky 1881; assistant at the cathedral, LouisviUe, 1882- 1892, during this time erecting at his own expense the first church of St. Francis of Assisi and the church of