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the Holy Name, Louisville; secretary to Bishop McCloskey 1882-1901 ; pastor, St. Mary Magdalen's, Louisville, and chancellor of the diocese, 1892-1898; chaplain of St. Xavier's College, Louisville, 1899- . Editor of "The Record", the diocesan organ, since 1883.

ARTICLE : Duhbin, Elisha John.

Deraches, Reverend Jules, b. in the diocese of Cambrai, France, September, 1839. Ordained 1864; engaged in parish and mission work in France 1864— 1876; in charge of missions at Prescott and Tucson, Arizona, 1876-1885; engaged in parish and mission work, Santa Fe, 1885- ; late chaplain of St. Michael's College (25 years) ; chaplain of St. Vincent's Sanatorium and Orphanage, 1910- ; Defensor VincuU, Diocesan Consultor, and diocesan director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, arch- diocese of Santa Fe.

ARTICLE: Santa Fe, Abchdiocbse of.

Derry, George Hermann, ph.D. s.t.b., b. at Portland, Maine, 27 May, 1878. Education: high school, Portland; Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts; St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England; private tutors from Oxford and Cambridge; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland; CathoUc Institute, Paris. Professor of Latin, Greek, and comparative Mterature, St. Francis Xavier's College, New York, 1904^1906, and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1906-1908; principal, Jordan High School, Lewiston, Maine, 1908-1909; principal, Milford High School, Milford, Massachusetts, 1911-1914; lecturer, Redpath Chau- tauquas, 1915; junior master, English High School, Boston, Massachusetts, 1914—

ARTICLES : Bhtjno, Saint, Archbishop of Cologne ; Canis- lus, Thbodorich.

De Sales, Sister M. de.

ARTICLE: Institute of Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart.

De Smedt, Reverend Charles, s.j., s.t.d., b. at Ghent, Belgium, 6 April, 1833; d. at Brussels, Bel- gium, 4 March, 1911. Education: College of St. Barbara, Ghent; College of Our Lady of Peace, Namur, Belgium; Jesuit soholasticates, Namur, Tronchiennes, and Louvain, Belgium. Entered the Society of Jesus 1851; professor of literature and mathematics, Jesuit scholasticate, Tronchiennes, 1856-1860; ordained 1862; professor of Church history (nine years) and of dogmatic theology (two years), Jesuit scholasticate, Louvain, 1864-1870, 1871-1876; on the staff of the "Acta Sanctorum" (Bollandists), Brussels, 1870-1871; BoUandist, Brus- sels, 1876-1911; acting rector, St. Michael's CoUege, Brussels, 1899-1902. Made an address on "Des Devoirs des ^orivains CathoUques dans les contro- verses contemporaines". Second Congress of the Catholics of Normandy, Rouen, 1885; read papers on "L'organisation des 6glises chr6tiennes du 1" au 111° sifecle". International Catholic Scientific Congresses, Paris, 1888, 1891; read paper on "Les origines du duel judiciaire". International Catholic Scientific Congress, Brussels, 1894; lectured on "L'Histoire est- elle une science?" before the Class of Letters, Royal Academy of Belgium, Brussels, 1895. Titular mem- ber (Class of Letters and of Moral and Political Sciences), Royal Academy of Belgium; Foreign Correspondent of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres, Institute of France; Foreign Cor- respondent Royal Academy of Madrid; hon. member Royal Academy of Ireland; Officer of the Order of Leopold; decoration Pro ecclesia et pontifice. Author of: "Introductio ad historiam ecclesiasticam critice tractandam" (Ghent, 1876); "Dissertationes selectae in primam setatem historise ecclesiasticas " (Ghent, 1876); "Gesta episcoporum Cameracensium" (Paris,

1880); "Principes de la critique historique" (LiSge, 1883) ; "J.-B. Victor Kinet et les origines de la Con- gregation des Sceurs de la Providence" (Namur, 1899); "Notre Vie Surnatuielle", 2 vols. (Brussels, 1910, 1911); collaborator in: "Acta Sanctorum", October, Vol. XIII, and November, Vols. I-III (Brussels, 1884-1910); "Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae" (Brussels, 1887); "Catalogus codicum hagiographi- corum latinorum antiquiorum sseculo XVI", 3 vols. (Brussels, 1889-1893); "Bibhotheca hagiographica latina antiquse et mediae aetatis", 2 vols. (Brussels, 1898, 1901); contributor to: "Etudes reUgieuses, historiques et litt&aires"; "Precis historiques"; "Revue des questions historiques"; "Revue des questions scientifiques"; "Comte rendu des stances de la Commission Royale d'Histoire de Belgique"; "Melanges Godefroid Kurth"; associate editor of "Analecta BoUandiana" (since 1882).

ARTICLES: Baert, Francois; Bollandists, The; Bosch» Peter van der; Buck, Victor de; Criticism, Historical; Gamans, Jean.

Desmond, Htjmphret J., b.l., a.m., b. in Ozaukee County, Wisconsin, 14 September, 1858, son of Thomas and Joanna Bowe Desmond. Education: public and high schools, Milwaukee; Wisconsin University. Began law practice 1881; on the Mil- waukee School Board 1883-1890; member of the Wisconsin Legislature 1891-1892; married Susie Ryan, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1898; at present editor of "The Cathohc Citizen", and regent of Marquette University, Milwaukee; proprietor of the "North- western Chronicle", St. Paul, the "New Century", Washington, and the "Memphis Journal", Memphis, Tennessee. Counsel before the Wisconsin Supreme Court in Edgerton Bible Case; chairman of Committee on Education in Legislature of 1891, drawing up Compulsory Education Law, which was enacted; drew up Freedom of Worship Law, also enacted; one of the founders of the Western Cathohc Summer School; one of the organizers of the Knights of Columbus in Wisconsin; member of: the American Historical Association; the Wisconsin Historical Association; the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences. Author of: "Mooted Questions of History" (1895); "Random Notes of a Trip to Europe" (1897); "The Church and the Law" (1898); "Outlooks and In- sights" (1899); "Marked Copy" (1900); "Chats within the Fold" (1901); "A Reading Circle Manual" (1902); "Ways of Well Doing" (1902); "A History of the Know-nothing Party" (1904); "Little Uplifts" (1909); "Larger Values" (1913); collaborator in "Library of the World's Best Literature"; contribu- tor to: "American Catholic Quarterly Review"; "Century"; "North American Review"; "Forum".

ARTICLES: American Protective Association; Cemetery Laws in the United States; Incorporation of Church Prop- erty, Civil.

Devas, Charles Stanton, b. at Woodside, Old Windsor, England, 26 August, 1848; d. 6 November, 1906. Education; Eton; Balhol College, Oxford. Received into the Catholic Church; married (1874) Ehza Mary Katherine (d. 1889), daughter of Francis Ridout Ward; examiner in political economy. Royal University of Ireland, 1889-1898. Member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Author of: "The Groundwork of Economics" (1883); "Studies in Family Life" (1886); "Manual of PoHtical Economy" (1892, 3rd ed. 1907); "The Key to the World's Progress" (1906); contributor to: "The Cathohc Truth Society"; "The Dublin Review"; "The Month".

ARTICLES: Agrarianism.

Devas, Reverend Francis Charles, s.j., b. in London, England, 3 April, 1877, son of Charles Stanton Devas. Education: Jesuit colleges at Beau- mont (England), Feldkirch (Austria), and Evreux