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and Ethics"; contributor to: "Revue nfo-scolas- tique"; "Revue Philosophique"; "Archiv fiir Ge- schichte der Philosophie"; "Critica"; "Revue d'his- toire et de litt&ature religieuse"; "Divus Thomas"; "Etudes f ranciscaines " ; "Revue critique d'histoire et de htt^rature"; "Revue d'histoire ecol^siastique"; " Bulletin de I'acaddmie royale de Belgique " ; " Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica " ; director of the Collection "Les philosophes beiges"; secretary of the "Revue n^o-scolastique".

ARTICLES; Neo-Scholabticism; Nominalism, Realism, Conceptualism; Philosophy; Roscelin; Siger of Brabant; Ubaghs, Casimir; William of Moerbeke.

Dieringer, Reverend Barnabas, b. at Theresa, Wisconsin, July, 1863. Education: parochial school, Theresa; St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin. Ordained 1888; rector, Newburg, Wisconsin, 1888- 1891; professor of German, Latin, and music, St. Francis Seminary, 1891- . Translated and adapt- ed to American conditions Haller, "Vade mecum" (for voice culture).

ARTICLES: Bercharitjs, Saint; Bernard of Menthon, Saint; Bolanden, Conrad von.

Dieterich, Karl, Ph.D., professor of Middle and Modern Greek philology, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany.

ARTICLE: Byzantine Literature.

Dinneen, Reverend Michael Francis, s.s., D.D., b. at Staunton, Virginia, 1860. Education: St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Maryland; St. Mary's University, Baltimore. Ordained 1885; parish work, diocese of Richmond, 1885-1894; professor of philoso- phy (1894-1905) and of pastoral theology (1905- 1909), St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore; professor of philosophy, St. John's Seminarj'-, Boston, Massachu- setts, 1909-1911; professor of moral theology, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, 1911-1913; president, St. Charles College, Catonsville, Md., 1913- Contributor to the "American Ecclesiastical Review".

ARTICLES: Brut^ de R^mtjr, Simon William Gabriel; Good,_the Highest.

Dioime, Narcisse Eutrope, s.b., f.r.s.c, m.d., b. at St. Denis, Province of Quebec, 18 May, 1848, son of Narcisse and Elizabeth Bouchard Dionne. Educa- tion: College of Ste. Anne de la Pocati^re, Province of Quebec; Grand Seminary and Laval University, Quebec. Married (1st) Mary Laure (d. 1895), daughter of P. V. Bouchard of H. M. Customs, 1873; began the practise of medicine 1874; abandoned it for a hterary and journaUstic career 1875; editor-in-chief of "Le Courier du Canada" 1880-1884, 1887-1892; secretary of the Associated Press of the Province of Quebec 1882- ; editor-in-chief of the "Journal de Qu6bec" 1886; librarian of the legislature of Quebec 1893- ; married (2nd) Emma, daughter of Pierre Bid6gar6, of Quebec, 1896; professor of archajology, Laval University, Quebec. One of the founders of the Cercle CathoUque de Quebec, 1876; won two prizes offered by the Spanish Consul General for an essay on Canadian history, 1879; one of the founders of the Associated Press of the Province of Quebec, 1882; won silver medal offered by the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec for the best biography of Jacques Cartier. Member of the Royal Society of Canada; Officer of Pubhc Instruction (France). Author of: "Le tombeau de Champlain" (1880); "Les Cercles agricoles dans la Province de Quebec" (1881); "Etats Unis, Manitoba et Nord-Ouest" (1882); "Historique de I'Eglise de Notre Dame des Victoires" (1888): "La Nouvelle France de Cartier k Champlain (1891); "Vie de Champlain" a891); "Vie de M. Painchaud, Fondateur du College de Ste. Anne" (1894); "Mgr. de Forbin-Janson" (1895); "Hen- nepin" (1897); "John and Sebastian Cabot" (1898); "L'Abb6 Richard, cur6 de Detroit" (1902); "The

Siege of Quebec and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham" (1903); "Quebec under Two Flags" (in collaboration with Arthur Doughty) (1903); "Seryi- teurs et Servants de Dieu au Canada" (1904); "Life of Champlain" (1905); "Les eccl(5siastiques et les Royalistes frangais refuges au Canada (1791-1801)" (1905); "Inventaire chronologique des livres jour- naux et revues pubh^s en langue frangaise dans la Province de Qudbec de 1764 k 1905'/ (1905); "Le Parler Populaire des Canadiens francais" (1909).

ARTICLES: B^dard, Pierre; Cartier, Jacqites; CHATrvTEATT, Pierre-Joseph-Octave; Denonville, Jacques-Ren^ de Brt- SAY, Seigneur and Marquis de; FRioHETTE, LoDis-HoNOEi.

Dissez, Reverend Paulinos Francis, s.s.^ d.d., b. at Rodez, France, 13 July, 1828; d. at Baltimore, Maryland, 25 January, 1908. Education: Prepara- tory and Grand Seminaries, Rodez; St. Sulpice, Paris. Entered the Sulpician Order; ordained 1853; professor of dogma, Sulpician Seminary, Lyons, 1854-1857; professor of philosophy (having Cardinal Gibbons as a pupil) (1857-1862), of moral theology (1862-1902), and of pastoral theology (1902-1908), St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland. Author of: "On the Formation in Seminaries of Candidates to the Holy Priesthood " (pamphlet); contributor to "Ameri- can Ecclesiastical Review".

ARTICLE: Bouvier, Jsan-Baptiste, Bibhof of Le Mans.

Dohan, Vert Reverend Edward George, O.S.A., a.m., B.S., S.T.L., b. at Troy, New York, 12 January, 1870. Education: parochial and high schools, Troy; Manhattan College, New York; St. Thomas College, ViUanova, Pennsylvania. Former teacher^ Manhattan College, New York; entered the Augustmian Order 1895; ordained 1899; former professor at the Augustinian Academy, New York, and at St. Thomas College, ViUanova; prior of the Augustinian Convent and rector of St. Nicholas Church, New York, 1905-1910; president of St. Thomas College, ViUanova, 1910-

ARTICLE: Thomas of Villanova, Saint.

Doherty, Hon. Charles Joseph, k.c, d.c.l., LL.D., b. at Montreal, 11 May, 1855, son of the Hon. Marcus Doherty. Education: St. Mary's College and McGiU University, Montreal. Admitted to the Bar 1877; member of the Council of the Montreal Bar and created Q.C. by the Earl of Derby, 1887; married Catherine Lucy, daughter of Edmund Barnard, Q.C, 1888; puisne judge, Superior Court of Quebec, 1891- 1906; engaged in legal practice 1906-1908; member for St. Anne's Division, Montreal, of the Canadian House of Commons, 1908- ; Minister of Justice of Canada, 1911- ; at present also professor of international (since 1909) and civil law, McGiU University. At one time president of the Literary Society of McGiU University; for several years president of the Montreal Branch of the Irish National League; has lectured "On the duty of Irishmen to the land of their birth and of their adoption"; member of the Royal Commission named to investigate the working of the Catholic and Protestant School Boards of Montreal; awarded a medal, as Captain in the 65th Battalion, V.M., in the Northwest Territory rebeUion, 1885; as a conservative in politics, unsuccessfuUy contested Montreal West, General Elections, 1881, and Montreal Centre, General Elections, 1886, for the legislature; one of the lawyers for the Society of Jesus in its libel suit against the "Toronto Mail"; delivered judgment in the case of the Canada Revue Publishing Company vs. Archbishop Favre of Montreal, 1894.

ARTICLE: Masses, Bequests for (Canada).

Dolan, Reverend John Gilbert, o.s.b., b. in London, 1853, son of Henry Dolan and Constantia Rees; d. 10 April, 1914. Education: Downside Abbey. Entered the Benedictine Order 1870; profes-