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(France) ; various Jesuit scholasticates. Entered the Society of Jesus 1895; ordained 1909; professor suc- cessively at Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, St. Ignatius College, London, and Beaumont College, Old Windsor, England; assistant at St. Wilfrid's Church, Preston, 1912-1914; at present chaplain of the Forces. Collaborator in "Mariale novum"; contributor to: "New Ireland Review"; "Irish Monthly"; "Cathohc World"; "Studies". ARTICLE: Devab, Chahlbs Stanton.

De Ville, Reverend John Baptist, ph.B., m.a., b. at Moena, Austrian Tyrol, 8 December, 1873. Education: Imperial Gymnasium, Trent, Austria; Propaganda, Rome; St. Bona venture's Seminary, Allegany, New York. Emigrated to the United States 1893; ordained 1897; pastor, St. Anthony's Church (Italian), Walston, Pennsylvania, 1897-1912. Organized Italian parishes in the mining towns of Yatesboro, Rossiter, and Frostburg, Pennsylvania; after two years of effort, drove Black Hand organiza- tion from Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, where it had been extremely active. Member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

ARTICLE: Italians in the United States.

Devine, Reverend Arthur, C.P., b. at Kilmactiege, Co. Sligo, Ireland, 1 December, 1849, brother of Reverend Pius Devine, C.P., and of Reverend Thomas C. Devine. Education: private; St. Paul's Retreat, Mt. Argus, Dublin. Entered the Passionist Order 1865; professor of theology, St. Paul's Retreat, Mt. Argus, 1870-1872; ordained 1872; professor of theology in various Passionist scholasticates, principally at St. Joseph's Retreat, Highgate Hill, London, 1872-1878, 1881-1884; 1887-1908; rector, St. Mungo's Retreat, Glasgow, Scotland, 1878-1881; consultor to the Passionist Provincial 1884-1887; professor of theology, Scripture and canon law, St. Paul's Retreat, Mt. Argus, 1908- ; preacher in Irish and English. Author of: "Convent Life": "The Creed Explained"; "History of the Passion' ; "The Commandments Explained"; "The Sacraments Explained"; "Mystical Theology"; "Ascetical Theology"; "The Ordinary of the Mass"; "Frequent and Daily Communion"; "The Law of Christian Marriage"; "Pentecost Preaching"; contributor to: "Homiletic Monthly"; "The Passionist Record", and other Catholic magazines.

ARTICLES: Dominic of the Mother of God; Gabriel Possenti, Blessed; Humility; Idiota (Raymundus Jordanus); Miracles, Gift of; Passionists; Passionist Nuns; Passions; Paul of the Cross, Saint; Perfection, Christian and Religious; Presence of God; Prophecy; Quiet, Prayer of; Recollection; State or Way, Purgative, Illuminative, Unitive.

Devine, Reverend Edward James, s.j., b. at Bonnechere Point, Renfrew County, Canada, 3 March, 1860. Education: schools of Aylmer, Quebec; St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; various Jesuit scholasticates. Entered the Society of Jesus 1879; ordained 1889; for several years missionary on Lake Superior, and in Northwestern Alaska; at present, editor of "The Canadian Messenger", Montreal. Inventor and patentee of an electric signal system for moving trains. Author of: "Among the Otchipwes" (out of print); "Across Widest America"; "A travers I'Am^rique" (translation of the preceding); "The Training of Silas", novel; "Fireside Messages", essays; contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLES : Blomevenna, Peter (Petrus a Leydis) ; Irish, The, in Canada.

Devitt, Reverend Edward Ignatitts, s.j., b. at St. John, New Brunswick, 14 November, 1840. Education: Boston English High School, Boston, and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts; Wood- stock College, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the

Society of Jesus 1859; professor at Gonzaga College, Washington, 1863-1869; ordained 1875; at various times prefect of studies and professor of philosophy at Holy Cross College, Worcester (1876-1878; 1887- 1891), Georgetown University (1883-1886; 1894- 1898; 1899-1911), and Gonzaga College, Washington (1898-1899); professor of philosophy and editor of the Woodstock Letters (1879-1883) and professor of theology (1886-1887), Woodstock College, Maryland, rector, Boston College (1891-1894); archivist and professor of colonial history, Georgetown University, 1911- . Member of the Catholic Historical Societies of America, Maryland, Virginia, and Columbia.

ARTICLES: Blenkinsop, Peter (2), "William and Cath- erine; Georgetown University; Lalor, Teresa; Plowden, Charles; Plowden, Robert; Plowden, Thomas; Plowden, Thomas Percy; Sestini, Benedict; Vico, Francescoe de; Washington, District of Columbia; White, Andrew.

Devlin, Reverend William, s.j., professor of logic and metaphysics, Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts.

ARTICLES: Avila, Sancho de; Benoit, Michel; Barthol- omew OF Braganca; Binterim, Anton Joseph; Cremation; Shirley, James.

De Vries, Reverend William John, o.preem., b. at Schijndel, North Brabant, Holland, 21 May, 1882. Education: Seminary, Bois-le-Duc, and Abbey of Berne, Heeswijk, Holland; course in ethics and economics imder Dr. J. Nouens. Entered the Premonstratensian Order 1902; ordained 1907; sent to America 1905; professor (at present of Latin), St. Norbert's College, West De Pere, Wisconsin, 1906-

professor of philosophy and ethics, Premonstra-

tensian scholasticate. West De Pere, 1907- Member of the American Academy of Pohtical and Social Science. Contributor to the "Annals" (O.Praem.), and to various American and Dutch periodicals.

ARTICLES: Hollanders in the United States.

De Wulf, Maurice Marie Charles Joseph, LL.D., ph.D.j Litt.D., K.S.G., Dr. Thomistic Philosophy, b. at Popermghe, Belgium, 6 April, 1867. Education: Louvain University. Professor (at present, of history of medieval philosophy, logic, and criteriology), Louvain University, 1893- . One of the honorary presidents. International Congress of Philosophy, 1911. Knight of the Order of Leopold; member of: the Royal Academy of Belgium; the Administrative Council of the Royal Library of Belgium. Author of : "La Valeur esthitique de la MorahtS dans I'Art" (1892); "Histoire de la Philosophie dans les Pays-Bas et la Principaut6 de Li^ge" (1895); "Etudes sur Henri de Gand" (1895); "Etudes historiques sur I'Esth^tique de S. Thomas" (1896); "Qu'est-ce que la Philosophie scolastique?" (1899); "Histoire de la Philosophie mddi^vale" (1900; 4th ed. 1913; Enghsh translation: Coffey, "History of Medieval Philoso- phy", 1909; German translation: Eisler "Geschichte des Philosophie des Mittelalters", 1913; Italian trans- lation, Balda, "Storia della filosofia mediaevale" 1913); "Le trait6 des formes de Gilles de Lessines" (1901); "Introduction k la philosophie n6o-scolas- tique" (1904; English translation: Coffey, "Scho- lasticism Old and New", 1907; Spanish translation: Lacierna, "Metodos escolasticos antiguos y moder- nos"); "Etude sur la vie, les oeuvres et I'influence de Godefroid de Fontaines", crowned by the Belgian Academy (1904); "Les quatre premiers quodhbets de G. de Fontaines" (in collaboration with M. Pelzer) (1904); "Histoire de Philosophie en Belgique" (1911); collaborator in: "Belgique scientifique " (by M. De Wulf, "Les sciences philosophiques en Belgique") (1908); "Manuel de Philosophie" by the Professors of Louvain (by M. De Wulf: "Precis d'histoire de Philosophie"); Hastings, "Encyclopedia of Religion