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DriscoU, Reverend John Joseph, s.j., b. at St. Louis, Missouri, 13 February, 1868. Education: St. Francis Xavier's School and St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri; Jesuit scholastioates, Woodstock, Maryland, and Florissant, Missouri; University of Chicago, IlUnois. Entered the Society of Jesus 1885; professor in various Jesuit colleges 1892-1897; ordained 1900; engaged alternately in teaching and in parish work 1901- ; chaplain. Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1902-1904; rector, Holy Family Church (1908-1909) and chaplain of Sacred Heart College (1909), Denver, Colorado; rector, St. Patrick's Church, Superior, Wisconsin, 1909-1913; rector, St. Francis Regis Church, East St. Louis, Illinois, 1913-

ABTICLE; Superior, Diocese of.

DriscoU, Reverend John T., m.a., s.t.l., b. at Albany, New York, 2 August, 1866; d. at Round Lake, New York, 24 August, 1916. Education: public schools, Albany; Manhattan College, New York; St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, New York; CathoUc University, Washington, D. C. Ordained 1899; pastor, St. Johnsville, New York, 1891-1894; professor of philosophy and Hebrew, St. John's Seminary, Boston, Massachusetts, 1894^1897; assist- ant pastor, St. Bridget's church, WatervHet, 1897- 1898; assistant pastor, St. Ann's church, Albany, 1899-1900; pastor, St. Cecilia's church, Fonda, New York, 1900-1915; pastor, St. Bridget's church, Watervliet, 1915-1916. Led his class maxima cum laude at the Catholic University winning the first degree (s.t.b.) ever issued from that institution; saved from suppression and estabhshed on a firm basis the mission at St. Johnsville, New York; lectured on philosophical and literary subjects at Catholic Sum- mer School, Cliff Haven, New York. Former trustee, CathoUc Summer School, Chff Haven, founder and president of Albany Cottage there; former member: Albany Historical and Art Society; Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences; United States Cathohc Historical Society; Manhattan College Alunmi Society; Catholic University Alumni Society; Irish-American Ilistorical Society. Author of: "Christian Philosophy, The Soul"; "Christian Philosophy, God"; "Pragmatism and the Problem of the Idea"; contributor to: "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "American Catho- lic Quarterly Review"; "The Catholic World"; "The North American Review".

ARTICLES: Animi6m; Cassidt, William; Deity; Dongan, Thomas; Fetichism; Miracle; Naturism; O'Callaghan, Ed- mund Bailey; Shamanism; Summer Schools, Catholic; Theos- ophy; Totemism.

Drum, Reverend Walter, s.j., b. at Louisville, Kentucky, 21 September, 1870, son of Captain John Drum, killed at Santiago, Cuba. Education: Las Vegas College, New Mexico; Marquette University, Milwaukee; Canisius College, Buffalo; Boston College, Boston; St. Joseph's University, Beirut, Syria; Inns- bruck University; Woodstock College, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1890; teacher successively at St. Francis Xavier's College, New York, and Georgetown and Gonzaga Colleges, Washington, D. C, 1896-1900; ordained 1904; professor of Hebrew and Sacred Scripture (1908- ) and librarian (1909- ), Woodstock College, Maryland. Author of: "Pioneer Forecasters of Hurricanes" (Washing- ton, 1905); "Pastoral Medicine" (in collaboration with Alexander E. Sanford) (New York, 1905); contributor to: "Messenger"; "America"; "CathoUc World"; "American Catholic Quarterly Review"; "American Ecclesiastical Review".

ARTICLES; Hexateuch; Hug, Johann Leonhaed; Hus, Land of, and Name of Three Persons; Incarnation; John, Epistles of Saint; Josue; Judges; La Haye, Jean de; Lainez, James; Lazarus; Magi; Manahem; Manahen; Manasbes(7); Manuscripts; Martin, Paulin; Massobah; Mathathias (10); Menochio, Giovanni Stefano; Parallelism; Patrizi, Francis Xavier; Paul of Burgos; Pereira, Benedict; Perrone,

Giovanni; Pesch, Tilmann; Pineda, John de; Prado, Jerome de; Psalms; Rhymed Bibles; Salmeron, Alfonsus; Seven- Branch Candlestick; Shammai; Solomon, Psalms of; Syna- gogue; Temple, Liturgy of; Theology, Pastoral; Thessa- lonians. Epistles to the; Tobias; Tropology, Scriptural; Trumpets, Feast of; Zabulon; Zachaeias; Zionists.

Druimnond, Reverend Lewis Henry, s.j., b. at Montreal, Canada, 19 October, 1848. Education: St. Mary's College, Montreal; Woodstock CoUege, Woodstock, Maryland; St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Wales. Entered the Society of Jesus 1868; professor of Classics, St. Mary's College, Montreal, 1870-1872; professor, St. Francis Xavier's College, New York (1876-1878, 1879-1880), and St. John's College, Fordham, New York (1878-1879) ; ordained 1883; professor at St. Joseph's College, St. Boniface, and member of the University of Manitoba, Canada, 1885-1890, 1892-1908; rector, St. Mary's College, Montreal, 1890-1892; assistant. Church of Our Lady Immaculate, Guelph, Ontario, 1908-1909, 1912-1913; stationed at the College of St. Francis Xavier, Edmonton, Canada, 1913- ; associate editor of "America", New York, 1909-1910; associate editor of "Canadian Messenger of the Sacred Heart"; chaplain of the Catholic Sailors' Club and of the CathoUc Women's Prison; moderator of CathoUc Social Study Guild, and director of EngUsh-speaking Laymen's Retreats at Boucherville, Montreal, 1910- 1912. Former editor of "Northwest Review", afterwards the "Central CathoUc", Winnipeg, 1894^ 1908; has frequently lectured in Canada and in Minnesota and North Dakota; preacher of the Lenten Sermons, Gesu Church, Montreal, 1911, 1912, 1913. CoUaborator in "Canada and Its Provinces", Vol. II (by Father Drummond: "The Church and the Colony"). ARTICLE : Lac, Stanislaus du.

Drury, Reverend Edwin, b. near Knottsville, Kentucky, 16 June, 1845; d. at LouisviUe, Kentucky, 2 February, 1913. Education: St. Mary's College, Marion County, and St. Thomas Seminary, Bards- town, Kentucky. Ordained 1872; Ufe spent in parish (twenty years) and missionary (ten years) work; chaplain. Convent of the Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross, Nerinx, Kentucky, 1906-1913. Author of "What the Church Teaches" (New York).

ARTICLES: Ball, Mother Frances Mary Teresa; Lo- retto, Sisters of, at the Foot of the Cross.

D's§,, Reverend Mangel Francis Xavier, b. at Moira, Goa, India, 25 November, 1874. Education: elementary schools, Moira; further studies at Mapuga, Portuguese India; St. Xavier's College, Bombay; matriculated at Bombay University; Papal Seminary, Kandy, Ceylon. Ordained 1904; attached to Gloria Church and principal of the Antonio de Souza School, Mazagon, Bombay, 1904- ; vicar, church of N. S. da Saude, Cavel, Bombay, India, 1911- As a seminarian, author of a Latm address from the student body to Leo XIII. Author of: "Documents Concerning the Concordat of 1886" (1907); "Diffi- culties Solved Concerning Double Jurisdiction in Bombay" (1907); "History of the CathoUc Church in India", Vol. I (1910); contributor to: "CathoUc Herald" (Calcutta); "Anglo-Lusitano".

ARTICLES: Allahabad; Garcia Gonsalo, Saint.

D'Souza, Anthont Xavier, p.i.p.s., b. at Calan- gute, Goa, India, 13 September, 1873. Education: primary studies in Goa; matriculated at Bombay University. At present, Portuguese and Concanim translator, interpreter and official stenographer, High Court of Judicature, Bombay. Has held appointments on the Boards of Directors of various social, Uterary, educational, and charitable insti- tutions, Bombay. Hon. Secretary of the Goan Union. Author of: "Life of St. Francis Xavier";