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"History and Miracles of Our Lady of Lourdes" (both in Coneani). ARTICLES: Cuncolim, Martths or; Fassos.

Dubray, Reverend Charles Albert, s.m., S.T.B., Ph.D., b. at Villaines-sous-Luo6, Sarthe, France, 2 November, 1875. Education: Preparatory Seminary, S6es, France; Marist College and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Entered the Society of Mary 1893; sent to America 1894; ordained 1899; professor of philosophyj Marist College, Washington, 1899- ; instructor in philosophy. Catholic Uni- versity, Washington, 1913- . Member of: the Society for Philosophical Inquiry (Washington); the Southern Society for Psychology. Author of: "The Theory of Psychical Dispositions" (dissertation for doctorate) (New York, 1905); "Introductory Philosophy" (New York, 1912); contributor- to: "Catholic University Bulletin"; "Revue de philoso- phie".

ARTICLES: Actus et Potentia; Actus Primus; Actus PuRus; AiLLT, d', Pierre; Analysis; Appetite; Bervanger, Martin de; Blanchard (Duchesne), Jean-Baptiste; Bon- NETTY, Augustin; Bonosus, Bishop of Sardica; Brueys, David- Augustin de; Bus, C^sar de, Venerable; Caen, Uni- versity of; Calepino, Ambrogio; Cally, Pierre; Clichtove, Josse; Colonna, Egidio; Dhuoda; Duhamel, Jean-Baptiste; DuPERRON, Jacques-Davy; Dynamism; Emanationism; En- cyclopedists; Epistemologt; Espence, Claude d'; Faculties OF the Soul: Feanchi, Ausonio; Gaultier, Aloisius-Edouard- Camille; G^doyn, Nicolas; G^rando, Joseph-Marie de; GiNOULHiAC, Jacques-M arie-Achille ; Girard, Jean-Baptiste; Habit; Jacotot, Joseph; Jouffroy, Je.an de; Knowledge; Lafor^t, Nicolas-Joseph; Le F^vre, Jacques; Mersenne, Marin; Naturalism; Nature; Necromancy; Nourrisson, Jean-Felix; Scalimoli (Andrea di Castellan a); Secularism; Species; Teleology; Telepathy; Traducianism.

Dubruel, Reverend Behtrand Marie Marc, S.J., b. at Bordeaux, 4 April, 1874. Education: St. Mary's Institute and College of St. Joseph of Tivoli, Bordeaux; University of Bordeaux; Sorbonne; Catho- lic Institute, Paris; various Jesuit scholasticates. Entered the Society of Jesus 1892; professor at the College of the Sacred Heart, Montpellier, France, 1900-1901; professor at the Jesuit College, Kallcsburg, Austria, 1902-1903; ordained 1906; chaplain of la jeunesse Cathohque, Toulouse. Author of: "Fulrad, Abb6 de Saint-Denis" (Colmar, 1902); collaborator in: " Dictionnaire apologdtique de la foi catholique" (by Father Dubruel and M. ArquilliSre: "GaUican- ism"); "Dictionnaire de Theologie Cathohque" (Gallicanism) ; contributor to : "Etudes"; "Revue des questions historiques " ; "Nouvelle revue th^olo- gique"; "Revuea golog^tique" (Brussels); "Revue de I'histoire de I'Eghse de France"; "Bulletin de htt&ature eccl6siastique " ; "Revue d'histoire eccldsi- astique" (Lou vain); "Messager de Coeur de Jesus" (Toulouse).

ARTICLES : Sacred Heart of Jesus, Society of the (Pac- canarists) .

Duffy, Reverend Daniel Philip, s.s., m.a., S.T.L., J.C.L., b. at Baltimore, 8 December, 1864. Education: St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Mary- land; St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore; St. Sulpice, Paris; Minerva and Roman Seminary, Rome. Entered the Sulpician Order 1888; ordained 1891; has held the posts of teacher of Classics, St. Charles College, Elhcott City; teacher of Sacred Scripture and treasurer, St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Massachu- setts; superior of the Department of Philosophy, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore; superior, St. Austin's College, Washington; treasurer of Caldwell Hall, CathoUc University, Washington; at present, secre- tary and associate professor of Sacred Scripture, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore.

ARTICLES: BRnoiRE, Louis-FRiD^Ric; Eleazar; Eliseus; Esau.

Duffy, Reverend Francis Patrick, m.a., d.d., b. at Cobourg, Ontario, Canada, 1871, son of Patrick and

Mary Ready Duffy. Education: separate and high schools, Cobourg; St. Michael's College, Toronto, Canada; St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, New York; Cathohc University, Washington, D. C. Teacher, St. Francis Xavier's Grammar School, New York, 1893-1894; for a brief period editor of "Catholic Register", Toronto, Canada; ordained 1896; chaplain at Camp Wikoff, Montauk Point, Long Lsland, 1898; professor of logic and metaphysics, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York, 1898-1912; rector (and organizer of the parish). Church of Our Saviour, South Fordham, New York, 1912- ; chaplain. Sixty-ninth New York Infantry, 1914- . Former associate editor of "New York Review", 1905-1909. Contributor to various periodicals. ARTICLE: Abstraction.

Duffy, Right Reverend James Albert, d.d.. Bishop of Kearney, Nebraska, b. at St. Paul, Min- nesota, 13 September, 1873. Education: CathoUc Orphan Asylum, Minneapolis; St. Thomas CoUege and St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul. Ordained 1899; successively assistant at the Church of the Im- maculate Conception, Minneapolis, pastor of St. Ann's Church, Le Sueur, Minnesota, and chancellor and rector of the cathedral, diocese of Cheyenne, Wyoming, 1899-1913; Bishop of Kearney, 1913-

ARTICLE: Cheyenne, Diocese of.

Duffy, Reverend Patrick Edward, s.t.l., b. near Navan, Co. Meath, 5 October, 1871. Education: St. Finian's Seminary, Navan; Maynooth (Dunboyne student). Ordained 1896; lecturer in the ancient Classics, Dunboyne Estabhshment, Majmooth, 1897- 1898; professor of Latin (1898-1910) and vice-presi- dent (1904^1910), St. Finian's Seminary, Navan; Secretary to the Bishop of Meath (1910- ) and administrator of the cathedral (1911- ) MuUingar.

ARTICLE: Meath, Diocese of.

Duffy, Very Reverend Patrick Laurence, A.m., ll.d., Litt.D., b. at Charleston, 25 March, 1851. Education: public and private schools, Charleston; Mt. St. Mary's CoUege and Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland. Ordained 1879; assistant rector, cathe- dral, 1879-1887; rector, St. Mary's Church, 1887- 1892; once more stationed at the cathedral 1892- 1900; rector, St. Joseph's Church, 1900- , Charles- ton; vicar-general of the diocese 1911; diocesan consultor; auditor of the diocesan curia; secretary of the Advisory Board of St. Francis Xavier's Infirmary; member of the South CaroUna Board of Charities; chaplain of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and of the Irish Volunteers. As parish priest, specially interested in hospital work; has lectured before the College of Charleston and the South Carolina MiUtary Academy; organized the Holy Name Society in St. Joseph's parish; participated in the Disputatio Philosophise, Woodstock College, Maryland, 1910; has been a delegate to the National Conference of CathoUc Charities; delegate and preacher. First American Catholic Missionary Congress. Officer of the Catholic Benevolent Legion; charter member and one of the governors, CathoUc Church Extension Society. Author of: "A Wreath of Ilex Leaves", poems, 2 editions; biographical notice in Messmer's edition of works of Bishop England; lectures; sermons; ad- dresses; collaborator in "Library of Southern Litera- ture"; contributor to "Extension Magazine" and of an article on the Catholic Church in Charleston to the Charleston "News and Courier".

ARTICLES: Charleston, Diocese of; England, John, Bishop of Ch.4rleston.

Duggan, Right Reverend Monsignor Thomas Stephen, b. at Deep River, Connecticut, 26 Decem- ber, 1860. Education: public school. Deep River; St. Charles College, Elhcott City, Maryland; St. John's