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Association of America, the Anthropological Society of Washington, the Society for the Preservation of the Irish Language (Dublin); offioier d'Acaddmie. Editor of : "La Vie de Saint Patrice", Breton mystery play (Paris and London, 1908); "Irish Conversa- tional Course with Phonographic Records" (1910); translator of "The Ancient Irish Epic Tale, T^ia B6 Ciialuge" (London, 1913); co-editor of "The Glories of Ireland" (Washington, 1914); contributor to American and European Reviews.

ARTICLES: Ariosto, Ludovico; Abmaoh, The Book of; Boccaccio, Giovanni; Chiabrera, Gabriello; Crescimbeni, Giovanni Mario; Druidism; Filliuciub, Felix; Kells, Book of; Mabinogion; O'Br^in, Tiohernach; O'Grownet, Eugene; O'HussEY, Maelbbighte.

Dunphy, Sister Mart Ambrosb (Julia M. Dunphy), Doctor of Pedagogy, b. at Newburgh, New Yorkj 1 May, 1857. Education: Academy of Mt. St. Vmcent. Entered the Order of Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul 1879; dean of the College of Mt. St. Vincent 1910- . Author of dramas for school performance; editor of "The Children of Providence" (pubUshed annually since 1889) ; contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLE : Charity, Sisters of, of St. Vincent de Paui,.

Durand, Reverend Alfred, s.j., b. at Chan- temerle de Grignan, France, 12 March, 1858. Educa- tion: Apostolic School in St. Joseph's College, Avignon, France. Entered the Society of Jesus 1876; has spent most of his Mfe in teaching and in the study of the New Testament and Oriental languages. Author of: "L'Enfance de Jesus-Christ d'aprfes les EvangUes canoniques" (Paris, 1908; English tr., Philadelphia, 1910); "Elementa Grammaticae Arabicae cum Chrestomathia et Lexico" in fellowship with the Rev. L. Cheikho, s.j., (2nd ed. 1912, Beryti); contributor to: "Etudes"; "Recherches de science religieux"; "Revue pratique d'ApoIogdtique"; "Revue bibUgue".

ARTICLES: Inspiration op the Bible; Testament, The New.

Buret, Right Reverend Augtjstin Alexis, b. at Boussay, France, 2 January, 1846. Education: College of Guesande and Seminary, Nantes. Profes- sor, Diocesan College, Chauv6, 1869-1870; ordained 1870; curate, Limouzinifere, 1870-1871; entered the Society of African Missions (Lyons) 1871; sent with three companions to found an orphanage at Oran, Algeria, 1873; returned to France at death of Bishop of Oran 1876; stationed at Nice 1876-1877; mission- ary in Egypt, where he aided in founding the missions of Zagazig and Tanta, 1877-1885; prefect Apostolic of the Delta of the Nile 1885-1909; vicar Apostolic, resident at Cairo, 1909- ; titular Bishop of Bubastis 1910-

ARTICLE: Dei/ta of the Nile, Prefecture Apostolic of the.

Dutton, Joseph Maria Francis (before conver- sion, Ira Barnes Dutton), b. at Stowe, Vermont,

27 April, 1843, son of Ezra Dutton and Abigail Barnes. Education: Old Academy and Milton Academy, Janesville, Wisconsin. Member of the Janesville City Zouaves, under E. E. Woodman, 1860; enUsted 13th Wisconsin Infantry, under Colonel Maurice Maloney, 1861; quartermaster sergeant 1863; did captain's duty 1864^1865; lieu- tenant 1865; held various positions under United States Government 1867-1870; clerk, L. & N. R. R.^ 1870-1875; investigating agent. War Department, and United States commissioner, 1876-1884; became a CathoMc 1883; with the Trappists, Gethsemani Abbey, Kentucky, 1884-1885; with the Redemp- torists 1886; at present helper at the Leper Settle- ment, Molokai, Hawaii, where he was associated with Father Damien, 1886- . Former Corresponding Member Wisconsin Historical Society; member of the Third Order of St. Francis. ARTICLE: Molokai.

Dwightf Reverend Walter, s.j., writer, b. at Agawam, Massachusetts, 25 June, 1872. Education: high school, Springfield, Massachusetts; Jesuit scho- lasticates, Frederick and Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1894; teacher, St. Francis Xavier's CoUege, New York, 1899-1903, 1907-1910; ordained 1907; literary editor of "America", New York, 1910- ; editor of the "CathoUc Mind", 1914^ . Author of: "Our Daily Bread"; "The King's Table"; contributor to: "American Cathohc Quarterly Review"; "American Ecclesiastical Re- view"; "Messenger of the Sacred Heart".

ARTICLES: Allegranza, Joseph; Buffier, Claude; Dwight, Thomas.

Dwyer, Right Reverend Patrick Vincent, D.D., Bishop of Maitland, New South Wales, b. in New South Wales, 1858. Education: St. Stanislaus CoUege, Bathurst, New South Wales; Clonhffe College, Dublin; Irish College, Rome. Ordained 1882; secretary to Bishop Murray of Maitland and diocesan inspector of schools 1882-1889; president, Sacred Heart College, Maitland, 1889-1897; Coadjutor Bishop of Maitland and titular Bishop of Zoara 1897-1909; Bishop of Maitland 1909- . Episco- pal Secretary, Plenary Council of Australia, 1905.

ARTICLE: Maitland, Diocese of.

Dwyer, William J., editor. Trade News Service, New York, b. at Baltimore, Maryland, 24 December, 1885, son of William Dwyer, of Randolph, Massachu- setts, and Catherine Banahan, of Baltimore County, Maryland. Reporter, newspaper correspondent, technical writer, editor; resident in New York. Contributor to: "Engineering and Mining Journal"; "Metallurgical & Chemical Engineering": "Ajnerican Fertilizer"; "Chemical Trade Journal", London; other engineering, chemical and general periodicals in the United States and abroad.

ARTICLE; Randall, Jaues Rtdeb.