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Eaton, Reverend Thomas J., m.a., b. at Foxford, Co. Mayo, Ireland, 3 March, 1877. Education: private tutors and National Schools; Mungret College, Limerick; Royal University of Ireland; Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland. Teacher and editor of college paper, Mungret College, Limerick, 1897-1898; came to the United States 1899; ordained 1903; in charge of missions in Ala- bama 1903-1904; assistant, St. Peter's Church, Montgomery, Alabama, 1904-1906; assistant (1906- 1907), administrator (1907-1911) and rector (1911- ), St. Mary's Church, Mobile; chaplain. Council 666, Knights of Columbus; diocesan consultor; defender of the marriage bond. As administrator of St. Mary's, enlarged the church and built a school; former State Chaplain Ancient Order of Hibernians (two years); former editor "Alabama Catholic" (two years). Author of: (pamphlet) "The Holy Hour"; "Parish Guide"; contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLE: Mobile, Diocese of.

Edmonds, Reverend Columba, o.s.b., writer, b. at Oxford, England, 15 April, 1861. Education: Fort Augustus Abbey, Scotland; Sant' Ansehno, Rome. Becarne a Catholic 1875; entered the Benedictine Order 1882; ordained 1888; has been at various times teacher in the Abbey School, master of ceremonies (25 years), spiritual director of the Young Men's Society, and charged with the lay brothers Fort Augustus Abbey; at present, engaged in giving missions and retreats, resident at Fort Augustus. Author of: "Early Scottish Church" (Edinburgh, 1906); several pamphlets of Catholic Truth Society series; contributor of liturgical articles to: "Ave Maria"; "The Month"; "Dublin Review".

ARTICLES: Coemgen, Saint; Columba, Saint, of Tehrt- GLASs; Columba, Saint, Abbot of Iona; Columbanus, Saint; Edmund Rich, Saint; Erconwald, Saint; Ernan, Saints; EwALD, Saints; Gildas, Saint; Lindisfarne, Ancient Diocese AND Monastery of.

Egan, Reverend Andrew, o.f.m., b. near Rugby, England, 1858. Education: EngUsh College, Douai, France; various Franciscan scholasticates in Belgium (at Ghent under Father David Fleming). Entered the Franciscan Order 1877; ordained 1884; has held the posts of master of novices, secretary to the Franciscan provincial, editor of the "Franciscan Monthly" (nine years), provincial, definitor, guardian, St. Antony's Friary, Forest Gate, London, 1907-1910; at present, lector of theology (since 1892) and Commis- sary of the Holy Land for Great Britain, (1909- ), resident at St. Antony's Friary. Edited English translation of Coppen's "Palais deCaiphe"; Rigauld, "La Vie de S. Antoine de Padoue" ("Earliest Life of St. Antony of Padua"); collaborator in "Blackie's Encyclopedia"; contributor to: "Dublin Review"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "St. Peter's"; "Tab- let".

ARTICLES: Balmb (Balma), Henrt; Benedicti, Jean; Brugman, John; Pecham (PecchamX John, Archbishop of Canterbury.

Ehrhard, Very Reverend Canon Leo, b. at Fegersheim, Lower Alsace, 19 April, 1859. Educa- tion: Preparatory and Grand Seminaries, Strassburg; Universities of Strassburg, Munich, and Heidelburg. Ordained 1882; professor. Catholic Gymnasium, Strassburg, 1883- . Author of: "S. Sophronii


Anacreonticorum carmen XIV" (1887); "Kanonikup Axinger" (1888); "Das wichtigste vom Invaliditats- gesetz" (,1890); "Sources historiques des Maximes de La Rochefoucauld" (1891); "Eulogius Schneider" (1894); "Mariage du Grand Dauphin" (1895); "Charles Schukneister " (1898); "Le sculpteur Ohmaoht" (1899); "La question d' Alsace-Lorraine et Fr^d^ric le Grand" (1901); "L'ambassade du Prince Louis de Rohan", 2 vols. (1901, 1907); "Kardinal Ludwig von Rohan und die Halsbandgeschichte " (1902); " Bischofliches Gymnasium an St. Stephan zu Strassburg" (1903). ARTICLE: Alsace-Lorraine.

Elder, Mrs. Susan Blanchard, writer, b. at Fort Jessup, Louisiana, 19 April, 1835, daughter of General Albert G. Blanchard and Susan Thompson, both of Massachusetts. Education: St. Michael's Convent, St. James Parish, Louisiana. Married Charles D. Elder (d. 1890), of Baltimore, brother of Archbishop Elder of Cincinnati, 1855; has been professor of natural science. High School, New Orleans, and member of the editorial staff of the "Morning Star"; at present, contributor of articles relating to the history of Louisiana to the "Daily Picayune"; resident at New Orleans. Author of: "Life of Archbishop W. H. Elder" ; "Life of Abb6 Rouquette" ; "Elder Flowers", poems, and of other poems (under the pen name Hermine), prose sketches, and dramas.

ARTICLE: Rouquette, Adrien.

Elguero Iturbide, Francisco, lawyer, b. at Moreha, MichoacAn, Mexico, 1856. Education: Seminary, Moreha. Admitted to the Bar 1880; justice of the peace 1880-1884; practising lawyer 1884^ . President of the Second National Catholic (and First Marian) Congress, Morelia, 1904; vice-president of the Third National CathoMo Con- gress, Guadalajara, 1906. Member of the Philo- sophico-theological Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas of Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico. Author of: "La Inmaculada" (awarded first prize in a contest arranged by the Bishop of Michoacd,n on the occasion of the Jubilee of the Immaculate Conception 1904) ; two volumes of poems; treatises on legal subjects; contributor to: "Pensamiento Cat61ico", "El Derecho Cristiano", and "Revista Cat61ica" (Morelia); "El Pais", and "El Tiempo" (Mexico City).

ARTICLE: MichoacAn, Archdiocese of.

Elliott, Reverend Walter, c.s.p., writer, b. at Detroit, Michigan, 1842. Education: Christian Brothers schools; Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Indiana. At first practising lawyer; entered Congregation of St. Paul the Apostle 1868; ordained 1872; has spent his life in missionary work; stationed at the Apostolic Mission House, Washington, D. C. Author of: "Life of Father Hecker"; "Life of Christ"; "Jesus Crucified"; translated Tauler's Sermons; contributor to: "Catholic World"

ARTICLES: Catholic Missionary Union; Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle.

Ellis, Reverend John Henry, b. at Kinnegad, West Meath, Ireland, 18 Feb., 1876. Education: St. Mary's College, MuUingar, and All Hallows' College, Dublin, Ireland. Ordained 1899; engaged in parish work successively at Grass Valley and Nevada City,