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California, 1899-1902; assistant (1902-1906) and lector (1906-1912), cathedral, Sacramento, California; rector, St. Patrick's Church, Jackson, California, 1912- ; chaplain State Industrial School for Boys. ARTICLE: Sacramento, Diocese of.

Engelhardt, Reverend Zephyrin (Charles Anthony Engelhardt), o.f.m., writer and mission- ary, b. at Bilshausen, Hanover, Germany, 13 Novem- ber, 1851. Came to the United States 1852. Educa- tion: parish schools and St. Francis Seraph College, Cincinnati, Ohio. Entered the Franciscan Order 1872; ordained 1878; teacher, St. Joseph's College, Cleveland, Ohio, 1879-1880; missionary to the Menominee Indians, Wisconsin, 1880-1885; stationed at Superior City, Wisconsin, 1885-1887; vice- commissary for the Holy Land and editor of the "Weekly Pilgrim of Palestine" (New York), 1887- 1888; missionary in Mendocino County, California, 1888-1890; stationed at St. Joseph's Monastery, Cleveland, 1890-1894; superior of the missions in Northern Michigan and of the Indian Boarding School, Harbor Springs, Michigan, 1894-1900; in charge of the Indian Boarding School, Banning, Cahfomia, 1900-1901; stationed in Cahfornia 1901-

engaged in literary work, resident at Santa

Barbara. Introduced Sisters of St. Joseph to Shawano and Keshena, Wisconsin; built and main- tained large boarding school, refeuilding it when destroyed by fire, Menomuiee Reservation, Wisconsin; founder (1895) and editor (five years) of "Anishinabe Enamiad" (Ottawa-Chippewa). Member of the Texas Historical Association; the National Geo- graphical Society (Washington) . Author of: "Kach- kenohamatwon Kesekoch" (Menominee) (St. Louis, 1882); "Kateshim" (Menominee) (St. Louis, 1883); "The Franciscans in California" (Harbor Springs, Michigan, 1897); "Missions and Missionaries of California", 5 vols. (San Francisco. 1908-1916); "The Holy Man of Santa Clara, or Life of Father Magin Catala" (San Francisco, 1909); contributor to: "Katholische Missionen"; "California VoUcsfreund"; "St. Josephsblatt" (Mt. Angel, Oregon); "St. Franziskus Bote"; "Franciscan Tertiary" (Dublin); "St. Antony's Messenger" (Cincinnati); "The Moni- tor" (San Francisco); "Tidings" (Los Angeles); "Church Progress" (St. Louis); German pen name, "Der Bergmann"; English pen name, "Esperanza".

ARTICLES: California Missions; Deyman, Clementine; Diego t Moreno, Francisco Garcia, Bishop of California; Dolores Mission; Dumetz, Francisco; Duran, Narcisco; Friars Minor in America; Magin, Catala; Margil, Antonio; Martin of Valencia; Mambre, Zenobius; Monterey and Los Angeles; Padilla, Juan de; Paloh, Francisco; Patreja, Francisco; Pateras, Mariano; Quevedo, Juan de; SAnchez, Jos^ Bernardo; Senan, Jos^ Francisco de Paula; Serra, JuNfpERo; SiTJAR, BUENAVENTURA; Tapis, Esteban; Viader, Jos^; Zalvidea, Jos^ Maria de.

Engelkemper, Reverend Wilhelm, s.t.d., Ph.D., b. at Munster, 17 March, 1869. Education : Academy and University, Munster; College of St. Thomas de UrtDe, Rome; University of Berlin. Ordained 1891; stationed at Santa Maria dell' Anima, Rome, 1891- 1893; privat dozent (1898-1906), professor (1906- 1908), and professor of Old Testament exegesis (1908- ), University of Miinster. Author of: "De Saadia Gaonis vita, bibhorum translatione, hermeneutica" (Miinster, 1897); "Die Paradieses- flusse" (Munster, 1901); "Die Lehre von der HI. Schrift in der Religionsphilosophie Saadja Gaons" (Miinster, 1903); "HeiUgtum und Opferstatten in den Gesetzen des Pentateuch" (Paderborn, 1908); collaborator in: "Philosophisches Jahrbuch der Gor- resgesellschaft" (by Dr. Engelkemper: "Die Lehre Saadia Gaons iiber die Authebung des Gesetzes' " (1900); contributor of scriptural articles to: "Theolo- gische Quartalschrift"; "Germania"; "Biblisohe Zeitschrift"

ARTICLE: MOnstbr, Universitt of.

Ennis, Very Reverend Adolphus Thomas, b. in Rome, Italy, 7 January, 1853. Education: Gregorian University, Rome. Ordained 1875; has been at various times curate, chaplain, and pastor; former secretary, diocese of Concordia, Kansas; at present, consultor, diocese of Concordia, and (1912- ), rector of St. John Baptist's Church, Clyde, Kansas. Author of: "Ootavius, a Tale of the First Century"; "Introduction to Dante's Inferno".

ARTICLE: Concordia, Diocese of (in America).

Enright, Sister Maey Augustine, b. in Mary- borough, Irelandj 28 May, 1848, daughter of T. C. and Ann Enright; d. at Springfield, 111., 10 October, 1915. Education: Convent in Canada. Entered the Ursuhne Order 1867; engaged chiefly in school work; held the posts 6i directress, LTrsuline Academy, Springfield, Illinois, and first provincial counsellor, Ursuline Southern Provincialate, Dallas (appointed 1906). Represented the province three times at the General Ursuline Chapters in Rome. Occasional contributor to the magazines.

ARTICLE: Dallas, Diocese of.

Espinosa, Aurelio Macedonio, m.a., Ph.D., b. at Carnero, Colorado, 12 September, 1880. Edu- cation: pubhc schools. Veteran and Del Norte, Colorado; University of Colorado; University of Chicago. Assistant, in Romance Languages, Uni- versity of Colorado, 1901-1902; professor of Spanish and French, University of New Mexico, 1902^1910; associate professor of Spanish, Leland Stanford University, California, 1910- . Founding mem- ber and special collaborator, Soci6t6 Internationale de Dialectologie Romane; hon. member of the Chile Folklore Society. Author of: "Metipsimus in Spanish and French" (publications of the Modern Language Association, 1911); "La Cosecha Humana" (Spanish tr. of Jordan, "The Human Harvest") (Madrid, 1912); "El Imperio Invisible" (Spanish tr. of Jordan, "Unseen Empire") (Barcelona, 1915); collaborator in: "Matzke — Memorial Volume" (Stan- ford University, 1911); edited: Echegaray, "El Gran Galeoto" (Boston, 1903); Echegaray, "El Poder de la Impotencia" (Boston, 1906); Ayala, "Consuelo" (New York, 1911); Sierra, "Teatro de Ensueno" (Yonkers, 1917); Sierra, "Canci6n de Cuna" (New York, 1918); Benavente, "El Principe que todo lo aprendi6 en los Libros" (Yonkers, 1918); "Elemen- tary Spanish Grammar (with C. G.Allen) (10 editions, N. Y., 1915-1917); Elementary Spanish Reader" (Boston, 1916) ; "Advanced Spanish Composition and Conversation" (Boston, 1917); Radin, "Folklore de Oaxaca" (Havana, 1916); contributor to: "Bulletin of the University of New Mexico"; "Bulletin of the New Mexico Historical Society"; "Bulletin de Dialectologie Romane " ; " Romanic Review " ; "Revue Hispanique"; "Journal of American Folklore"; "Revista Ilustrada"; "New Mexico Journal of Education"; "Revista Positiva"; "The Monitor".

ARTICLES: Nevada; New Mexico; Penitenteb, Los Hermados.

Euphrosine, Sister St.

ARTICLE: Notre Dame de Montreal, Congregation of.

Ewing, John Gillespie, m.a., San Juan, Porto Rico.

ARTICLES: Ewing, Thomas; Gillespie, Eliza Maria; Gillespie, Neal Henry; Newton, John; Pugh, George Ellis; Pulaski, Casimir.

Eyre, Edward, b. in Dubhn, Ireland, 25 March, 1851. Education: Jesuit school, Belvidere Place; Dr. Quinn's preparatory school, Harcourt Street; Trinity College, Dublin. Married Ehsa, daughter of Dr. James Ainsworth of Belfast, Ireland, 1877; entered the employ of Grace Brothers and Company, Paris, becoming junior partner of the firm, 1876, and full partner, 1880; one of the original founders of the