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Fajining, Reverend William Henry Windsor, b. at Hoboken, New Jersey, 9 July, 1861, son of Charles Windsor Fanning. Education: St. Louis University; St. Ignatius College, Chicago; Wood- stock College, Maryland; University of Innsbruck, Austria. Entered the Society of Jesus 1878; ordained 1894; at various times instructor in classics, St. Louis University, professor of rhetoric and poetry, St. Ignatius College, Chicago (five years), vice-president and prefect of studies, Marquette College, Milwaukee, professor of Classics, Normal School of Jesuit scho- lasticate, Florissant, Missouri, professor of canon law and ecclesiastical history (1899-1913) and dean of the School of Divinity and of Philosophy and Science, St. Louis University; left the Society of Jesus, 1913; resident at Chicago. Contributor to various periodi- cals.

ARTICLES : Abdication ; Acclamation, in Papal Elections; Advocates of Roman Congregations; Advocates of St. Peter; Agents op Roman Congregations; Allocution; Alumnus; Amovibilitt; Apaches; Assessor of the Holy Office; Assessors; Assistant at the Pontifical Throne; Auditor; Baltimore, Plenary Councils of; Baltimore, Provincial Councils of; Baptism; Barruel, Augustin; BiNER, Joseph; Canons, Ecclesiastical; Cathedhaticum; Census; Chaplain; Chapter; Church Maintenance; Cita- tion; Cleric; College; Collegiate; Commissary Apostolic; Competency, Privilege of; Conferences, Ecclesiastical; Confraternity; Conghua; Constitutions, Papal; Curator; Cure of Souls; Cursores Apostolici; Definitor; Delega- tion; Denunciation; De Smet, Pierre- Jean; DEvOLuriON; DiMissoRiAL Letters; Distributions; Filial Church; Forum, Ecclesiastical; Hunting, Canons on; Intrusion; Irregu- larity; Irremovability; Legitimation; Manifestation of Conscience; Marriage, Mixed; Medicine and Canon Law; MiDwrvES; Monastery, Canonical Erection of a; Obreption; Oratory; Papal Elections; Parish (in English-speaking Countries); Pension, Ecclesiastical; Pichler, Vitus; Plenary Council; Postulation; Pr.elatus Nullius; Precept; Presumption (in Canon Law); Prisons, Ecclesiastical; Promotor Fidei; Property, Ecclesiastical, in the United States; Renunciation; Reserved Cases; Scrutiny; Sexton; Societies, Catholic; Societies, Secret; Subdeacon; Suspen- sion; Synod; Tahquini, Camillus; Tenure, Ecclesiastical; Tithes; Tonsure; Trustee System; Vicar; Vicar Apostolic; Vicar Capitular; Vicar-General; Vicar of Christ; Visit ad Limina; Visitors, Apostolic; Widow; Woman (In English- Speaeinq Countries: In Canon Law); Words (In Canon Law).

Farley, John Murpht Cardinal, Archbishop of New York, b. at Newtown Hamilton, Co. Armagh, Ireland, 20 April, 1842. Education: St. Macartan's College, Co. T^rmagh; St. John's College, Fordham, New York; St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, New York; American College, Rome. Ordained 1870; assistant, St. Peter's Church, New Brighton, Staten Island, 1870-1872; secretary to Archbishop (later Cardinal) McCloskey 1872-1884; private chamberlain to Leo XIII 1884; pastor, St. Gabriel's Church, New York, 1884^1902; vicar-general, archdiocese of New York, 1891-1902; domestic prelate 1892; protonotary Apostolic 1895; Auxihary Bishop of New York and titular Bishop of Zeugma 1895-1902; Archbishop of New York 1902- ; assistant at the Pontifical Throne 1904; cardinal, with the title of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, 1911; member of the CathoUo Board of Indian and Negro Missions. Notary at the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore; as archbishop, has given eighty new schools to the diocese; founded Cathedral CoUege; paid off debt of $300,000 on seminary and $850,000 on cathedral; reorganized a,nd increased revenue of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the archdiocese; first to enlist the

interest of the Cathohc laity in and always an earnest supporter of The Catholic Encyclopedia; has labored devotedly in the interest of The Catholic University, Washington; attended the Eucharistic Congress, Montreal, 1910; inaugurated the United Catholic works for social betterment, rehgious uplift, and preservation of the faith of the poor. Author of:

  • 'Life of Cardinal McCloskey"; "History of St.

Patrick's Cathedral"; (pamphlets) "Neither Gener- ous nor Just"; "Why Church Property Should Not Be Taxed" ARTICLE: McCloskey, John, Cardinal.

Faulhaber, Right Reverend Michael, s.t.d., Bishop of Speyer, Germany, b. at Klosterheidenfeld, Bavaria, 5 March, 1869. Education: Gyinnasium, Schweinfurt; Gymnasium, University, and KiUaneum Seminary, Wiirzburg. Soldier and non-commissioned officer in Bavarian army 1887-1888; ordained 1892; chaplain and parish priest 1892-1894; prefect, KiUaneum Seminary, Wurzburg, 1894-1896; engaged in studying manuscripts at the Vatican and other Italian museums 1896-1899; privat dozent (Greek paleography. Biblical archaeology, homiletios, exegesis of the Psalms), University of Wurzburg, 1899-1903; professor of Old Testament exegesis and introduction to Sacred Scripture, University of Strassburg, 1903- 1911; Bishop of Speyer 1911- . Visited England to study manuscripts pertaining to early Christian hterature, spending one semester at Oxiford, 1900; journey to Spain for the same purpose, passing two months at the Escorial, 1902; delegate from the University of Strassburg to the Congresses of Orien- talists, Algiers, 1905, and Copenhagen, 1908; delivered a discourse on "Die hi. Eucharististie als himmliche Seelenspeise", Eucharistic Congress, Cologne, 1909. One of the founders and member of the Scientific Society of the University of Strassburg. Author of "Die griechischen Apologeten der klassischen Vaterzeit", dissertation (1896); "Die Propheten- Catenen nach romischen Handschrif ten " (1899) "Hesychii Hierosolymitani interpretatio Isaise pro- phetae" (1900); "HoheUed- Proverbien- und Prediger Catenen" (1902); "Petrus stirbt nicht" (1903) "Weltkirche und nationale Anstalten", sermon (1906) ; "Die Vesperpsalmen, weiteren Kreisen erklart (1906); "Schule und Religion" (1907); Soziale charitas (1910); "PriesterundVolkundimsereZeit," discourse (1911 20th thousand 1912); "Die heiUge Schrift ein Hirtenbrief der sozialen Ordnung" (1911); "Charakter- bilder der bibhschen Frauenwelt" (1912); pastorals; collaborator in: Kihn, " Patrologie " ; Karo-Lietzmann, "Catenarum grsecarum catalogus" (1902) ; Buchberger, "KirchHchesHandlexikon"; contributor to : "Theolo- gische Quartalschrif t" ; "Biblische Zeitschrif t " ; "Strass- burger Diozesanblatt"; "Katechetische Blatter"; "Madchenbildung"; "Byzantinische Zeitschrift"; "Oriens christianus"; " Monatssohrif t fur katholische Lehrerinnen"; "Literarische Rundschau"; "Theolo- gische Revue".

ARTICLES: Hesychius of Jerusalem; Hesychius of Sinai; Jeremias; Joel; Sophonias.

Favreau, Joseph Arthur, b. at Spencer, Massa- chusetts, 17 May, 1873. Education: St. Joseph's School, WiUimantic, Connecticut; Seminary of Ste. Marie de Monnoir, Marieville, P. Q., Canada.