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Assistant editor (1894-1899) and editor (1899-1902), "Opinion Publique", Worcester, Massachusetts; examiner of stations (1902-1905, 1910-1913), assistant cashier (1905-1909), Post Office, Boston, Massachu- setts; in charge of the Book Department, Librairie Beauchemin, Worcester, 1913-1914; secretary and assistant treasurer, Marlier Publishing Company, Boston, 1914- . Organizer and secretary, General Congress of French Americans of New England and the State of New York, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1901; chief secretary for New England, Permanent Committee of the Congress of the French Language, Quebec, 1912. Secretary of the Franco-American Historical Society (Boston) 1905- ; comptroller of accounts, Executive Committee, L'Union St. Jean- Baptiste d'Am^rique (Woonsocket, R. I.), 1912- Author of "La Grande Semaine" (1909).

ARTICLE: French Catholics in the United States.

Fay, Very Reverend Cyril Sigourney Webster, B.A., S.T.D., b. at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 16 June, 1875. Education: Martins School, Philadelphia; University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia Episcopal Divinity School; Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Anglican clergjmian 1902; successively arch- deacon and canon of the cathedral, episcopal diocese of Fond-du-Lac, Wisconsin, and professor of dogmatic moral theology, Nachotah Seminary, 1902-1908; became a Catholic 1908; ordained 1910; assistant, church of St. Stephen's, Washington, D. C, 1910- 1912; at the Cathoho University, Washington, D. C, 1912-1914; rector, Newman School, Hackensack, N. J., 1915- . Chaplain to the Anghcan Bishop of Fond-du-Lac on his journey to Russia in the interest of the union of the AJigUcan and Orthodox Churches; delegate to the Convention of the Protestant Episco- pal Church of the diocese of Fond-du-Lac, 1907. Secretary of the St. John Chrysostom Society, Catholic University of America.

ARTICLE: Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America.

Fayen, Arnold, Ph.D., Litt.D., b. at Herve, Belgium, 1876. Education: University of Liege. Assistant, Royal Library of Brussels, 1899-1900; associate librarian. University of Ghent, 1900-1902; member (at present, secretary) of the Belgian Histori- cal Institute, Rome, 1902-1912; librarian. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Belgium, 1912- . Sent on historical mission to London and Glasgow by the Royal Historical Commission of Belgium, 1898. Member of: the Historical and Archaeological Society of Ghent; the Belgian Association of Librarians and Archivists. Author of: "Essai d'un repertoire id^ologique de la numismatique beige pour les ann^es 1883 k 1900 (in collaboration with Jean Justice) (Brussels, 1903); collaborator in: "Liber traditionum Sancti Petri Blandiniensis" (Ghent, 1906) ;" Melanges Godefroid Kurth", Vol. I (Lifege, 1908); "Analecta Vaticano-Belgica, Lettres de Jean XXII", 2 vols. (Rome, 1908, 1909) ; "Analectes pour servir k I'histoire eocl6siastique de la Belgique"; contributor to: "Bul- letins de la Commission Royale d'Histoire de Belgique"; "Annales de la Socii§t6 d'histoire et d'arch(5ologie de Gand"; "Revue des Bibhoth6ques et des Archives de Belgique"; "BuUetin de la Soci6t6 d'Etudes de la Providence de Cambrai"; "Archives beiges"; "Musi5e beige"; "Revue de I'lnstruction


ARTICLE: Lambert Le BJigue.

Fenlon, Very Reverend John Francis, s.s., D.D., b. at Chicago, Illinois, 1873. Education: St. Ignatius College, Chicago; St. Mary's Seminary, and Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore; Minerva and Sapienza, Rome. Ordained 1896; assistant pastor, cathedral, Chicago, 1896-1898; entered the Sulpician Order 1900; professor of Sacred Scripture, St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, New York, 1901-1904; professor of Sacred Scripture, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, and president, St. Austin's College, Washington, 1904-1911; president of Divinity Hall, Catholic University, Washington, 1911- . Secretary of the Seminary Conference, Catholic Educational Association, 1904^1909. Collaborator in "Encyclo- pedia Americana"; contributor to: "Catholic Univer- sity Bulletin"; "Catholic World".

ARTICLES: Amalec; Ammonites; Amorrhites; Babnabas, Saint; Bartholomew, Saint; Beatitudes, Mount of; Beel- phegor; Beelzebub; Belial; Beroth; Bersabee; Carri^re, Joseph; Codex Alexandrinus; Codex Amiatinus; Codex Bezm; Codex Ephr^mi Rescriptus; Codex Sinaiticus; Concordances of th-e Bible; Crescens; Emery, Jacques- Andr^; Fouard, Constant; Gosselin, Jean-Edm^-Auquste; Hebrew Bible; Hexapla; Lamy, Thomas Joseph; Leghand, Louis; Le Hir, Arthur-Marie; Lelong, Jacques; Olieh, Jean- Jacques; Sulpicians in the United States.

Fennelly, Mother de Chantal.

ARTICLE: Bridgidines.

Feret, Very Reverend Canon P., s.t.d., b. at Mesnil-Verchves, Eure, France, 5 February, 1830; d. at St. Maurice, near Paris, 1912. Education: Pre- paratory and Grand Seminary, Evreux, France. Ordained 1866; chaplain, Sainte-GeneviSve, Paris, 1867-1871; chaplain of the Lyc6e Saint Louis and of the Lyc6e Henri IV, Paris, 1871-1879; pastor, Saint- Maurice, near Paris, 1879-1912; honorary canon of Evereux 1899. Read a paper on the " Separation des 6gUses et de Y&tkt", Congress of Reims, 1897. Member of: the Society of the History of France; the Historical and Archseological Society of Pontoise. Author of: "Le Christ devant la critique au second sifecle" (Paris, 1865); "La Divinity de J^sus attaqu6e par Celse et d6f endue par Origtoe" (thesis for docto- rate) (Paris, 1865); "Dieu et I'esprit humain", conferences at St. Genevieve (Paris, 1870); "Le Droit divin et la Theologie", pamphlet (Paris, 1872); "Henri IV et I'figlise" (Paris, 1875); "Le Cardinal du Perron" (Paris, 1879); "Un Cur6 de Charenton au XVIII aiecle" (Paris, 1881); "L'abbaye de Sainte- Genevieve de la Congregation de France", 2 vols. (Paris, 1883); "Le Pouvoir civil devant I'enseigne- ment cathohque" (Paris, 1888); "Le clerg6 frangais dans le pass6 et dans le present" (Paris, 1892); "La Question ouvrifere" (Paris, 1893); "La Faculty de thfiologie de Paris", 11 vols. (Paris. 1894H910); (under the pen name of "Baron de la Henni^re") "Pas d'^piscopat k peine des ^veques" (Paris, 1896); (under the pen name of Yves des Bruyeres) "La Paillite de I'Spiscopat frangais" (Paris, 1902); "La France et le Saint-Sifege sous le premier Empire et la Restauration", 2 vols. (Paris, 1911); contributor to "Revue des questions historiques".

ARTICLES: Paris, University op; Sorbonne.

Fernandez, Very Reverend Monsignor Canon Isidoro, Ph.D., S.T.D. , D.C.L., b. 15 May, 1873. Education: the seminary, Buenos Aires; South American College, Rome. Ordained 1895; secretary to the Bishop 1899-1910, and Vicar General 1910–, Diocese of San Juan de Cuyo, Argentina; archdeacon of the Ecclesiastical Chapter and rector of the Seminary, San Juan. Editor of "El Porvenit" (nine years); member of the Franklin Library, San Juan. Author of: "Oración fúnebre de Leon XIII"; "Conferencia sobre el Socialismo"; "Discursos patrios".

Fernandez, Reverend Peter Anthony, b. at Bandora, 27 May, 1864, East Indian of the Maharat- ta-Hindu race. Education : St. Stanislaus Institution, Bandora; St. Francis Xavier's College and Seminary, Bombay. Ordained 1890; administrator of St. Peter's Church, 1891-1898; missionary in Bassein, India, 1898-1904; rector, St. Andrew's Church,