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thee, for thou well knowest that had I the heavens and the earth at my disposal, I would sacrifice all, rather than forego the happiness I am now going to enjoy “What have I in heaven? and besides thee what do I desire upon earth? Thou art the God of my heart, and the God that is my portion for ever.” (Psalm lxxii. 25, 26.)

O amiable Virgin, thou who art styled by excellence blessed among women, show thyself now my tender mother and powerful advocate; obtain for me the grace to receive with faith, purity, fervour, and humility, the divine object of thy ardent love.

Blessed spirits, you who unceasingly attend, love, and adore the Almighty Being I am about to receive, intercede for me at this awful moment, and supply by your ardent charity for the tender devotion with which I would wish to receive my Redeemer under my roof.


O DIVINE Redeemer of my soul, into thy sacred heart I cast all my offences; they are not more numerous than thy mercies, nor can they equal the tenderness of that love which invites me to receive thee.

O Jesus, veiled as thou art, I acknowledge thee for my Lord and my God; I adore thee with all the powers of my soul, and I fervently love thee with my whole heart.


O DIVINE Lord, thou hast at length satisfied the earnest desires of my heart. I possess thee; I embrace thee: O make me entirely thine!

O Jesus, thou who constitutest the happiness of