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the blessed, is it possible that thou art at this moment present in my heart? Yes, I firmly believe that I possess thee, with all the treasure of thy merits.

O most sacred Virgin, who so long bore and so fervently loved the God I now possess, praise and magnify his goodness. Offer him for me those joys which filled thy pure soul at the moment of his incarnation in thy sacred womb, and assist me to make some return for his unbounded mercies.

Remember, O divine Lord, that one visit from thee would suffice to sanctify the greatest sinner. Permit not, then, that I should receive thee in vain. Let not thy precious blood fall on my heart without producing therein the fruits of virtue thou hast so long expected. Oh, take me out of life this moment rather than permit me to relapse into sin l

Adorable Lord of heaven and earth, thou beholdest in my heart thy beloved Son: he is all mine; his abundant merits belong to me at this moment. 1 offer them to thee, O my God; and in return I ask for the most ardent love, sincere humility, and, above all, the grace never to offend thee by any mortal sin.


Hearing Mass after Communion.


O DIVINE Jesus, I possess thee now: thou thyself, omnipotent as thou art, can give me nothing more estimable, more precious. O my God, how canst thou possibly endure thy present habitation, far more wretched than the stable in which thou