(About ten lines lost here.)
Here we see that Izdubar, impressed with the magnitude of the task he had undertaken, makes a prayer and sacrifice to Shamas to aid him in his task. The next fragment appears also to belong to this column, and may refer to preliminaries for sacrificing to Ishtar, with a view also to gain her aid in the enterprise.
This fragment of Column II. reads
. . . . neighbourhood of Erech . . . .
1.. . . . strong and . . .
2.. . . .
3. he burst open the road. . . .
4. and that city. . . .
5. and the collection. . . .
6. placed the people together. . . .
7. the people were ended. . . .
8. like of a king. . . .
9. which for a long time had been made10. to the goddess Ishtar the bed . . . .
11. to Izdubar like the god Sakim . . . .
12. Heabani opened the great gate of the house of assembly . . . .
13. for Izdubar to enter . . . .
14. . . . . in the gate of the house . . . .
. .. . . .
Column III.
1. the corpse of . . . .
2. to . . . .
3. to the rising of . . .