. . . .
4. the angels. . . .
5. may she not return. . . .
6. him to fix. . .
7. the expedition which he knows not. . . .
8. may he destroy also. . . .
9. of which he knows10. the road . . . .
Five more mutilated lines, the rest of the column being lost.
This fragment shows Izdubar still invoking the gods for his coming expedition. Under the next column I have placed a fragment, the position and meaning of which are quite unknown.
Column IV.—Uncertain Fragment.
. . . .
1. he was heavy. . . .
2. Heabani was. . . .
3. Heabani strong not rising. . . .
4. When. . . .
5. with thy song?. . . .
6. the sister of the gods faithful. . . .
7. wandering he fixed to. . . .
8. the sister of the gods lifted. . . .
9. and the daughters of the gods grew10. I Heabani . . . . he lifted to . . . .
Somewhere here should be the story, now lost, of the starting of Izdubar on his expedition accompanied by his friend Heabani. The sequel shows they arrive at the palace or residence of Heabani, which is surrounded by a forest of pine and cedar, the whole