Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/120

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110 WBanONSTKB — WIBTlfORLAHD. of Gmss (HOWAU), tfth Babl or Cablhu. Sha^ vIm «m k It Jm^ 18S4, A 19 I>e& 18S0, At BrmakaouM tower, BotiriMiiioath, mad vm to", ai Rfdffrnn He m., Meondly. 29 Jum 1882, ai the cfaapel at Hulkhaai Hoom^ Norfolk, KatkaiUM CaroliiM, 8d da of WflHam Qoor;;^ f CATmitiSB), 2d Babov Cruam, by Honriette Fraaoei, da. of the Rt. Hun. Willunn &iuiidcn Sebrigbt I^ascuxb. She waa k Dee. 1S57. J 'Victor AijncAKDiR Gbohtbkor, dijM (mtur 1869) Earl GROsmron, befure that geaeruUg kmowm mm Viaooo'VT BsuiiiaTB, lat a. and h. apt ; ^. 28 April 1858, at SUffonl Hoiiae, St. Jame*' park, Qneao Viaori* in peraoo bemg one of the apniam at hia faaptUm ; ed. «t Ktim ; aomecune an ofliear in the Cheahire Teomanry. He ai. 8 Nor. 1874, at the chapel at Sandbeek houae. oa York, Sibell Maij, 4th and jsL da. of Aldred Fre«lerick Qeoige Bereaford (LuMUr), 10th Babl or SoABnuMJOB. He dL r p.„ of eongeation on the Innga, on 22 Jan. 1884, aged 80, at Saighton Towers, near Cheater, end waa httr. at gedeiton. Adroon. orer £5,000. Hia widow, who waa 6. 25 March 1855. ai. 7 Feb. 1887 (apee. licX in the ehapel at Baton Hall, Oeorge WmDHAU, aometiine Capt Coldatreem Ouarda, gnndaon of the let BaBOB LBOOBTIBLa] [Huoh-Riohard-Abthur Grosvkkor, UyUd Yvaoomvr Bslqrayb, grand- ion and fa. ap, being only a. and h. of Victor- A lezender QBoeTBaon, Mgled Baba Qbosybbob, and Sibell Mary, hia wife, both eborenamed ; 6. 19 Mardi 1879, et Saighton Towen afjid. ; eiL at Eton.] FamUp Atelc».~Theae, in 1883, oonaiated of 15,188 acre* in Cheahlra, valued (indodin^ boiiM |>ro|ierty in Cheater) nt £32,387 a year ; 3,821 aerea in Flintahire ; 744 in Denbighahhre, and 246 in Biicka. Totaf, 19.749 ncrea, worth £38»994 a year. To which, preaumably, ahoiild now (1897) be added the landa then held by the Dow. Marchioneaa, vet., the Motoombe eatate of 8.794 acrea in Doraetahire, and 4,112 in Wilta. Toial of anch addition, 12.906 acrea, worth £26,958 a year. Thia return doea not, however, include the metropolitan area in which the Uuke holda the largeat and the moat valuable eatate oi any one.(") Prindptd SeaU. — Eaton Hall, near Cheater, co, Chester, and Halkin Castle, oo. Flint (^) WESTMOBLAND.(«) JBarldom. J, Ralph (dk Nb'iix), Loud Nevill db Rabt, b. Bnd I 1397 ^' ^' ^^^^ (Nkvill), Iji>md Nbvill dk Rabt, or Lord Nkvill (a ' ' IWrony er. by writ 23 June 1295), by hia arst wif«>, Maud, da. of Henry (db Pbhcy), T^kd Prrcy ; waa 6. about 1854 ; kmigkUd, v.p., in the French expedititm (by the Earl of Buckingham). 1380 ; mc. Co tie pearoffe on bis father's death, 17 Oct 1388. being tbeu abiiut 24 ; waa sum. to ParL from 6 Dec (1389) 13 Ric II, to 30 Nov. (1396) 20 Hie. II.,(<1) by wriU directed

    • Ranulfho de Nevyll de Rahti** and, tuiring filled many important p«iata and being

one of the supfiortt-rs of the King, was cr., 29 Sep. 1397, EARL OP WEST- MORLAND.(<>) He. however, wh4 one of the firat to join Henry (afterwards Hen. IV.), hia wife'a bruiher, on bis landing iu Yorkshire iu July 1399 ; was Eahl MaBSHaL, 80 Sep. 1899, till aUmt 1413; bearer of a sceptre at the coronation of (M See fol. ii, p. 51. uoto "a" (ettoajfaem), under *' Buccleuch.'* (f) Tbe well known Grosvenor gallery of pictures, belonging to this family, is at the spacious towu residence calle<l Qrosveiior House, in Lower Qroaveuor street. This forms part of the block of land (boiin>1ed by Oxford atreet on the north, Daviea street on the east and Park lane on the west) wbicli, together with the Ebury eatnte in Pimliou (see p. 109, not«* ** b ") belongs to the familv of Uruavenor. («) The more correct spelling would appear to be " WestmerUmd," and the deriva- tion to be from mere'* not *'moor.^' Tbe aignature of the 6th Earl waa "C. WestmerUmd," and the name apparently ia ao spelt by the 4th and 5th Earla in their signatures. See facsimiles of all three in " JJoyle.** (<l) There is proof in the Rolls of Pari, of his sitting. (•) He appears to have held no land iu Westmorhmd, but it was " the nearest avaiUble county " [See Round's *' Mandeville," pp. 191 and 272,] to Yorkshire and Durham, where moat of his vast estates lay, (vas., Raby, firancepeth, Middleham, SheHiTHuttoD, fLO. as also was it to his ro/al honour of Penrith.