Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/121

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WESTMORLAND. Ill Hen. IV., 18 Oct. 1399 ; P.C , 1899 ; and recei?eJ id that year a grant for life of the Honour of Richmond. K.<^. aoon after 1 Aug. 1402 : Capt. of Roxbuivh Caatle, 1402-08 ; Warden of the Scotch Marches, kc, taking an active |>art in the suppression of the rebellion of the Perdes, and obtaining pos s e ss ion (in, apparently, a somewhat unserupiilons manner) of Archbishop Scrope and the young Lord Mowbray (generally known as " EnrI Marshal **) who were hastily executed. From this time, tiil his death, he was constantly employed in Scotch affairs, takir^; no part in the iuTasion of France in 1415 ;(") was one of the executors of Hen. V. in 1421, and a Councillor of Regency, 5 Dec. 1422. He m., firstly, about 1888 (dtsp. from Pope Urban V.), Margaret, da. of Hugh (Stafford), 2d Rarl Stafford, by Philippa, da. of Thomas (nRAUCifAMr), Kahf. of Warwick. She rf., 9 June 1896, and was bur. at Di'Ance|)etli. H« »»., Hisioiully. Iiefore 8 Fob. 1397, Joan (formerly J<«n RiAUFORT, spinster), widow of Sir Kobert Frrrrrs, the legitimated da. of John (rLAirrAORNRT, coUed "nt Oannt"), Dpkr of ^AN0A8TRR, by Catharine, da. of Sir Payne Rorlt. He d. 21 Oct 1425, afced almut 61, and was bur, at Staindrop, under a splendid altar tomb.(^) Will, dat. 18 Oct. 1424. at Raby, pr. at Durham.(«) Esch. 4 Hen. IV.(^) His widow, who had robes of the Order of the Carter on St. George's day, 1899, d. at Howden, 13 Nov. 1440, snd was bur. (with her mother) in Lincoln Cathpdral. Will dat. 10 May 1440.(«) [John Nbviu., Btt/lfujf Lord NsviMi, let a. and h. ap. by first wife, was Gov. of Roxburgh, 1410 ; Warden of the West Marches, 1414 ; Oof. of Vemeuil in France, 1417. He m. (Lie. 29 Aug. 1894(0 to marry at Branoepeth), Elisabeth, sister and eoh«ir (1407) of Kdmund (Holard), Bari. of Kbrt, 5th da. of Thomas, Karl of Krnt. She c/. 1 Jan. 1422/8. E<<ch. 1 Hen. VI. He cf., F.p., 1428, both l)eing bur, in the Qrey Friars, liondon.] IL 1425. S, Ralph (Nbviu.), Earl op WBanroRLAND and Lokd NRviLr^ grandson and h., 6. about April 1404 ; aged 19, when he IMC his grandfather, 21 Oct. 1425, as above; kniyhted by Hen. VL, 19 May 1426 ; sum. to Pari 11 JuIf 1429 ; Capt. of the Scotch Marches, 1486. He m., firstly, (contract at Roche Abbey, 7 May 1426, dispensation ex poH facto from Rome, 80 Aug., and from Tork,^0 28 I^ot. following), Elizabeth, widow of John (Di CuFFORD), T>ORD CLIFFORD, da. of Sir Henry Prrct, tlyled Lord Pbrot (better known as "Hotspur,") by Philippa, da. of Kdmund (MoRTniin). Earl of March. She d. 26 Oct. 1487. He m., secondly, Margaret, cltf ^Hre apparently ttco Jure Baronbss Ck>BHAH, being grand-daughter and h. of Sir Reginald Cobbax. of Sterborough. co. Kent, de jure, apparently, Lord Cobham. (See that dignity.) She dL, 8.p.s., probably some years before 1471, and was bur, at the Friars Minor, Doncaster. The Earl cf., 8.p.s., 8 Noy. 1484, aged about 80. Beeh,^ 2 Ric III. [John Nbvill, gfi/led Lord Nbvill^ only s. and h. ap., by fint wife. He m., Anne, da. of John (Holand), Duke of Exeter. He (2., s.p. and F.p., (*) He is misrepresented in Shakespere (who follows Hall and Holinshead) as resisting, at the Pari, of Leicester, the advice of Archbishop Chtchele, and as being himself present at Agincourt. (See '* Nat, Biogr,"] (^) It is engraved by Stothard, and also in Drummond's *' Noble Britith PamUiee,*' part of the effigy therefrom is reproduce<l in " Dnyle** («) Printed by the Surtees Society in their *' Tett, Durham:* (^) Owing to hinniimerviun fnmily tind tlm Inr^e ealntes he gave U% his imue by his second wife, " tlio lnt)-r ICnrlN of W<«flt.tnorinnd lind n liindnd position inferior to thst of their nncestnrs, who wrre simple T)-in>ii8, and the reni licadnhip of the Neville house passed to [the Karl of SnliKhnrr] the cldont son of Mie second family." ["Not, Bioffr, ] He had no less than 23 [?j children, nine by tlio first and fourteen by the second wife. See a li/»t of these in " 77(0 Oeneah /ift,** N.S., vol. iit, p. 110, where, however, Anastacia (who probably d, in infancy), the 0th child, being the yst. one of the first wife, is omittefl. Of his eleven sons, six were Peers; so, also, of his twelve dAUghters, six were Peeresses, two being Baronesses, one a Countess, and as many as three being Duchef'ses, of which three, the youngest, Cicely, Duchess of York, was mother of two Kings, viz., Ed. IV. and liic. III. (•) See " I/ist, Dundm^* appendix. (') Te$t, Ebor. {Surteea Soc.)