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284 -APPENDIX. ASHTON. Barony. i. Jambs Williamson, of Ashton, co. Laucaster, 2d s. I. 1895. ^' James Wiluambon, of Parkfield in Sootforth, oo. LAOcuiar, Bometime Mayor of Lanctiter (d. 8 Jan. 1879), by El«anor, da. of LaoDArd Uillkb, of Lancaster; was h. 81 Dec., 1842; ed. at the I^ancaster Grammar School: became a suooessfiil manufacturer "(*) at Ashtun, tM. ; High Sheriff for co. Lancaster, 1885 ; M.P. (Liberal interest) for the Lancaster div. of N. Lancaahire, 1886-95, and was er., 25 July ]895,(^) BARON ASHTON of Ashton, co. lAucaater. He was not, however, introduced into the House of Lords till (nearly two years later) 25 March 1897. He si. firstly, 28 Sep., 1889| Margaret, 1st da. of Joseph Qatbt, of Keswick, Gnmberland. She d. s.p.m.. 10 April 1877. He m. secondly, 28 Nov. 1880, Jessy Henrietta, 2d and yst. da. of James Stiwabt, of Clapham, m the West Riding of oo. Yoi^ FamUjf AtelM.— These, m 1888, were under 2,000 acres. Prine^ Ruidinee.^ Ryebuids, near Lancaster. ATHLONE. ».«., Athlonb." Earldom (H.RH. Fnnee Albert Victor OhrMian Edward), or. 24 May 1890, with the Dukidom of Clabihok ahd Avondalb, which see in this appendix ; exiind 14 Jan. 1892. AVONDALE. i.e., " Clarbnob and Avondalb," Dukedom ; see ** Athlonb," next above. BASING OF BASING BYFLETE AND OF HODDINGTON. Barony. i. Thb Rt. Hon. Gborob SolatbrBooth, was er. I 1 ft87 7 J"ly 1887,(«) BARON BASING OF BASING BYFLETE AND OF loo f . . (lODDINQTON, both in co. Southampton. He (whose surname was formerly Solatbr) was Ist s. and h. of William Lutley Sclatbr,!**) of Hoddington House, Hanto (d. 15 Dec. 1885, aged 96), by Anna Maria, da. of William Bowtbr, of the King^s Remembrancer's office ; was b. 19 May 1826 ; ed. at Winchester (gold medal for Latin verse, 1844), and at Balliol Coll., Oxford ; B.A. and 2nd class classics, 1847 ; M A. 1850 ; Barrister (Inner Temple), 1851 ; took the name of SdaUr- Booth in lieu of that of Sdater, 1857, (in compliance with the will of Anna Maria Booth) ; was MP. for North Hants, 1857-85, and fur the Basingstoke division of Hants, 1885-87 ; Pari- Secretary to the Poor Law Board, 1867-68 ; Financial Sec to the Treasury, Feb. to Dec 1868 ; P.O. 1874 ; President of the Local Government Board, 1874-89 ; member of the Oovemicg body of Winchester Cpllege ; F.R.S. ; official Yerderer of New Forest, 1877 and was rawed io the peerage^ 7 July 1887 ss above stated. He m. 8 Dec. 1857, at Crondall, Hants, Lydia Caroline, only da. of Major George Biroh, H.E.LCS., of Clare Park in that county, by Lydia Diana, da. of Samuel Francis Dasuwood, uf Stanford, Notts. She d. 5 July 1881 and was hur. at Upton Grey, Hants. He d. at (•) l%e Morning Poi^ 1 July 1895, under " Resignation Honours," writes that this grantee *'ii described as a manufacturer." (*>) This was one of the four Baronies conferred on the retirement of the Earl of Rosebery from the Premiership; as to which see p. 47, note *'d," tub '* Wandsworth." (0) He was one of the 8 " Jubilee " Barons er. that month. See list of them, in vol. ii, p. 288, note " a," under •* Cheylesmore." ' (^) Tbu William, was 1st s. of Rev. Bartholomew Lutley Sclater, Rector of Whit- tington, Northumberland (d. 1804), and grandson of Richard Sclater, Alderman of London, by his aecoNd wife, Penelope, da. of Philip Lutley, of Bromcroft Castle, Salop. The Alderman's Jirtt wife was Magdalen, da. and eventually heir of John Limbrey, of Tanfper Park and Hoddington House, Hants, estates which were inherited by her children both of whom, however, d. ^18094814) unm., when the last named pniperty nsssfd to their nephew of the half blood tbe said William Lutley Sclater.