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Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/281

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CORRIGENDA, BTO., TO VOL. I. 271 law ctme, howeyer, to an end (on the extinction of peerage) in 1809 ' when the precedence of the office of Great Chamberlain fell again under the operation of the statute of 31 Hen. VIIL* (Sir C. G. Toung*8 ' Order of preeedenee,' p. 21]." line 42, after ** 1728," add "nt htn seat »t Gritngthorpe "; between linee 45 and 46, inaert '*[IIobbht Bbktir, tiifted Lord WtLLOuoBBT, 8. and h. ap. to his father, whto Earl OP LiNnsAT, by m fii-st wife ; 6. 6 Feb. 1683/4 ; d, v.p. nnm. and nnder a^e, at Wolfcnbuttcll in Gerinnnv, about 4 Mny 1704. Adinoo. 3 July 1704] '* ; line 61, after »• P.C/* add ** 1724 "; line 56, after " Edenham," add " ALL" p. 82 ; in mai|;in, /or " Earls/* read " Earldom.*' Line 4, for ** Blisabetb," nod

    • at St. Geo. Han. eq., Klizabeth (' worth £70,000 *} " ; line 6, for <• GuNnR

NlOHOL^ K.B.," r#«rf"GouHTBR NiooLL, K.B."; line 16, for "1786," read '* 1766" ; lines 21 and 24, for "of Kresby," read "de Eresby." Line 29, /or '* 1786," read '* 1779 " ; for ** 6." read ** at the house of Gen. Ditrand in Cork Street, St. James*, Weetm., 11"; line 81, after "India," intert *<by Sophia (sometime wife of George Drake) da. of (— ) Bvodbr " ; line 87, /or " Edenham," read '* Swinestead " ; line 42, /or *' Earl," read "Earldom" ; between lines 42 and 48 ineert — __________^_^__^ f.«., "Ancasteb," Earldom (Heathcoie'Drummond-Wiiloughby)^ cr. 1862 ; see vol. VIIL p. 149, under '< Willoughbt ds Erbsdt." Line 48. for *« ANCRUM," rMcf '* AN CRAM, or ANCRUM " ; line 44, after " Krrr," ifiiert " or Carr " ; line 47, /or « in," read "20 Dea" ; line 51, <^ "1608," ineeH "was H.P. for Aylesbury, 1626-26, and for Preston, 1628-9". p. 83; in margin, for *' Earls," read "Earldom." Line 1, for "person," reiul " fervent loyalist "; line 3, e^ " 1621," add •* (after 6 Not.) "; line 6, after " 1664," intert " shortly after 9 Dee. " : deU lines 10 to 18 and ineert a$ under-- II. 1654. £. Charijis (Eerr)^ Earl of Anoram, &o. [S.], second son, lieinf? only son by teennd wife. He (lieing then alyled ' Lord Carr') was M.P. for St. Miohners, March 1647 till secluded in Dec 1648 ; and eue. to the peerage [S.] in Deo. 1664, according to the epec. rem, in the creation of that dignity. He was subaequently (July to Dec. 1660) M.P. for Thirsk and for Wigan (in 6 parls.), 1661-87-(°) He m. shortly before 1 May 1662. His wife, as also a son, were living 6 Feb. 1676/6, but the latter d. s.p. and v.p. He d s.p.s. in needy circumstances between 1 and 11 Sep. 1690. IIL 1690. . 3, RoBBRT (Rbrr), Earl of Lothian, Earl of Ancram, Ac. [S.], nephew and heir, being s. and h. of William, Earl of LoTHTAN [3.], elder br. (of the half-blood) to the docease<l, which William was 1st s. and h. of the Ut Earl op Anoram [S.], and his only s. by the l<it wife. He was b. 8 March 1636 ; tue. hin father, Oct. 1676, as Earl of JjortfiAN, &o. [S.], and euc. his said uncle, in Sep. 1690, os Rabl of Angham, Ac [S.] He was er., 23 June 1701, MAKQUESS OF* LOTHIAN [S.] ; see that dignity. i.e., *' Ancram/' Earldom [S.] (Kefr), cr. 1701, with the Marqubsatb OF Lothian [S.], which see." deU lines 20 to 24 and intert "ve., ' Akdovkr, oo. Southampton/ Viscountoy (Howard), cr. 1622 ; see ' BsRKSHihs/ Earldom, er. 1626 *' ; line 86, /or " before,^' read " at Sunbury, Midz., 6 " ; line 36, fir " living 1676, but d s.p.m. before 1688," rend **bap. 4 Aur. 1614, at Hoxwell, co. lilssex, but d. s.p., in St. Andrew's, Holborn, in or before 1678. Admoo. 26 June 1673 " ; after last line ineert a line. At end of page add at note " {^) See corrigenda (hereafter given in this vol. viii) to vol. iii, p. 310, line 32, for an account of such Scotch Peers who were also English M.P.'s." p 84; line8, /or "in the Oxford Pari., 1643," rfad "for Radnorshire. 1647-63; /or Dublin (English Pari.), 1669-60, and for Cannarthen, 1660 "; line 20, after ** April 1686," add " of quinsy and was bur. at Farnl)orough, HanU"; line 33, for "6. about 1670," read " bap. 13 July 1674 '• ; line 36, for " Hon.," read " Udy " ; line 43. after " male," ineeH " bap, 18 Jan. 1678, at Farnborough "; line 49, for

    • 13," read " 24 " ; line 61, after " year," add " and was bur. at Ashbomham,"