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Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/282

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272 OOBEIGBKBA, ETC., TO VOL. I. p. 86; lined, tifUr <«•!./' umri *«(Lia Fm. 6 Jan. 1701/2, Moh aboTe 81)": lines 14, 15 and 20, fw " Lobd," rtad *< Babon *' ; line 26, far *< Honckton," rmi «< M onckleigh." p. 86; in margin, /or '*]CarqaeM," rtad " ICarquessate." Between lines 82 and 88 inwn a black line ; Hue 88, afUr " Oxford." odd **ilL.A., 28 June 1786/' p. 87 ; line 14, after " 1795," imert " at the house of the Earl of Jersey in Qrosvenor square*' ; Hue 20, for *' 1801," read " 1781 "; Hue 23» for *hLU marriage," read "her misoonduot" ; line 81. after «* 1810," ituert '*at Altjre in Scotland, and again, 8 Feb. 1820, at St. Geo., Han. sq. " ; Une 83, after " 1888/' interi

    • at Pimtico " ; Hue 36, after " 1844," add "in York street, St. James', and waa

hur. at Lichfield, aged 28"; Hue 48, after 1845," intert ««at Horsham"; line 45, far " 1884," read " 1897." p. 88 ; line 16, after Barldoms " intert *' [Mormaerahips] " ; Une 28, after '* part," imeri " of" ; Hne 40, far *< the," read '* or shortly after, that " ; note (^) line 1, for " the Barldom of Moray," read*' this point." p. 90 ; in margin, for " Saris and Oountesses," read *' Barldom." Line 10, /o

  • ' He also," read " His successor, WillUm the Uon [11651214] " ; Une 12, /o

far (1249-89)," read *< 1214 49)"; line 4 from bottom, after *' Angus/' insert •« Uiough." p. 91 ; Hues 8 and 4, for « Patrick, Earl op MAROb/' read ** Gospatric, Earl of Dunbah" ; Hne 6, for " 1198," read *M198(«>)/' and add ae that note *'(<») According to Sir WiUiam Fmser {Dou^Ute Book, to), ii, pp. 2 and 3) he d. about 1187, and was tuc. by Adam, who is mentioned ae Sari of Angue in a charter of about that date, and who had previously witnessed (▼.p.) i^ charter in 1164 as ' son of Earl Qinbride.' He d. before 1198 and waa eue. by GUchrist (as in the text) apparently his brother" ; Hne 17, after *'York," intert "and d, before 1242" ; last Hne, dule *'See UmfraviU, Barons by tenure." p. 92 ; in margin, for '< Earls," read « Sarldom." Line 11, for *' BARON," read '* a Baron, as LORD " ; note (i), last Une, after ** da. and h. of Alexander," ineert '* [reetiue 1st da. and h. of line of John]." p. 94 ; in margin, for " Barls " and " Earla, Ac.'* read «* Barldom." Unea 2 and 17, after '*[E]." inurt *<also Ia>rd Umfrayill; " lines 12 and 18, dele <' da. of Philip," down to '* Lincoln," and ineert '* sister and h. [1388] of WillUm (di Ktmb), Lord Rtmb, da. of PhiHp, Lord Ktmr, by (— -) da. of Hugh Bigod " ; Unes 25 and 26 i^^^John" down to " Ehibbt/' and ineert Robert (WiL- louohbt). Lord Willouohbt dk Erbsbt, by Margaret, da. of Edmund (Pbinoourt Lord Dbinoourt " ; line 83, after ** s.p.," ineei i " 24 Deo. 1898 " ; Hue 41, /or *' Barons," read '• Lords " ; Hne 45, for ** [fi], or," read ** in England, and " ; line 42, /or '* [S] " read " in ScoUand also." p. 96; in margin, for "Barla and OounteBsea" r«Mf Earldom." Line 16, for *' 1420-1, when his," read ** 1420/1. Admon. (as 'Sir Gilbert VmfraviUe, Knt:) 19 Feb. 1421, at Lambeth. His"; Une 26, eotUitiue **Bia widow Uving 1870." p. 96 ; line 7 after " Margaret," ineert " generally considered to have been ;" Une 8, after " [S]>" ineert " which Margaret, however, was more probably a eieter of the said Sir William " ; line 14, after " m./' ineert ** between 1361 and 1874 " ; line 25, after " 1417/' ineert ••but d. before 23 March 1417/8 " ; between Huea 29 and 30 ineert a black line. p. 97 ; dele lines 1 and 8 from " James " to " bur" and ineert *< Sir Jamea Kbnnbdt, of Dunure. She m. thirdlv (as his second wife), 13 Nov. 1413, WiHiam (Graham), 1st Lord Graham [S.], who was Hving 10 Aug. 1428. She m. fourthly, in 1425, Sir WiUiam Edmonstonb, of Duntreath, and was Hving 1458, having had issue by all four husbanda, and being bur, with the last one " ; line 8, for " d/' rtad ••defeated the English, at Piperden, 10 Sep. 1435.(<») He d. Oct. "; and ineert ae taid note " (^«) Sometimea considered as the battle commemorated in ' Cheap Chaee,' this Earl, being the * £arl DouyUi ' therein mentioned. See vol. vi, p. 84, note(O), enb, 'Northumberland'"; Hne 9, /or "10 Oct 1466," read "22 A(ffil 1484 "; Une 12, after " 1446," ineert " before 9 Sep." ; Une 18, far " (which