Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/285

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. 275 p. 105 ; in mtrgin, /or ** Barons/' read " Barony." Line 1, for '* penonalitj," read *' penoDnlty " ; del$ line 9 and iHurt, " i.#., * Garlbton op Annbr, oo. Tipperary/ Barony [I.] fCarletonJf er. 1789. See ' Garlbton or Clarb,' Vie- oountoy [L] er. 1797; ex, 1826"; line 11, «fier ** Abhbblbt/' imert** or Gabtlbwbixah.*' p. 106 ; in margin, for ** Saris/' remd " Earldom ** ; /or " Barons/* re4id "Barony." Lines 9, 22, and 80, fir "2," remd "2 and 1/' fir "8/' retd

  • « 2 and 8," for " 4/' read " 8 and 4 " ; line 16, fir " Richard Qrovb," read

'* Robert Grovb '*; lines 10 and 17, deUfrom " She " to '* performed,** ituert " by Mary, only child of Richard Rilands, of Dungarvan. She d. 25 Aug. 1791. He snbeequently went thro' the marriage ceremony" ; line 28, for " She d" read " by Alice, da. of the Rev. John Vauohan, Rector of Dromore. She, who was b, 1762, d. at Belfast." p. 107 ; in maipn, for " Earls," read ** Earldom," for " Barons " or " Baron," read «* Barony," fir *< Visoounts/' read ** Viseountoy." Line 1, ofter " down," insert " by Priscilla Cecili^ da. of Col. Robert ARMrrAGB " ; line 2, for '*in Bogland," read "at Oriel Kxige, Cheltenham, tged 66" : line 8, for "living 1884," read "d, 29 March 1891, ased 88, at Donard Lodge, Kewcastle, co. Down, and was bnr, at CastlaweTlnn '* ; lines 4 and 10, for " 6/' read " 4 and 6"; for " 6/' rend " 5 and 6 "; line 21, continue " and rf. 17 and was bur, 22 April 1891 at Castlewellan. He m. secondly, 2 July 1892, Priscilla Elisabeth, da. of William Armitnge MooRB, of Ammore, co. Cavsn ; " line 22, for " Frances," read ** Francis " ; between lines 27 and 28 ineert ae under : ANNESLEY OF NEWPORT PAGNEL. i,e.f " AnkbsiiKY of Newport PAONSii, co. Buckiugham," Barouy [Juueele^)er. 1661 with the Earldom of Arolbbbt, which see; ec 1761. line 28. flA#r " ANSON," rend "or ANSON OF SOBKRTON"; line 81, «/'«" "wns" imtert " b, 23 April and": line 37, fir "for Heydon/' rend <'in the Whig inUrest, for Hedon, 1744-47"; line 42. /or '*he m. 1747," read 1760. He m. 26 April 1748." Between lines 47 and 48, ineert ANSON OF SHUGBOROUGH AND OKGKAVE. p. 108 ; in margin, dde " merged 1831 " ; for '* Earls/' read ** Earldom," for '* Marquess," read *< marquessata." Line 8, for " OrgreaTe," read "Orgrave," ; line 4, for <* Lriobstbr," road Lbiobstbr op Houlham" ; Ime 6, e^fter ** July 1818/* add ** in St Jamee* sq. and wsa bur, at Shugborough "; etfter '* 1848," a<fd 'Mn Harley street"; line 36, /or ** d," read '*was Hnng in 1647, but d, in or "; line 88, after " secondly," tntere " before 16 April 1668 "; last line, for ** d in Kngland, 10 Dec.," read "was hur, at Holywell, co. Flint, 11 Juno." p. 109; in margin, for "1766," read ** 1776"; fir Marquess," read "Mar- quessate ";fir " Earls or Oouniesses," reckf " Earldom." Line 6, after " d," inoert *• 14 April " ; line 16, for «• 1766/' reoil " 1776 " ; after " Antrim," add " His widow wss 6tcr. 27 Sep. 1794, in St. Patrick's, DubUn "; last line, /or " 1779/' read •• 1799," p. 110 ; in margin, for " Baron/' read " Barony." line 10, after « 1836," ineert " at St Geo., Han. sq.," ; line 20, for " His widow Urinff 1884," ineert '* WiU pr. 24 March 1870, under £26,000 [E.] His widow d. 21 April 1892, at Fettercsim House, oo. Kincardine, and was bur. at Southill, Beds., sged 67 " ; Une 28, dele " College." p. 113 ; dde lines 6 and 6 and ineert " 1.0., ' Afslbt, 00. Sussex,' Barony (Saihuret), er. 1771 ; see 'Bathurst/ Earldom, or. 1772, under the 2d Earl, who eue. to thai Earldom in 1776 "; dde lines 8 to 10 ; ineert " i.e., ' Worslbt op ApuLDUhOOMB in the Isle of Wight,' Barony (Andereon-Pdham), er. 1887, with the Karldom op Yarborouoh, which see " ; line 14, for " Walbs was," read " * Wales/(»>) wns " ; line 16, after " writ," ineert ** having apparently resigned the principality of Aquitaine(«)" ; and ineert ae eaid note " («) Aquitaine was erected into a Prinei- ffolit^ in 1862 for Edward, the Black Prince, but was, in 1370 (with the exception of Bordeaux and Bayonue), anuoxed to France. The province was re-oonquered by Heniy V. in 1418, but lost finally by his successor " ; dele Hues 17 to 20, ineert "See ' Corn wall,' Dukedom, 1337 to 1876."