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276 OORRIOENDA, ETO., TO VOL. I. p. 114 ; in nuurgin, /or " VUoounto/' rtad " Yisooimtoy." Una 6. >br *« 1892," rmMd " 1862 " ; line 14, for " Baron," rwd ** Barony fSuUam) " ; dd« linet 16 to 19, imert at bdaw^ ARANE. The othography of the Barony of Ayans and Hamilton [S.] (SUwari)^ cr, 1581 with the Earldom op Arran [S,], haa aometimea been oonaidered aa being Arami [i.e., Arran] ahd Hamiiaon. ARASE. t.6., *'Oranbat, Dunoon and Abasb," Barony [S.] (Camplell er. 1706 with the Earldom of Ilat [3.], and tx. therewith, 1761 ; aee ** Argyll," Dukedom [8.], er. 1701, under the Sd Duke. ARBROATH, see Abbrbrothwiok. laat line, add "and waa hur. 10 in Bath Abbey." •» » . p. 115 ; in margin, far ** Barons," read " Barony." line 8, t^fler <' Bridgeford, add ** by Margaret Qrat " ; line 26, after *< 1887," imtert " at Cortachy " line 28, deU « who" ; for "d, 12 Deo. 1870," read " He d. 26 May 1891, aged 86. Peraoualty aworn at £18,448. X. 1891. 10, John (Arbuihnott), Viscount Arbuthnott, &c., [3.], lit a. and h. ; b. 20 July 1843 ; aometime Lieut 49tk Foot ; eue, to the peerat^e [S.], 26 May 1891. He m., 20 April 1871, at Inchmartine Houae, near Inchture, co. Perth, Anna Harriet, only da. of Edmund Allrh. She d, 28 April 1892. He d, B.p. SO Not. 1895, at Arbuthnott Houae, aged 52. Will pr. at £49,808 peraonalty. XL 1895. 11. David (Arbuthnott), Viscount Arbuthnott and Lord Imtrrbsryu [S. 1641], br. and h. ; b. 29 Jan. 1845; <ue. to the peerage [S.], 80 Nov. 1896 ; unm. in 1897." line 89, >br " to Pari, aa a Baron (Lord Arordrokhr}," read *' to a Council " ; line 40, dele "but never afterwania." p. 116; in margin, for <* Barons," read *< Barony." Line 9, fvr '<Bamber," read "Bramber" ; line 18, after '* Coventry," insert ** M.P. for Coventry and for Bramber " ; dele, linee 24 to 29, aa alao notea (c) and (d) ; line 81, for

  • ' Baron [I.]/' read ** Barony [I.], {Clayton) " ; line 85, fin- '* Boron [L], ruul

« Barony [LJ, (Brabagon)," p. 117 ; in margin, for " Baroness and Barons," read ** Barony." Dele linea 2 to 4 ; imert *'t.#., ' Ardblyr, co. Wicklow,' Barony [L], (Maekeneie). er. 1766 with the ViBOOUMTOT OF FoRTROSR [I], eee 'Sbaforth.' Karldom [LJ er. 1771 ; all honoura becoming extinet 1781. ARDEN and ARDEN OF LOHORT." line 12, fitr " 1772. She," read *< 1770. She, who was b. 4 June 1731, at Quiuta, near Lisbon " ; line 14, for " 2," read " 2 and 1 " ; line 15, after " 1756," add " bap. there 4; ed. at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; M.A. 1777." p. 118 ; in maigin,/M- '* Barons," read " Barony "; for " Earls," read *<Earl. dom," and deU " merged 1841." Line 2, dcU <* Will pr. Sep." to " Mag 1851," ineert " in St. Jamea' place, and waa bur. 11 at Charlton, aged 83. Will pr. Sep. 1840 under £800,000. Hia widow, who waa b, 4 April 1768 and bap. at St. Margaret'a, Weatm., d. 20 May 1851, at Nork Houae, Surrey, aged 88, and waa bur. at Charlton " ; line 8, for *' 8," read " 8 and 2 " ; line 4, for *' a," read « 8d but lat aurv. a." ; dele lines 8 to 16, intcrt ae under-^ ARDENERIE. t.6., "Ardrnbrib" Barony [L] (Bourke or De Burgo), cr. 1580; attaitited about 1596 ; see vol. viii, p. 282 in Appendix.