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282 OOBBiaENDA^ ETC., TO VOL. I. ICABaun or Osva/' wnri a» iaid note **{^) Her father's Bister, another AloioU, was wife of Edmund (de Lacy), Earl of Lincoln, aee toL ▼., p. 90, tub Lincoln " ; Une 17, /or '* early in/' read "9 March"; lines 22 and 28, deU "alia$ Plan- tagenet " ; Une 26, for " In," read *' On 26 Feb." ; line 27, (rfUr <* Wales," imert " Warden of the Welsh marches, 1825." p. 146 ; Uue 18, for " 1806/' read «* 1813" ; line 27, for *'(when under 16)," read

    • (a child m:itch, he aged about 7 and she about 8)" ; line 28, for " Lb Dkspbnobr,

(the younger)," read *'{ Dbspbncbr, the younger), Loud Lb Dbspbnobr " ; line 2tf, for *' no," read ** no 8urviving,(^^)" and intert a» eaid note {^) He had, however, when of the age of puberty, a son by her, for the proceedings iu Bishop Grandison's Kegiiiter (vol. ii., p. 242) shew that ' pnefatus Ricardus cum eadem Isabella in eodem thoro, per metum et verbera, positus, eandem cognovit ctirna* liter et filium ex ea etiam procreavit,' and this again appears when he obtained the Pope's pardon for his marriage with a lady related within the prohibited degrees to the said Isabella, whom it is stated * actu fornicario carnnliter cog- noverat et filium suscitaverat ex eadem'"; lini 80, /or " iu 1845," read **4 Dec. 1844 " i line 81, for '* in the same year, 1845," read ** 6 Feb. 1844/6 (the Papal pardon being 4 March following), at Ditton, in the presence of the court " ; line 87, dele ** generally considered (also) " ; line 45, for " He m. firstly iu," read

  • 'on St Matthew's day, 21 Sep. 1897. He m. firstly, contract 28 Sep."

p. U7 ; line 2, for '* 400 marks) in 1891," reo^f •* 600 marks, 16 Aug. 1890)"; line 7, fir" 1866," read " 1376. at Ludlow " ; line 9, for *' 26 Sep, 1400," read " 24 Sep. 1401 " ; line 26, afccr " he was," intert '* in 1418." p. 148 ; line 1, for " Guienne," read *' Aquitaine (1439)"; line 8,/n* « Hugh," read " £dward(«»)," and intert at taid noU ** (<») See ped. in ColL Top, et Oeu,, vol. ii, p. 886"; line 12, for 'Mn 1891, and," read **14 Aug. 1890; was er, K.B., 12 Aug. 1399, became dejure LORD MALTUAVERS by the death of " ; line 21, after '* m." intert " about 1428 " ; line 22, for '* before 1446," read *< about 1480 [Top, and Oen. ii., 831]"; line 89, after '*tfr.," add *'in 1434." Note (*>) at end intert '* See aUo Betham's Dignitiety p. 180." p. 149 : in margin, for " 1488," read ** 1487." Line 1, after " 1480," inteH "* pr. 16 Feb. 1436/6 " ; lines 1 and 2, after «* the next year," intert " 19 May " ; line 6, deU "18 or" ; line 11, for *' 1460," read " May 1471 " ; line 16, for *• Joan," read

  • < before (probably long before) 10 May 1469, Joan, 1st"; line 19. Jor *' early in

the year 1488," read " 1487 "; line 20, add ** Admon. 16 Dec, 1487 at Lambeth." p. 150 ; line 8,/©r *' or before," read " Oct."; line 11, /or "iu," read " 21 Nov.," and ^ for " May," read " 1 June." p. 151 ; luie 1,/or "in or before," read " 16 Feb" ; line 4, afUr "widow," intert " who was b, before 27 July 1486 " ; line 7, after " He was," tfiMr< *' ed. at Cambridge; was page of Honour to Henry YIII, was"; line 8, for "(Lord Maltraybrs)," read " Lord Maltraybks " ; line 9^ for " in 1536 though only 28 was made," read from " 1640 to 1644 was" ; line 26, for " He m. secondly," read " She d, 1 May 1632. He m. secondly 19 Deo. 1645 (Lie. Fac. off. 6 Sep. 1646) " ; line 27, after "Cornwall," intert '* only child of his second wife, Catherine, da. of Sir Thomas Grbnyillb " ; line 82, /(»r "He m.," read "K.B. 20 Feb. 1646/7. He m. (Lie. London 12 April 1665) " ; Jor " da. and b.," read " 3d da. and co- heir "; bust line, continue " His widow m., between 1578 and 1580, William Dbanb and was bur. 10 Jan- 1680/1, at Gosfield afsd. as * Ann^ Lady Matravert uxor WHUam Deane, Stquire,* In her will dat 26 March 1578. she styles herself * Ladp Ann Mautravert, late wtfe of the }{t, Hon, Henry, Earl of AruuUd,' and bequeaths her residue to ' my tervant,* William Deane, whom she makes executor and who proved the said will, 16 Feb. 1580/1, at the Consistory Court of Tendon. He, who was of Great Maplestead, Essex, m. secondly and had issue and d, 1586. [See £etex Arch. I^oc, pubt. vol. iii, N.S.]." p. 153 ; line 10, after " Cambridge," add " M.A. Nov. 1576 " ; Hue 25, for *< of," read " db," and for " of," read " de " ; last Hoe, for " about," read " nearly." p. 154 ; line 16, after ** made," intert " for life " ; line 28, after " ever," intert " To this is added a clause of precedency granting ' all places pre-eminencet, arma, ensigns and dignities to the said Earldom, Castle, Honour and Baronies belonging ' [See p. 149, note (**)]."