CORRIGENDA, ETO., TO VOL. I. 281 t.<3., " Arran " Earldom [S.] (ffamiltan), er.{9) 1643, with the Duki- DOM OP Hamilton [S.], which Bee. line 3S,for *<of Weeton, eo. HuntiDgdon, rtad '*0F WESTOK, oo. Huntingdon. He WAS er. D.C.L. of Oxford, 6 Aug. 1677"; Ittt line, a/Ur *' fintly/' ituerf " before 16 March 1663/7." p. 135 ; in mArgin, M *' 1693," read " 1693 to 1758." line 2, after " She," imeri " who WAS hap, 10 July 16.51, At St. MArtin's iti the fields "; line 4, for ** 18," read •* 16 " ; between linen 16 And 17 intfrf a line ; line 20, after '< Henry," iruert ** Di Bbvkrwbkt, otheruiee" p. 138 ; line 2. after « OF," imert ** OSSOIIY AND " ; after " mAle," imerl " of the body " ; between lines 4 And 5 insert a line ; line 13, for " 1780," read *< 1730/1 " ; line 22, after "secondly," add *'iu 1711 "; line 28, for "1778," read "about Oct 1779 "; for "Jan.," read " in Dublin, about Jan.". Note (*), line 20, for "Gaulfield," read " Caulfeild." p. 137 ; line 2, after " 1787," ineert " at St. Geo, Han. sq."; line 4, after *< 1882," ineeH "at Bognor, and was bur, at Felpham, Sussex, aged 65 " ; ejter "1887," ineert "at Amn Lodge, Bognor, and was bur, 28, at Felpham afsd., aged 75. Will pr. March 1887 " ; line 14, after " 1838," ineert "at Freshfield Somerset" ; line 17, for " 1884,*' read " 1897 " ; line 27, eoniinue " He m., secondly, 29 July 1889, at the Royal chapel, Cumberland hnlge, Windsor pArk, Winifred Ellen (sometime a Tiady-in- Waiting to 1LR,IL the Princess Christian), widow of the Hon. John Montagu Stopkord, yst da. of John Ubillt, of St. Bridgets, oo. Dublin, by Augusta, da. of Etlward BurtenshAW (Suaoiit), 1st Baron St. Leonards " ; dde line 85, and in»ert "See ' Macdonnbll and Arras,' Barony [S.] (ifaecfenneU), er, 1660 ; ex, 1680 " ; line 37, for « Baron," read " Barony (French):* p. 138 ; in margin, for " EarU," reod " Earldom." Lines 1 to 8, deUfrom " (who ** in "haying," and ineert " having apparently" ; lines 4 and 5, deU "for the first time." p. 139; in margin, /or "1098," rfod "1098 to 1102." Between lines 22 and 23, ineert a line. Note (<>), lines 12 and 13, for " (pure and simple)," read " (i.«., an Earl of some one county or more) " ; line 14, /or " the territories of Chichester," read *'his county of Sussex" ; line 15, after "Arundel," inuri "ChlcheeUr" ; line 16, dde from ** Honours " down to " Watera," ineert '* Earldom. See toL ▼ii, p. 833, note (»)." p. 140 ; line 5, for " Brabant and Lotheir," read ** Lothier(>>^)," and ineert ae eaid note " {^^) He is often called Duke of Brabant, but that title was first assumed by his great gtaudson, Henry I., about 1200." Note (0, line 15, /or " proTinces," recui " province." Note (<»), add at end ** See also p. 145, note (•)." Note (>), add at end " but see (per contra) vol. vii, p. 832, note (*), eid> Sussex." p. 141 ; line 17, after " SuOblk," ineert " In two distinct documents he, strangely enough (poHsibly even by mistoke), appears as EARL OF LINCOLN,(bb) " and ineert ae eaid note " (i^^^), See vol. v, p. 85, note {^), eub Lincoln. See also vol. vii, p. 333, notes (») and (**), as to the various styles of his Earldom, fta" ; line 18, ftn' " Affligam, near Most, in Flanders," read '* Affligem, in Brabant "; line 19, for "9," read "23." p. 143 ; line 1 0, /or " 1 1 93," read " 1 1 93,(*»»)" and ineert aeeaidnoU" {^) It is ouriouB how generally 1196 is, wrongly, substituted for this date. His death is thus entered in the annals of Waverle^ Abbey '1193, anno 5 Kic I. obiit Willelmus, Comes Junior de Arundel hi vigilia Natalie Domini ' "; line 37, t^fter " Arundel," ineert '* br. and h."; line 41, dde *'aliae PlanUgenet" p. 144 ; line 6, after "cf." add "s.p."; line 20, for " became," read *< he must be held to have become de jure"; line 80, for "Rhys DB Vbrdon," read "Rohesia DB Vbrdon (heiress of Croxden and foundress of Grace Dien monastery, co. Leicester), whose children bore her name of Verdon, tho* their father (to whom she was second wife) was Theobald Butlbr [Pineema], the second Baron [L] of that name." p. 145 ; lines 15 and 16, for " Alisons, da. of (— )," read " Aloi8ia(<l0) or Alice, da. of Thomasino " ; after *' Piedmont," tnserl " [1244-99J, by Aloisia, da. of Qeorge, U
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