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Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/297

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CORRIGENDA, BTC., TO VOL. I. 287 p. 182 ; in maigio, /or *' 1826-7," read " 1887." Line 2, ^fUr '* Dwid," in9ert *' d€ Siraholgi"; linei 6 and 8, fir '< 1826.7/' read "ZB Dee. 1827"; line lb, fir "coheir of AlexnDcler (Comyn) 4tb/' fend " heir of line of John Comth)"; line 28, after " m.," imert '* before 1361 "; lines 38 and 84, fir ** Anguii," re^ " Aihole." Note (^), line 2, dele " [writes Blr. Conrthope] " Note (<>), ineert at end, " But query the remsrrisge of Philippa, who d. 1306, whose (first) husband, Sir Ralph Percy, is said to hnve d. in 1399 [3ee Klwes' ' Sueeex,* p. 109]." p. 184; line 26, after "Stkwart," ineeri "probably"; lino 28, e^ "Stewart," ivMcH " uiidoiihte<1ly(i>^)," and add ae taid noU '* {^^) See vol. viii, p. 253, under tlie Vorru/enda, &c. tii vol i, p. 1, ns to tliis being an early instance of the desig- nation of ' Master.' " p. 185 : lines 9 and 10, for " 10 July 1460," read " 22 Jan. 1472/8 "; Une 18, add

    • His widow d. 21 March 1618 and was hur, with him "; line 16, after ** Janet,"

inweri "or Mary"; line 20. a/l«r "firstly," inuH "before Oct. 1588 "; line 88, condude *'Will pr. at Edinburgh. His widow living 15 Aug. 1584"; line 40, afier " wife," add " b. 22 Miiy 1563, nt Dunkeld "; line 81, fir " 4," read *' 24 "; Hue 83, for " enibarassed " read " euibarrassed." pp. 186 to 190 ; in margin, fir " Harqueises," read " Marquestate"; for "Earli or Gountesfles," read "Barldom" ; for " Dukes," read "Due- dom." p- 186' ; line 1,/or " Strwart of Innermeath," read " (Stiwart), Lord Innbrmbath rs.["; lines 1 and 2, for "S-C") of the same," read "(Strwart) 6th Lord iNNRKMSATn •) [S.]"; line 8, after " Airijr [S.yin$en "6. about 1566 ; sue. his father in that |>eerage [S.] in or before May 1579 and*'; line 6, after " 2dly," injeri ** after 1 July 1592"; line 0, after " Atholr," tfiMr< "and Lord Irrbr- mrath"; lines 11 and 17, for "xxv," read "xxiv"; line 1% after "father," tn«er|"asn]so apparently the Baron v of Lmermeath |S.]"; line 23, ybr "zzi," read " zx" ; line 28, after " m.," insert " 6 June 1680 (' tocber 40,000 marks ') "; line 30, mfter "7," intert "and 1"; line 86, after "MURRAY," imert "OF OASK." Note (•) line 1, for " S. of Innermeath abovenamed*" read " 2nd Lord Innbrmbath " p. 187 ; line 8 dde " [xvii«»] " ; line 4, after " &c.," intert " she was living 3 April 1678 "; line 5, for "3 or 8," r«wf, " 2, 8 or 8, and 1 " ; line 80, afier " firsUy " add " Contract 24 April 1688) " ; line 87, for " 1676 " read " 1696." p. 188; line 8» after "attainted" add "17 Feb. 1716/6"; line 12, for "4 or 9.'* read "2, 3, 4 or 9" ; line 37, afUr "d." add "s.p.m.8." ; lines 38 and 89, for

    • in London " read " at St. Geo. Han. sq."

p. 189 ; line 1, for " 5 or 10," read "3, 4, 6 or 10 " ; line 81, for " 6 or 11 " read "4, 5, 6 or 11." p. 190 ; lines 11, 16 and 81, /br « 7 or 12," read " 6, 6, 7 or 12 "; for « 8 or 18," read " 6, 7, 8 or 18," and /or •• 9 or 14," read " 7, 8, 9 or 14 "; line 4, for " in London," read " (within a few weeks of his futher*s death) at her father's house, Oroe- Tenor plsoe, St Geo., Han. sq. " ; line 6, for " there," read " in Hanover square"; line 9, after "1830," add "at Dunkeld, aged 75"; line 10, after

    • 1842," add *'at Dunkeld afsd., aged 80" ; line 14, for "14 Sep. 1846," read

" at St. John's wood. Marylnbone, 14 and was 6iir. 26 Sep. 1846 at Dunkeld, aged 68"; line 23, after "1814," intert "in Great Cumberland pisce, Marylebone ; sometime (1834) an officer in 2d Dragoon Guards, retiring 1840 " ; line 25, after " 1839," intert **at Binir Drummond" ; line 30, after " Bedchamber," add "to 1897, being Acting Mistress of the Robes, 1892," after " (3d Class)," add "She d. at Dunkfid, 18 and was hur. 22 May 1897 at Blair Atholl"; line 35, after "1606," intert "1628" ; Une 38, after "(1604)," intert "Lord Murray of Gask (1628)." p. 191 ; in margin, /or " Barons " read " Barony." Between lines 16 and 17 inteH The Dukes of Atholl are among the 28 Noblemen, who, in 1883, possessed above 100,000 acres in the United Kingdom, and in point of acreage (tho' by no means in rental) stand sixth. See a list of these in vol. ii, p. 51, note {*), tub " Bucoleuch." line 18, for "See," rend "».e."; for "Baron; er. 1831," read "Barony (J/iirroy),cr. 1831 ; see ' Durmorx ' Karlduui [I.],cr. 1086, under th«5tb KmrU