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288 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. p. 192; line 2, far *' Baron," r^ad *' Baronj (^TiO) ; dd€ linei 4 to 17. as also noU (*) which nifera to them ; inuri a< note (*) the note given for thia p. 192, in vol. i, p. 406 (corrigenda J, and make reference "a" therbto. p. 193 : in margin, for " 1570 t" read ** 1567." Line 7, fin- '< Beatrix d'Apkohkr," read "in 1444, Beatrix, da. of Bemud, 8«igneur D'Apchirr by Anue, da. aud h. of Geniud, Seigneur DB la €k)HM ; line 12, for " dM.," read '* CoyTissK dk KiAOMOKT LK U(K}RR, only iHgit. cliild " ; line 13, for " Naduont," retid ** Hau- MONT" ; afur *' Qubmtin," iueert * in Ia Marche, Com to de Beaumont le Uoger, by Jeanne, illegit. da. of Jean II„ Duo d'Albmoon " ; line 15, afler '*£lbOO," add " Hia widow m. in 1510, Aubert DKa Aqbs" ; line 21, afUr " 1508," inaerl " He was a Knight of 8t. Michael uf Fi-ance and Oupt. uf the 100 Scotch GujinU " ; line 22. for " waa," read " were " ; line 25, for *' db I^onqubvillb," read " dn. and coheir of Fninoois, Seigneur dk la. Qubuillk" ; line 32, after "Avignon," add " He m. Anne, yr. siater of Jacqueline, her hiiaband'a stepmother, da. of Francois, Seigneur db la Qdbuillk. He d, 1567. Hia wMow'a will is dat. 4 Dec. 1579"; lines 36 and 37, for **TORBOLTOUN AND DALKEITH" read ** DALKEITH, TOIlBOLTOaNT AND ARERDOUR"; Unea 39 and 46, for " Duke " read ** Dukedom." p. 194; ImeS. after "[B.]" inaert "6. 17 July 1618 at Bath house, Holbom"; line 4, after " homage " ineert *< to Louis XIII, of France " ; aftir *' m " add " May 1688." p. 195 ; dde lines 5 to 16 down to '* abo?eDamed(B) " and imert a$ under — IX. 1642. Lord Ludovick Stuart, Lord of AnBTaNT(^) afsd., 5th s, of Eame, 8d DuKB of Lbmnoz, &q. [S.], and nest br. of Lord George Stuart, Lord of Aubiomy aboveuamed, was 6. 14 Oct 1619. He assumed the Lordship of Aubigny on the death (1642) of his said brotUer, George, ignoring the right thereto of that brother's issue. ("() Between lines 21 and 22 tnier^ at under — X, 1665, Oharlbs Stuart, "Ix>rd Stuart, Lord Aubignt,"(*) to only a. and h. of George, Lord ov Aubiqnt abovenamed^ and nephew 1672. o^ Ludovick, the last bolder of that lordship, was b. in London, 1639. He appears not to have been recognised a^ the owner of the Li*rdMhip of Aubigny (or, at all events, not m to the entirety) till after (his uncle Ludovick's death) 1665, but, about 5 years later, he did homage for it (by pnizy) in May 1670. He had previously (10 Dea 1645) Iwen a-. RAUL OF LICHFIKLD, &c, and (14 Auir. 1660) had auc. his cousin aa DUKE OF HIOHMOND, &c [U.], and DUKB OF LENNOX, kc. [S.] He d. 8.p. 12 Dec. 1672, when ail Ai« houourt, save the Barony of Clifton de Leigh ton Bnimswold, became extincl or merged in Uie Oown, For fuller particulars see " Lennox," Dukedom [S.], cr, 1581, ex. 1672, tub the 6th Duke. line 2% after "issue/* xnteH <'male" ; line 30, for "This r>atent/' read "The grant of Aubigny (but not the erection thereof into a Duchd-pair^) " ; line 31, for " in her 88th year," read " aged about 87." Note (*), line 1, after " styled," add " many years before the death of his uncle, Ludovick, viz** Note (^, for " 1660," read " 1666." Note (8), lines 4 uud 5, dde " in all probability " ; after '* Bernard/' for " and next yst.," read " (who were 6. respectively in 1621 aud 1622) and next yr." p. 196 ; in margin, for " Barona," read Barony " ; for " Earl," read " Earl- doxn/' IkU lines 2 to 13 and intert at under — t.tf., " Darklbt, Aubigny and Dalkbith," Barony [S.] (SUtart), cr, 1680 with the Earldom of Lkmnox [S.] ; see " Lknnox/' Dukedom [S.], er. 1581 ; ex, (with the Dukedom of Richmond) 1672. t.«., "AuBiQNY, Dalkeith, Torboltoun and Absrdour," Barony [S.] f Stuart)^ cr, 1581, with the Dukbdom of Lkmnox [S.], which see; ex, (with the Dukedom of Richmond), 1672.