CORRIGENDA^ ETC., TO VOL. I. 289 AUCHINDOUN. t.«., Badenoch, Lochadbr, Strathayok, Balmorb, Auchindoun, Oarthib and Kincardikk, Bnrony [S.] (QotdonJ^ er. 1684 with the Dukbdom of GoRDOir [S.], which see ; ex, 1936. AUCHINLECK. See " Magartnbt of Parrhurst, oo. Surrey, and op Auohinlecr, in the Stffwiirlry of KirciuUtrighV BAniiiy f Macartney /, er, 1796 ; ese., with the Karloou of Macauthbt [1.], 1806. AUCHMOUTIE. i.e., "AuoHMOUTiB AND Casribberrt/' Barony l^."] ( Ledie)^ er. 1680 with the DuKBSOM OB Rothbs [S.], which see ; ex. 1681. AUCHTERHOUSE. ft.«.y AuoHTBRHOUSE," Barony [S.] (Stewart)^ cr. 1469 with the Earit DOM OF BuoHAN [S.], which see. line 26, ior " 1799 end 1801," read " to 1804 ; President of the bosrd of trade, 180607"; line 28, for Rtiiott," read "Elliot"; line 49, after "1847," add " Vicar of Eyam, oo. Derby, 1823; Reotor of Hertingfordbury, Herts., 1826." p. 197 ; in margin, ernte " Barons by Tenure. 1. Hen. I. ; II. Hen. I. ; III. Hen. II. f; IV. Hen. III. f; V. Hen. III. Line 20, eontmuet *' He d, 17 Feb. 1800, at Edenthorpe, oo. York, aged 61. Personalty. £114,212. His widow m., 10 June 1897, at St. James', Do?er, Philip Simons, of the Grange, in Seal, oo. Kent V. 1890. 5. William Morton (Eden), Baron Auokland [1793], also Baron Auckland [I. 1789J, 1st s. and h., by 6rst wife, (. 27 March 1869, at Frankfort-on-the-Maiue ; sometime, 1880-91, an officer in the army, retiring as Captain ; $ue, to the peeraye, 27 Feb. 1890. He tn., 2 April 1891, at Gate Burton, oo. Lincoln, Sybil Constance, l«t da. of George- Morlnnd Hutton, O.B., of Gate Burton afsd., by Eustace Emma Millioent, only child of Eustace ARKWBiaHT=f» Family £jto(et.— These, in 1883, were under 2,000 acres. RendeneCf Edenthorpe, near Doncaster, oo. York. between lines 21 and 22 intert at under — [Tlie following short notice of such of the earlier members of this family, as were feudal Barons is subjoined.] note (•) eondude "also Qeneaiagiti, let series, toL vi, pp. 16-19, in oonnection with the Lords Martin. p. 198; in margin. deU "VI., VII., VIIL, IX.," "1272, 1273, 1276, 1283"; /or " Barons," rend *• Barony." Line 8, after " Ed. I.," add « She m. in 1274, John D'EiviLi^ who was sum. to {Afontforft) Pari, in 1264 as a Baron " ; dde line 17, and imerl "(whose issue became coheir) of John (Giffard), Lord GiFFARD, by his 1st wife, Maud, da. of Walter Di Cufford. He " ; line 19, far " 10," read ** 1 " and alter in like manner, the numbers of the suoceeding Lords hy eubtiUuUng " 2 " to " 21 " for ** 11" to '* 80 " respeotiTely. p 199 ; line 2, after " 1864," add " He is also said to have m. < Isabel, da. of Itoger, Baron Strange ' [Oenealoffiet, O.S., vol. ▼{, p. 18] " ; in lines 16 and 25, deU the asterisk; line 20, for •• 1408," rerwi " 1408(«*) "; line 26, for " 1465," rend " 1465(»)," and add at mid wU ** (>») There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his sitting"; line 80, for " Sir John " read '*John (Fitzalan or Ardnobl) Lord"; last line, /or •* aborenamed," read "abovestiited." p. 200 ; in margin, for " 1491," read ** 1490." Lines 1 and 13, deU the asterisk ; lines 5 and 15,/or " 1483," read " 1483(~) "; for "1496-7," read ** 1496/7(«»)," and add ae taid note, " {^) There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his sitting "; line 9, for " Anne, da. and h. of Sir Thomas Itcuinoham," read " before 1456, Anne, widow of John RoaERB,(<^) of Bryanstone (who d, Aug. 1450), da. and coheir of Sir Thomas de Echihoham, of Ecliiiighnm, Sussex," and add a$ taid note^ V
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