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GORRIQBNDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. 293 read "1882-90; a Lord in waiUhk, 1887-89; Seo. to he Board of (Trade, 1888-98 ; Sec. for Scotland, 1895 " ; line 41, after " 1878/' add '* iit St Mary Abbotta, Kenaingtou"; deU note (^), and infert "See toI. iii, p. 192, note (*), tub. Dnffua, for a liat of the Soottiah Peera attainted at that date." p. 221 ; in margin, for " Barons," read " Barony." Dde linea 24 and 26, and ifueri oi under — BALGONIE. i.e.f ** Balookib, Harouy [S.], (Lsslie), cr. 1641, with the Earldom or RoTBn [6.], which aee. line 27, for " Baron," read " Barony {OrahamY' ; cUe lines 28 to 80, and inaert aeunder^- BALINHARD OF FARNELL. t.e., "Balikhard op FarnelTj, oo. Forfar," Barony (Camegi^)^ cr, 1869 ; aee "Soutbbsk," Earldom [S.], er, 168S, under the 6th Karl. line 82, for "Baron" read " Barony (Cufe)" ; line 36, for "See," read "t.«.," for *'Vi0oonnt [LJ," recuf " Viaeoiintcy [I.] {Trench)**; after *' 1800," inteH "See Clamcaiity, Earldom [i], er. 1803 " ; dele linea 37 and 38, and ineert ae under — i.e.y " Lbblib and Ballinbrbich/' Barony [S.1 {Ledie) granted hi 1663 with the nofoiamue of the Eabldom op Roriin [8.], which aee. t.«., Ballinbrkich," Marquessate [S.] {Le^liejj cr, 1680 with the Ddkbdom op Rothb8[S.], which aee ; ex. 1681. dele last three linea, and ineert a$ umier — BALLINGARD, see Bblunguard. p. 222; in margin, for "Baron," read "Barony." Last line, after "1292," add " before 1 May." Note (<>), line 1 , for " aiatera, who," read " Auiita, who, in 1 865, apiiarently "; line A, for " Stv Pol," read " Luxembourg (Coiinta of St Pol) "; line 6, after " Lindaay," iueert " Raoul de Coud, grandson of this William and Ada, auc to the Barony of BaiUeul in France [Du Cheane'a Houee of Quienee and Coueiy p. 223 ; in margin, for " Barons," read ** Barony." Lines 1 and 2, dele from " He appears," and ineert " He waa living 19 April 1310, but waa dead before June 1311,(>) being auc by his son, Sir Thomas de Balliol, in the Lordahip of Cavera, who waa living 7 Feb. 1312/3, but ' aoon disappears from record ' [Oenealogtet^ N.S., vol. iv, pp. 141-143, in an article ' by Joseph Bain, F. 8. A., Scot.,' on Sir Alexander Balliol]." Between linea 16 and 16 ineert a line ; between lines 26 and 26 ineert a$ under — BALLYCRENODE. t.0., " Norbubt of Ballaorbnodb, 00. Tipperary," Barony [L] {Toler)^ cr. 1800 ; see " Nobbubt *' Earldom [L], er. 1827. BALLYLAWN. t.e., " Stbwart of Stbwarts Court and Balltlawn, oo. Donegal/' Barony {Stewart^ afterwarda Vane), er. 1814 ; aee " Lobdobdkrrt,'* Marquesaate [L], cr. 1816, under the 8d Marquess. line 28, for " Baroneaa [J.]" read " Barony [L] (BlaekicooJ^ ned Steveneon) "; line 31, /w " Baron," read *^ Barony {LytUUon).** p. 224 ; in margin, ahooe " 1. 1606," ineert " Barony [S V* DbU linea 2 and 3, and ineert " m., * Balltmotb,' Barony [I.] (Taoffe) er. 1628 with the Vibooubtot op Taappb op Corrbb [I.J, which see "; dtle lines 4 and 6; line 7, for " Baron [I.]," read** Barony [I.) {Folioty* line 10, for " Baronri.]/ »«irf "Barony [L] {Monek)**; line 11,/er *'Viaoonnt [L]i ^r. 1800,*' read "of Bally trammon, Viacountcy [I.],