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294 . CORRIOENBA, ETC., OH) VOL. I. er. 1801 "; lise 12, /«r " Baron [U.K.]." r$ad Barony [U.K.] (JfMiAt)": lino 18, /or '* Monok," Viscount [I.]," rAii " Monde of Ballytnminon, Yiftooantoy [I.], tr. 1801 "; between lines 18 and 14 inuri a$ under — BALLYWALTER. See "DuNLBATH OF BALLYWAi/rsBy CO. Down/' Barony {Mvlliollomd)^ er. 1892. line 86, fir " iu 1685," rtud " 8 Dec. 1884 "; fir •* as to," nad *< for joining in "; Une 89, after ** He m.," add " before 2 July 1617 "; line 42, after «< 1649," add •'after 22 Feb., when they were both Uving " ; line 44, /er " 1682," read " 1628." p. 225 ; in margin, far " 1737," rraif " 1786." Une 7, nJUr "[S.]," tiueri "a. and h."; line 42, for "peerages," read '* peerage/' takddele "and of Coupar" dele linea 45 and 46 and imert a« under-- f.0., " Badknooh, Loohabbr, Strathavon, Balmobs, iio." Barony [S.] fOardan), er. 1684 with the Dukxdom oi Qorooh [S.], which aee ; «as. 1886. BALNEIL. i.e., "Lindsay and Balnbil/' Barony [S.] (Lindsay)^ er. 1651 with the Earldom of Baloaruks [3.], which aee. dde lines 48 to 51 and ineert a$ under — i.e.f " Balquhiddbr " Viacountcy [S.] (A/urray), er. 1676, with the MARQunsATi OF Atholk [S.], which t.e., '* Balwhiddbr " Vieoountcy [8. {Murray)^ cr. 1703, with the DuKXDOif OF Atbolk [S.], which see." dele line 58, and imeH " %.e., 'Balrath' Barony [I.] (Aylmer), cr. 1718, with the Bauony Of Aylmku [I.], which see." p. 226 ; in mnrgin, for " Barons," read " Barony." line 4. far ** 1598," rsoif " 12 July 1594, aged 14 " ; line 9, for ** the Univ. of Oxfoni," read for Boa- siney, 1609-11 ; for York, 1621 ; aud for the Univ. of Oxford, 1628-24" ; line 14, after "He m.," atfd '< before July 1605"; line 15, dele "and Woodcote, Surrey"; Hue 17, for '* Bride's," read **Dunstan's in the West" ; Une 19, /or

    • He m.," read "^bap. 2 March 1605/6, at Bexley, co. Kent He m. (settlmt.,

20 March 1627/8)" ; line 27, after *' Park," insert " in Epeom "; line 38, for «* He m., 2 June 1698," read " 171415. He m. (Ua Fac., 2 Jan. 1698/9. he 21 and she 20) "; Hue 48, after '* m.," add ** before 10 Dea 1719 " ; line 44, after "she," add " who was h. 18 March 1678 in St Jamea' park "; for ** 42," read '< 41." p. 227 ; in margin, for " Viaoounta," read <* Viaoountcy." Line S,deU** Will 1751 " ; Une 12, after " extinei," add " Bur. at Epeom " ; liue 27, after " He," add *<wa8 Hving 1 June 1569, but" Note (b), line 1, after "Eustace," add "(who d. 6 Jan. 1856, at a great age)"; Une 5, etmdude *'In a Hat of thoae alain by the Earl of Kildare's troops, 1 March 1599/600, appears the name of Walter Euetaee, pretended to he Vitoount BaUinglau. [Hist MS. Com., app. 9th Rep., p. 292]." p. 228 ; in margin, /or " Barona," read " Barony " ; for " 1696," read «' 1692." Line 6, after ^ Haeimotoh," adt/ " by (— ), 1st da. and coheir of James Pilkimotov, Bishop of Durham "; line 7, after " d.," add " at Roper's Rest " ; line 14, after "Bucks," add "is said to have m. the infamous Titus Oatis. She"; after "1696," add "and waa bur. 16 at St Kath., Aldgate"; line 17, for "1696," rtad "ahortly before 8 Sep. 1672 " ; dde Unea 18 to 21 and intert ae under-- i.e., " Bai/tinglabs," Viscountcy [I.] {Talbot), cr. 1685 with the Babldom of Tyboonnil [L], which see ; forfeited 1691. f.d., " BALinNGLAas, CO. Wicklow," Barony [I.] (Stratford), cr. 1763 ; see ** Auworodob," Earldom [I.], er. 1777 ; ex. 1875.