298 OORRIOENDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. Ihy the evidenoe of Mist NichoUon, maternal aunt of the said child) that the parenta 'who had preTioualy misconducted themaelvea/ were married at Louth, the 13th of June previous to such birth." dde linea 28 to 26 and ifnert at tifufer— See Barnard of Barnard's Cabtls, in the BiBhopric of Durham/* Barony (Ta'i^A cr. 16d8. i.e., " Barnard of Barnard's Gabtlb, oo. Durliam," Viscountcy fVaneJ, er, 1754, with the Kabldom of Darumgton, which aee ; ex. (with tho Ddkkdom op Olbveland), 1891. p. 246 ; in margin, for '< 1686," read '* 1688." p. 247; in margin, for "Baron," read "Barony." Line 10, after "son," aid "John"; line 12, aftir "s-p.," add "and was hur, from St. Bride's, Fleet street, 16 Oct 1819, at Lambeth, aged 37 "; for " 2 Jan. 1820," read " 2 Dec 1819, at St. Mary's, Lambeth" ; line 18. for "s.p.," iMif "apm.a"; line 14, afUr " place," add " and was btnr, at Lamb«th "; for " was liTing 1884, age*) 76," rtad *' who was b. 28 Feb. 1804 ; d. 10 Jan. 1890 in her 86th year, and was bur, at East Finchley Cemetery "; dele lines 16 to 2i ; and inter I at uwier — BARNS. t.A, <* Ramsbt of Barns, go. Haddington," Barony [S.] (Ramsay), er, 1606, with the Viboountot op Haddington [S.] ; see " Holdirnbsbi," Earldom, er, 1621 ; all such honours becoming extinet, 1626. BARONSTOWN. See SuNDERUN OF Baronstown, CO. Westmeath," Barony [I.] (Malone), er, 1797 with a spec. rem. ; ex, (with another Barony of Sunderlin [I.], er. 1785) 1816. BARREFORE, i.e. BURFORD. See Garrinqton of Burford in Connaught/' Viscountcy [L] (Smyth), er. 1643 ; ex. 1706. BARRELS. i.e., "BARRBiii, CO. Catherlough," Viscountcy [I] (Knight), cr, 1763 with the Eabldoh op OATHinLOuau [I.], which see ; ex. 1772. p. 248 ; in margin, for " Viscounts," read " Viscountcy"; for " Barons," read "Barony." Line 4, after " Pkucy," add " or Pbrby {d. Jan. 1684/6) *'; line 7, qfter "executrix," add " She m. 29 Sep. 1658, at St. Giles' in the Fields, William MORQAN, of Cawthropp, Oxon, both being apparently living 19 Oct. 1664"; line 10, /or " Viscount," read " Viscountcy." p. 249; line 4, after "m.," add "at Harleaton, co. Northampton"; line 14, after " 1801, add " at his bouse, near Bath, in his 4l8t year "; line 15, after " d," add "there"; Une 26, after "d.," add "afc Rome"; line 81, afUr " 1823," add "in Portland place, Ifarylebone "; line 45, after " York," add " by Mary, da. of Peter Bailub, of Dochtour. He d., s.p.n]., after a few hours illness, when on a visit at Qrimsthorpe Castle, oo. Lincoln, 6 Nov. 1886. and was bur. at Shrivenham, aged 62. Will pr. 10 Feb. 1887, over £43,000. His widow living 1897. VIII, 1880. 8. Percy (Barringix)n), Viscount Barrinqix>n of Abdolass and Babon Babrinqton of Nkwoastlk [I. 1720], also BaBON Shdtb op Bxokbtt [U.K. 1880], next br. and b. ; b. 22 April 1825 in liOwer Brook street ; ed. at Eton ; sometime (1841-45) an officer in the Rifle Brigade and Scots Fusileer Guards ; Sheriff of Bucks, 1864, tue. to the pnrage 6 Nov. 1886, inheriting the Barony [U.K.] under the spec. rem. in the creation of that dignity ; Hon. Col. Bucks Rifle Volunteera. He m. 8 July 1845, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Louisa, da. and h. of Tolly HiGams. She d, 17 May 1884 (two yeai-s before his aocesaion to the title), aged 59, at Westbury maDor, Bucka,
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