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OORRIOBNDA, BTO., TO VOL. I. 297 p. 242; line 2, ^^ '*Jobii," mid <'or more probably ^llam"; line 6| far

    • Joftne," read "ATiciii"; line 16, after "Umbeth/* add '<28 June 1441" ;

for **12;' read "and hap. 11"; line 17, after bnsbancl," add "Will dai. 11 Marob to 2 Sep. 1446, pr. 3 April 1447 "; dde lines 19 and 20, and inaeri a$ under — t,e.f " Barflbur," Yiscountcy (Russdt), cr^ 1697^ with the Earldom OF Obvord, wbieh see ; ex, 1727. liiflt line, conclude " His widow d, abont 1669." Note (*) last line, eondude " about (145364), 82 Hen. VI." Note («), lines 2 and 4, Me from ** as well as," to *' father. Her," and ineert " bnt not that of the original [1299] BarouT of Bardolph (unless, indeed, such marital aoqoirement oan be considered as tantamount to a termination of the abeyaooe of the old Barony), Tested on her death [1446/7] in the s. and h. of her only da. Elizabeth, wife of John (Beaumont), 1st Viscount Besumont, which Elisabeth (i. T.p., before 1441. This s. and h. was William Beaumont, afterwards (1460), 2d Viscount Beaumont, who, as early as 1448-49 and when but a boy, assumed, T.p., the style of Lord Bardolph, and who <f, ap. 1507, being called ' ViMcouni Beaumont and Lord Bardaife* on his brass in Wivenhoe church, Essex, and elsewhere. It was not, howefer, till the death [about 1463-64] of Anne, liidy Cobham, tlie elder sister of bia mother, that he represented the entirety of this Barony. The." p 243 ; line 10, for ** Lord Sfiitcbr," read " 2d Baron Spknokr of Wormlrigh- TOR " ; lino 85, for ** rem.," read " rem.,(o) and tnserl ae taid note, " («) A rare instance at that date of a rem to one whose relationship was not in the male line. See, howefer, the BarouT of Basset of Stratton, in 1797, as also one (yet more extended) in 1706 as to the Dukedom of Marlborough. See toL i, p. 869, note (*), as to spec. rems. to (male) collaterals"; line 86, /or "Edwards," read " Bdwardbr" ; last line, for "Will," read "at Barham Conrt, aged 87. Will, in which he left £10,000 to each of his 14 QrandchUdren." 9.244; in maiigin, for "Barons," read "Barony." Line 8, for "80," read "21"; line 4, /or "Edwardb." read "Edwardrs"; line 6, after "1823," intert " at her seat, Fairy Hill, near Swansea, in her 61st year"; cfels lines 15 and 16, and ineert " See ' Barham of Barham Ck>URT and TRsroir, ca Kent^' Barony (MiddleUm, afterwards Nod) Barony, cr, 1805 " ; dde line 18, and ineert " See ' Brllbw of Barmbatb, oo. Louth,' Barony [I,] (Bdlew), er. 1848." p. 245; in margin, for "Viscouota/' read " Viaooontcy " ; for "Barona," read " Barony." Line 21, after " 1803," add " He d. s.p. 21 Aug. 1891, aged 88, when all hie honoured safe the Barony of Barnard, became extinct. IX. 1891. 9. Hbnbt bb Verb (Vanb), Baron Barnard of Barnard's Oastlr [1698], cousin and h, male, being 1st s. and h. of Sir Henry Morgan Vanr, Sec. to the Charity Commission, by Louiaa, yr. da. and coheir of the llev. Richard Farrrr, of Ashley, co. Northampton, which Sir Henry (who d. 22 April 1886, sged 77) was s. and h. of John Henry Vanb {d, 10 June 1849, aged 61), who was 2<1 son of Morgan Vanr, of Bilby Hsll, Notts, Comptroller of the Stamp office ((ill Not. 1789, aged 51), s. of the Hon. Morgan Vanb, of Bilby Hall afsd. (d. 14 Not. 1779, aged 78), who was yr. br. of the 1st Earl or Darlinoton, both being sons of the 2d Baron Barnard. Ue was h. 10 May 1854 ; ed. at Eton and at Brasenose Coll., Oxford ; B.A., 1876; Barrister (Inner Temple, 1879 ; sometime Sec. to the Chief Charity Commrs. ; eue, to the peerage, 21 Aug. 1891, his right thereto being allowed("«) by the Committee for privileges, 80 May 1892. He m. 28 June 1881, at St. ThomRS*, Portman square, Catherine Sarah, 3d surv. da. of William Alleyne (Croil), 3d Marqubss op Exrtrr, by Qeorgiana, da. of Thomas (Pakbnham), Earl of Longford [I.] She was b, 8 April 1861.=t» FamUy Betatee-^The * Raby estates,' derised to him by the Duke of Cleveland, were in the counties of Durham, Northampton, Salop, Stafford and Middlesex. In 1888, that Duke held 55,887 acres in Durham ; 25,604 in Salop ; and 3,482 in Northamptonshire. Total, 84,928 acres, worth £67,014, besides an unknown quantity in Staffordahire, worth £3,970 a year. Principal ^SeeU— Raby Castle, near Darlington, oa Durham." add ae note " (**) The claim was resisted on the grounds of the illegitimacy of daimanVs father, who was h, 29 Not. 1808, at Brigg, oo. Lincoln, but it was proved X