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Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/310

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SOO OORRIGBNDA, BTO,, TO VOL. I. Add ftfc end of page, aa a note, " (•») See yoL Tlii, p^ 297, in the torrigmia to ToL i, p. 248, line 86." p. 262 ; in margin, for ** Visoounta," r$ad " Viioountoy "; far '* Barons/' r^d " Barony." Line 22, for *' 10/' r^d <« at St, Anne'a, Soho, 2 "; line 28, mfUr " Sambboiu " add " 5th and last Bart."; between linea 26 and 27 t»Mr< m Mndet — BATEMAN OF SHOBDON. . 283 ; i n margiD, for *' Earls/' read " Earldom " ; for " II. 1689," read *' III. 1689. Line 6, after «' 1864," add " at St Geo. Han. sq. " ; line 81, for " Kliza- betb/' read " Florence, widow of Sir Humphrey Fulford, lat da. and oobeir of John BoNViLLi, of Halnaker, oo. Suaaex, by Katharine, da. of Sir Robert Wino- FULD, of Letherinsham. She, who waa 6. 1472, d. ap. Oct. 1624. laq. p. mori,{^) He m. aubaequently, Elisabeth, who waa living 20 Oct 1686/' add ue said noU '*{^) See Sueaex Arch. OulL xv, p. 17, in ped. of Poyninga"; line 88, dele from " Jw" to " him." p. 264; line 6, after " Leger," add "She waa friir. 16 Sep. 1647 at Tawatock" ; line 7, for *' rdici(' read *' widow of Sir Rlchaiti Lono (who d. 29 Sep. 1646) and formerly " ; linea 7 and 8, dde ^ widow of Sir Richard LoMO, of Sheiigay, 00. Cambridge," and ituert " (who d. 11 Sep. 1640) " ; line 12, for ** in London/' read** at Stoke Newington"; line 18, /or "2 Nov. 1662," read **18 Feb. 1661/2"; line 14, a/ter ** Boubobibr," add ""elyUd"; Hue 26, /or " before 1667 " read " in 1667 ; ed. at achoola at Bary St. Edmunds and Ely, and for 2 years at Corpus Coll., Cambridge, and was admitted (aa Fellow Commoner), 4 April 1676 to Caiua Coll., being then aged 18 " ; line 27, /or **at St. Stephen's " read " or 1688, at St. Mary's Major," ; line 8, dde '* He is said to have m. secondly/' and intert " A previoua marriage with " ; lines 31 and 82, dde *' If so, she appears to have d. before Oct. 1622," and intert "waa annulled (^c)," adding aa $aid note ** {^) This Mary waa living 26 June 1601, being a legatee in the will of Sir Thomas Kilson, her sister's husband, who mentions her said marriage, and that it afterwards proved most unfortunate and to her greet hindrance. W. Lewyn, also, speaks of thia Earl aa having * made an untimely marriage by night with the da. of Sir Thomas Comwallya, which waa undone and the Earl since married to another, the da. (as I think) of the late Earl of Bedford. ' [ Letter to Lord Cobham, 29 May 1696]"; line 86, /w " 1687/' read " 1686/7 ; " line 40, after "Tawstock," add " Fellow Com. of Caius Coll., Csmbridge, 17 July 1608 " ; line 48, for « 1688," read ** 1682 " ; last line, jfor *' survived her," read •* became, in 1648, ViaoouvT Campdin, and d, 29 Oct. 1682, aged 70." Dde note (% and intert

    • See vol. m, p. 876 note (^), tub. Fitawarina"

]>. 265 ; line 11, for ** (Mildmat)/' read » Mildmat." p. 266 ; linea 1 and 2, dele from ** Isabel/' to <* Scampton," and ifttert " Jane, da. of Sir William Mbbkdith, Treasurer of Flushing,"; line 17, for ** Feb. 1690-1/' read •« 10 March 1690/1, in London "; line 21, dde accidentally.' ' p. 267 ; in margin,/»r ** Karquesaes," read " Karqueasate." p. 268 ; line 8, after "1769/' e<W"atSt Mai^aret'a, Westm."; line 16, after "at," add " Winchester (1778) and at "; line 17, after " 1794," add " in Bi-ock atreet, St. Geo. Han. sq."; line 20, after "March, 1887," add '*in Lower Groevenor street, aged 72, and waa hur. at Longleat "; line 28, after *' 1887," add " at Shanka' Houae, oo. Dorset, aged 40"; lines 80 and 81, /or '* waa living 1884," read *<d 2 June 1892, at Mountnam Court, in Findoo, co. Sussex, and was bur,, from Long- leat, at LongbridgeDeverill. Will pr. at £161,886 "; line 40, after '* 1881," add " a trustee of the British Museum, 1886-96." Line 42, for " She was 6. 26 May 1840," read ** He d. 20 April 1896, at Venice, aged 66, and was bur. at Longbridge Devprill.(b) Will pr, at £268,170. His widow, who wns b. 26 May 1840, living 1897 "; add at taid note '* (^) He was a Conservative, but * never played a prominent part in politics, tho' he devoted a considerable part of his time and energiea to county business, and was universally respected aa a highly cultured, scrupulously honourable English gentleman of the best type. . . . Alwaya a ahy man ... he remained to the last under a doke of reaerve, bordering on hauteuTf [tho'] one of the moat kind hearted men.' [Obit, notice in The Timee,]" Dde linea 48 and 44 and intert a$ under —