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Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/311

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. 801 y. 1896. 5. Thomas Hbnbt (Thtnnb), Marqubss of Bath [1789], VnoouNT Wktmouth and Baron Ththiii of Wabminstbr [1682] also a Baronet [1641], lat a. and h., 5. 15 July 1862 in the atoble yard, St. James' ; tiyled ViBCODirr Wktmouth till 1896 ; ed. at Kton and at Ball Coll., Oxford ; B.A 1866; M.A. 1888 ; H.P. for Frome div. of SomerMt 1886-92 and 1896-96 ; me. to the peerat/tt aa above, 20 April 1896. He m. 19 April 1890, at Witlev, co. Worcester, Violet Caroline, da. of Sir Charles Mordaumt, 10th Bart, beinir only{ohiid of his first wife, Harriet Sarah, da. of Sir Thomas MonoRiiPFi, 7th Bart [S.]. [John Albzakdbr Thtnkk, styled Visgount Wbtmouth, let b. and h. ap. ; b. 29 Nov. 1895]. p. 269 ; line 12, fir " Midz., 28," read " St Qeo. Han. sq., 24 "; Una 29, fer " twelve," read ** eleven." p. 270 ; line 2 from bottom, after *< &f aidwell," add " by TrTphena, da. and h. of Lord James Rubsrll, yr. s. of William, 1st Dukr of Bkdforo." p. 271; line 19, after "1790," add «ed. at Eton"; line 44, eonelude thue^'Ked I Aug. 1892, at Cirencester and was bur. there in his 60th year. Will pr. at £238,149. His widow living 1897. VII. 1892. 7. Sbtmour Hbnrt (Bathurst), Earl Bathurst (1772), Baron Bathurst of Battlksdrn [1712] and Lord Apslbt, Baroh of Afslvt [1771], Ist s. and h., by first wife ; (. 21 July 1864 and bap. at St Geo. Han. so. ; etyUd Lord Apslbt till 1892; ed. at Eton. ; Major 4th batt Qlouc reg. militia. He m. 15 Nov. 1898 at St. Paul's Knigbtsbridge, Lilias Margaret Franoei>, only da. of Algernon (Borthwioh), 1st Baron Qlinesk, by Alice Beatrice da. of Thomas Henry LiBTiR. [Allbn Algernon Bathurst, ntyhd Lord Afslby, Ist a. and h. ap., 5. 8 Aug. 1895] " ; last line, fir *' Baron," read *' Barony (at John) " ; i/neri a bladt line titer said line and add. "t«., • BATTERSEA OF BATTERSEA co. London, AND OF OVER- STRAND, 00. Norfolk,' Barony (F2ower), cr. 1892 ; see vol. viii, p. 235, in appendix." p. 272; line 2, fir "Baron," read " Biirony " (fiathurU)*' ; line 18, fir " Viscount," reoci " Viscountcy (PraU) "; line 14, for " Eiiri," reed " Earldom "; line 18, after •* by," aad *'his 2nd wife"; line 24, dOe "Dow. Vjsoountess Dorcbutrr'*; line 28, ofter "widow," add "m. (as 2d wife) 14 June 1680, Dudley (Oarlbton), Visoount Dorobbstir, who d. s.p.s., 15 Feb. 1681/2. She"; lines 29 and 80, dele from "as" to "Bayning)"; line 85, for " B.C.L.," read "B.A., 12 Sep."; line 40, after "1688," intert "Funeral certif. in Pub. Bee office"; line 41, ^fier m.," add "28 March 1689"; last line, for "before 1650," read " at Westm. in or before 1647. Admon. 25 Jan. 1647/8." p. 273 ; line 19 and 85, after " ed. at," add " Eton and at "; line 89, after " 1842," add " at Ramsey, oo. Huntingdon "; line 42, after " 1866," add " of paralysis, atHomingham Hall, aged 69"; for "is now (1885) Uving," read "d 10 Nov. 1887, in her 81st year.'^ p. 274 ; line 40, eondude " Personalty £76,687 "; intert between lines 40 and 41 "BEARHAVEN, see BEREHAVEN." line 42, for "Lord," read "Barony {NeviUy*; line 44, for "Lords," read " Barony "; Une 51, fir " Baron," read " Barony " (Moneky'; line 52, /or " Duke," read " Dukedom." p. 276 ; lines 2, 14, and 19, for " 5," " 7," " 8," read " 1," "2," " 3 " respectively ; Une 6, for'* (1284) 12 Ed. L," read " 24 Oct 1288 " ; after " years," add " and suo, his mother in 1820"; Une 18, after " 1825," add "He m. Alice, da. of Reginald &I0BUN, of Dunster, co. Cornwall, by his first wife Hawise"; line 15, /or "s. and h.," read **2d but only surv. s. and h. then Hged 30 un j^ ¥** ^g r CO. Somerset"; Une 17, after "Margaret," add "She iti nil Dr6]G$)iAy1(B$^ Batten's ' JBeauehamp/ as in note(") below) was dn. of Jsfbn - (Sr. John), ^ 1st Lord St. John db Basing, by Isabel, da. of Sir Hugh Cuu|rtbnat **; Une 20, after " h," add " b.' at Stoke under Hamdon 20 Jan. n29/ar^lM conse*' quently'*; Uue 21, i{fter "1860," add "He m. Alice,Vl^ of Thomas