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802 CORRIGENDA, BTO., TO VOL. I. (BiAOOHAUP). BiRL OF WARWICK, by CotMUiioe, d*. o( Roger Mobtiurr"; last line conclude *'His widow m., between 1871 And 18/4, Sir Maithew QODRNAT (then aged 64) and d. in hia lifetime B.p. 26 Oct. 1383, being bur. in St. John's Priory, Bridgewater, tho' her husband (who is said to have died aged 96) was Imr, in the Beachamp chapel at Stoke." Note (•) conclude as followa '* The SomerseUhire Bcauchampa and the descent of this Barony are ably dealt with by ' •hthn Batten ' iu the prooetdiugs of the Somersetahire ArchsDological Society, a rtipiiut wheieof at Taunton (pp. -40) waa ntade iu 1891. The writer holds that this Baiony, of which iu 1861 Koger Seymour was sole representative, waa not forfeited liy Act 6 Kd. VI., nor by the attainder (1651 -52) of the 1st Duke of Somerset (heir general of the said Roger), and that, even had it been so forfeitud, it would Imvu lireii restored by Act 7 Kd. Vl. for the restitution iu blood ' of Sir Edward Seyuionr. tliut duke's eldest son. Note (^), after '* who " add *' as John de Beauchamp, Lord of Hache." Note O, dele liuea 1 to 7 down to ** Lovet," andimert ** The coheirs were (1) Cicely, his eldest sister, widow of Roger Seymour and then aged 40 ; and (2) John de Meriet, his nephew (only child and h. of Eleanor, the second and yst sister by her only husband. Sir John de Meriet, senior), then aged about 16, having beeu 6. 24 March 1846/6. He, who was knighted, m. three times and </. 26 July 1891, leaving an only child, Elisabetl., 6. 18 Dec. 1886 (betrothed to Urry Seymour), who d. 8.p. aged about 16, when the issue of her grandmother Eleanor Beauchamp became extinct.*' p. 276 ; top note, lino 1, for "Richard," read "before 1888 (— )"; line 6, /ur <« 1898," read "7 June 1394": line 6 conclude " Thia Roger Seymour became, about 1400 (by the tieath of hia cousin Elizabeth Meriet above-mentioned) the sole represeutHtive of the Biirouy of Beauchamp de Somerset and (according to the present theory as to the descent of such a Barony) waa entitled thereto. In that case the 12th Duke of Somerset, his lineal heir general, would |aubject to any attainder ot the ist Duke that might affect it) have been ao entitled, and on hia death, s.p.m s. 28 Nov. 1886, it would have fallen into abeyance among his daughters. See corrigenda (next above) to vol. i., p. 276, note (a)." Note (■) line 10, Jor " Benanges," read " Benauges " ; Une 16, for *' 1898,' read " 1860 " ; line 41, for " Waltar," read " Walter." p. 2771; lilies K' «n<l 17, //r " of William Qrandisoh, of Tregos" read "(whose iasue became coheir) of William (Guandiboh), Ix)UD " ; last line but ouu, for *' devolve" read ** have devolved." p. 279'; in margin, for " 1496," read "1608." Line 8, after "Ucl," add "27 Jan. 1446/7 (Reg. at Worcester) " ; line 4, /or « 1496," read "at Broomhill, 19 Jan. (18 Hen. VII.) 1602/8. Inq. p. niort. at Tewkeabury, co. Glouc, 8 June, and at Spittlegate by Grantham, co. Lincoln, 16 Oct. (4 Hen. VIII.) 1612 " ; lines 9, 11, 18, 19, 22 and 26, dele, "of Hache," "of Hache, co. Somerset" and "of HacLe abovenamed " ; between lines 16 and 16, set a line. Dele note (<^) and interi " The coheirs were Edward Willoughby, aged 18 or 21 in 1612, his grandson, who was a. and h. of hia first da. Eliaabeth, bv Robert (Willoughby), Lord WUloughby de Broke. He inherited the manor of Alcester, and d. v.p. before 1621 ; see tabular pedigree in vol. viii, p. 146. (2) Anne, 2d da., aged 40 or 60 in 1612, who d, 1686, being anceatress, by Richard Lygon, of the Baroua Beauchamp of Powyk (so cr. 1806), afterwarda (1816) Earla Beauchamp. (8) Richard Rede, another grandson, aged 16 or 16 in 1612, a. and h. of Margaret, his 8d da. by Richard Rede, of co. Gloucester." p. 280; line 10, for **1864," read "1846, at Brighton, aged 68"; line 11, after "1860," a(fd "at St. Mary's, Bryanston Square"; line 13, after "]868,"a(fcf " in Portman Square and was bur. at St Marylebone, aged 70. M.I. at Newland, near Malvern " line 22, after " 1824," add " at St. Geo. Han. Sq." line 43 for " She was (. 16 March 1868 " read " He d. 19 Feb. 1891, at Bladreafield Court, aged 60. Will pr. at £114,741. Hia widow, who was b. 16 March 1863, living 1897." I>eie lines 44 and 46 and ineert a$ undcr-^ VIII. 1891. 7. William (Ltgon). Earl Bkauohamp [1815], ViBCOUHT Elmlbt [1866] and Baron Bkauohaup of Powtk [1806], 1st a. and h. by first wife ; (. 20 Feb. 1872 in London ; tiyled VisoouNT Blmut till he MCft lo the peerage^ as above, 19 Feb. 1891 ; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch. Oxford ; I^m. of the Oxford Union Soc. 1898 ; Mayor of Worcester, 1896-96.