304 OORRIGENBA, BTO., TO VOL. I. with A label guU$t and did not contain the lion rampant ; moreoTer, hia aaid son Louia died In Cyprua a few days after his birth in 1248, and wai buried in the Church of the Dominicana at Nicosia. The origin of Uie error la aufflciently obvioua, for on either hypotheaia, the Beaumont brothera are made grandaona of a King of Jeruaalem. Oharlea, King of Sicily, waa aon of Louia VIII, father of Louia IX, father of Philip, the father of Margaret of France, aeond wife of Edward L The Beaumont anna could hardly be explained (aa Hermentrude auppoaea) if the English Beaumonta were male deacendanta of the royal houae of France. For it i« not conceivable that any member of tliAt family would have ao far differenced hia arma aa to have aaaumed a Uon rampant for the principal charge. It might be auppoaed that Louia, the Vioomte do Beaumont adopted the flour do Ha and obtained hia chriatian name becauae he waa nearly related to the Kinga of France, but he waa, in fact, not ao related I" p. 285; linelO, nfier "1840," add " Will, Jan., 1842, at Lincoln" ; line 26, ttfier <*18d9," add *' and waa bur, at Semperingham, co. Lincoln ; line 27, after *' Devereuz," add ** who waa bw. 1393 at Qrey Friira, Newgate. She alao waa bur, there " ; line 87, afUr » 1896," add "and waa bur, at Semperingham. WAX dat 8 Sep. and pr. 26 Oct. 1396 at Lincoln " ; line 48, afUr ** 1418," add **and waa bttr, at Semperingham. Will dat. in I^ndon, 14 June and pr. 10 Sep. 1418 at Lincoln " ; Uat line, fir " VISCOUNT," read •* VISCOUNT («>) " and add at $aid noU " (*). See Vol iii, p. 66, note («), tub, Qormanaton." p. 2S6; line ^Jor ** William," read "Thomaa"; line 10, fir "19," read <'10"; line 17. for " on," rend "aoon after" ; line 18, for "aaaumed the title of,"f^0»i " waa known (v.p.) 1448-49, aa *' ; line 19, ybr "age," read "age (<M)" aud add ae taid noU " {^^) See Vol. viii, p. 297, in the corrigenda to Vol. i, p. 242, note(«)"; line 20, for "John," read "William (Phelip)" [erroneously oaUed John in Ihtgdale, vol. ii, p. 64] ; after last line meert a line of asteriaks. p. 287 ; line 4. after " 1805," add " at liichmond afsd.*' Note (•), for " 1508," read, in 4 places, " 1507." p. 288 ; note 0*), last line but one, fir « all," read " five» at least." p. 289 ; line 8, after ** 1844," add "at St. Geo., Han. Sq., as alao in a Roman Oath church " ; line 5, after " 1854," add " in Bruton Street, of inflam. of the bowels aged 49 " ; />r " (1885)" read " (1897)-" p. 290 ; line 4, after " 1880," add " He m. 28 July 1888, at the Rom. Oath. Oratory, Brompt4>n, Violet, only da. of Frederick Wootton Isaacson, by { — ) hia wife, who waa well-known (aa a Weat end milliner) under her trade-name of Madame £liee, Hud who ia aaid to have aefctled £6,000 a year, and a aum of £100^000 on her aaid daughter. He d. a.p. 28 Jan. 1892, aged 43, at 10, Wyndham place, Marylebone, and was bur. at Carlton. His widow living 1897* X. 1892 10. Milks (Staplbton), Lord Bbaumont, only br. and to h., b. 17 July 1850 in Curson street afad. ; ed. at Eton ; entered the 1895. Coldstream Guarda, 1869 ; aerved on the ataff in Canada, 1874-75 ; in Malta, 1879 ; in the Hechuanaland expedition. 1884-85 ; and with the Egyptian frontier force, 1885-86 (medal and bronse atar) ; Lieut.-Col., commanding 20th Huaaara, 1891-95. He m. 7 Nov. 1893, at the Rom. Oath. Church of St Mary, Cadogan atreet. Rthel Mary, da . and h. of Sir Charlea Henry Tbupkst, Bart [cr. 1866, d, 1896], CO. Lancaater, by hia firat wife, Cecilia Elizabeth Tichbome, da. of John Hubert Waahington Hibbirt, of Bilton Orange, co. Warwick. He d. a.p.m. 16 Sep. 1895, aged 45, from the accidental diacharge of hia gun while creasing " Green gates" sUle in Carlton Tower park, when the Barony became for 8 weeks etupended, after which it fell into abeyanee^l^) Will, dat. the day of his death, pr. at i:l 8,049 gross and £7,889 net. • ••••• XI. 1896. 11. Thb Hon. Mona-Josbfhinb-Tbmpest Staplbtok, 1st da. and ^heir, 6. 1 Aug. 1894. In her favour (tbo* only in the aecond year of her age) the abeyance of the Barony was terminated, 1 June 1896, and she accordingly became iuo jure BARON ICSS BEAUMONT(b) [1309]. Top note ; line 24, after " Beaumont," add *' (aee 1896) "; conclude ae tinder-^ „ „ 1892 ...Conyers ...1888 „ „ ... 4 9f „ 1896 ...Beaumont (2d time) 1895 „ „ ... 1
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