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Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/315

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■ ■«l ODRRIGENBA, ETC., TO VOL. I. 305 add Of note ** (•) The oohein were hie two dftoghten, of whom the elder ohUined the barony the your after his death. The younger, iTy Mary, waa poothumoua, being 5. 4 Oct 1895." Add a$ note " (^) The widows of her father, uncle, and grandfather being all alive (1896-97), she is one of four ladies who bear the title of Baroness Beaumont^" p. 291 ; line 1, after " cause was/' add " knighted 23 April 1608, at Belvoir Castle, and " ; line 82, fer " Baron," read " Barony {Acheeon) " ; hneeri between Imes 88 and 84 ae tcfuier— BECKETT. t.e., " Shutb of Bbokitt, oo. Berks {BarringUm)^ er. 1880 ; see Barbtvotoh of Ardolabs," Viscountcy [LI er. 1720, under the 7th Visoount. P- 292 ; line 22, efier '* deeoent," add " (thro' his great grandmother. Christian, da* and h. of Sir WillUm Linmat) " ; line 86, /ur <' Aldgate," read ** Newgate " ; Une 87, fir <* John, let," read " John I " ; Une 48, after « m.," add '* at Ingold- stadt." Note {^) eondude ** See comments on this account of the family of de Couci, in an article, by J. Bain, in Me Oenealogitt, N.S., vol. It, p. 89." p. 293 ; top mite, line 8, /or "and d, 1404. The inheritance," risi*' The represen- tation " ; line 4. for '< only da.," read " mndaughter "; afur *' Luxembourg,'* add

    • Counta of St PoL" Note (*>), after fine 26, see vol. i, p. 407, in the eerrvenito.

p. 295 ; line 2, for ** in," read " oontract dnt at Troyee, 16 May *' ; Une 8, fir

    • iSarl," read <* Count " ; line 6,/or « April 1488 at Turwin," read <' 20 April 1488,

at Therouenne " ; line 6, for ** duo d'Ardrii," reiKi " Dukr or Ardria " ; line 6, for "Paris, 14," read •' Uouen, 16"; line 12, /or "89" read "80"; between lines 28 and 24 tfii€r< a black line ; Une 87, for " 1484," read ** 1486 " ; line 89, for *' lUchmond," rMd <* Pembroke." p. 297 ; Une 6, for ** K.B." read one " of the 40 Knights nuide as KB." ; Une 84, for " was hur. at Watford, Herts, 26 June 1690," read "d. July 1616 [see as to her Tol. iv, p. 118, fii( Gray] " ; Une 40, for " 1684," read •' July 1684." p. 298 ; between lines 3 and 4, ineert " [Franois RussRUi, etpled |1684-86) Lord KussKLL, 8rd but let surr. s. and h. ap. by first wife ; Knifhtea for his services in Scotland, in 1670, by the Earl of Sussex ; was M.P. for Northumberland. He m. 16 April 1671, Juliana, da. and coheir of Sir John Fostrr or Forstrr, Warden of the Middle Marches. She d, before him. He was mortally wounded in a fray on the Scotch borders, 27 July 1686, and d, not many hours before his father, being ^r. at Alnwick. Admon. 14 Sep. 1686 and 4 March 1698/4] " ; tfele lines 6 and S, from "Sir Francis" to "Oct. 1674" and ineert "Frauds RussBLL, ttffled Lord Rossbll, and Juliana his wife, both aboyenamed. He was ». 20 Dec 1672" ; line 27, after "m," intert "26 Feb. 1608/9, at St. Mary le Strand"; Knee 28 and 29, fir "Lord Chavdob," read "Baron Chahdos of SODRLRT " ; line 83, for " about 1618," read '* Aug. 1616." p. 299 ; note (^), Une 82, fer " consisting of 67 Lords made by CromweU himself "; read "for a Ust of which see Vol. ii, p. 84, note (*) eui Bumell." P, 300; line 8, far "Dee. 1616," read "and tap. 16 Dea 1616, at St. Martin's, Ludgate"; line 11, for "1678-9," read "1677/8"; Une 26, >br "Via" reeA " Faa" ; after " lUohel," read "(then aged 26). p. 301 ; Une 2, after "He," «*f "who was *. 18 Aug. 1708"; /or "1708," rtad

    • fcillowing " ; line 8, after " 1726," add " at Ashridge, Bucks " ; line 18, after

"1733," add "at St James,' Westm."; line 14, after "1762," a(U"and was 6icr. 22, at Middleton Stoney, Oxon "; Une 29, after " s.p.s." add " of consump- tion, at Southampton house, aged 26." p. 302 ; line 18, after " 1840." add " under £260,000 " ; Une 22, after " Ed." add *' at Westm. school and " ; last Une eanehtde " Personalty under £60,000." Note (•), Une 6, for " bitter, iuTeoUve," read " bitter in?eeti?e." Note (^), eonelnde "See vol. {, p. 20, note (**), and p. 278, note (•}." Y