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Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/319

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OORRIGBNDAi ETC., TO VOL. I. 309 4mmi " {Maunen, Btfl of Ruiluid) "; between linei 22 and 2S, inmri (after placiog a black line) "ie, ' Roos or Bbltoir, oo. Leioeeter ' (ifanticri^ DolEe of Rutland) er. 1896, see ' Rqtlahd ' Diikodmn, <t. 1708, under the 7tb Duke"; line 28, afUr "Bnronj," add "{Batemm)"; line 26. /or " Glbitoiicht," read .« Glrnorcht ";/c»r " Wkik," read *' WwcK "; after " [S.]." tfijetl " (Ctamiftctt)"; line 36, after " [I.]/' add " (Cheiwynd) "; line 87, ^fter " [I.]," add " ( WkUe) "; laat line, after •* 1816," add*' ex. 1891." p. 320; Une 1, cMe the ant comma; /or "AND/' read '< and BERESFORD"; Knea to and 11, dde "when in command"; line 18, for '*waa at," read *' gained"; Hoe 88, after "1861," add "at Bedgebury park, aged 68, and was 6«r. at Kilttdowa" p. 324 ; line 68, for " Barklej," read " Barkly." p. 3SS5 ; note O, coticlmde " See alao i^. ^ <2*» 5th S., xii, 862, reprinted in QhvMtUr- $kire N. S 4f Vol. t., p. 81." p. 326; line 26, for •'William," read << Robert"; line 86, for '*(—)/' «««< '^ « Maigaiet" p. 327 ; dde lines 2, 8, and 4, and line 6 doien to '* King John," the statement so deleted being impossible, inasmuch as the marriase wns in or about 1240, ao that the bride oouM not be grsnd-danshter of Hugh de Lusignan and Isabella of Angouleme, who married in 12*20. The article in the (fenealogitt, O.S., voL iii, p. 294, which rejects the bride's descent from Richard, Earl of Cornwall, as giving " too short a space," adopta a descent that givfs one that is still shorter [e» inform, G. W. Watson] ; line 8, dde " IX. 1281. 6 and "; line 24, deU '*or 7." p. 328; line 18, deU " II and"; for " 2 and 8 or 8," read ** 8 ; line 87, dde *'III and "; ybr " 8 and 4 or 9," read *' 4.' p. 329 ; line 6, dde " IV and "; for •• 4 and 6 or 10," read " 6 "; line 16, for " 1416," read "1416"; for " Wengrate," nad "Wingrave"; line 19, for -laSl,* read

  • ' 1882 "; line 28, dele '* or 11." Note («). line 10, for ** grentest," read " greater."

p. 330; in margin, for "Viscount," read " Viaoountoy "; for *' Marquasn," read " MaiqueMAte "; for *' 1488," read " 1489." Line 26, for '* or 12," read "andl." p. 331 : line 2. for " from," reod " by "; line 20, for " 1484," read * 1484/6 "; line 26, after "household," add "At his death iKe Marqueteate of Berkdeg and tke Earidom of Nottingham became extinct "; after " Brarooh," add " K.O., whoae will, daU 11 Jan. 1609, waa pr. 11 May 1610 "; Una 26, after " 1497," add "and was 6iir. at St George's Chapel, Windsor "; line 27, dde " or 18." Note C), line 1, for " 1488," read " 1489 "; for " Marquess." reod " Marques." p. 332 ; in margin, dde " [1. 1628]." Line 6, dde " or 14." p. 333; in margin, dde "[I. 1629]." Line 1, de2e "[!.] or 16"; line 6, /or "found," rMu<" sound"; line 12, after "York," add "by Joyce, da. of Sir Humphrey Stafford, of Grafton "; line 14, /or " [— ]," read " probably [—] Ahhold, of oo. Gloucester "; line 18, dde " [or U] "; dde "[2] or 16 '*; line 20, after " Artois.," add " KB. at the coronation of Anne Boleyn, 1688 "; line 27, after " Cheater," add'*hy Anne, da. of lUlph Bo6TOGK"; line 81, dde "[or III]"; de/< " [8] or 1 7." p. 334; line 10, dde "[or IV]"; dde "[4] or 18"; line 26, ddi "[or VJ"; for 9 [6] or 19," rwd " 9 and 1." p. 335; m margin, dde "[or VI,r* "[or VII]," and "[or VIII)." line 1, for " PiLUT," read " PmriT "; Une 4, for " 10 [6] or 20,^' read " 2 and 10 "; line 28, /or "11 [7] or 21," read "8 and 11"; line 86. i^ter "m.," add "at her father's country house, shortly before 16 Feb. 1710/1 "; line 48, for " 12 [8] or 22," read " 4 and 12 "; laat Une, after " Elinbeth," add " (maid of honour to the Princess of Wales)." p. 336; in margin, dde "[or IX]." Line 8, after "1767," add "at her house in Spring Gardens, St. Msrtin's in the fields * ; line 4, after " 1792," add " and waa 6iir. 80 at Berkeley, aged 72 "; line 6,/^ "18 [9] or 28," mid*' 6 and 18"; line 6, for " 24 March 1746,*^ read ** 24 May and was bap. 10 June 1746, at St. Martin'a in the flelda "; Une 18, efier " 1811,^' dde the bracket ; line 14, for " pHfileges."