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Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/318

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808 OORRiaXNDA, RirO., TO VOL. I. PthfMB HiMi 40 and 41, inmri « under^ BELLINGUARD. %,e^ ^'MoETBON or Bbllinouard, oo. limerick" Barony [I.] (M<mmm cr, 1628 with the ViaooraroT or Homsoh of Cabklbmadib [L], wbicti Me ; aUa im ti d 16dl. BELLINTER See << Taba of Buxihtbb, co. Meath " Barony [I.] {Pretton)^ er, 1800; eo^ 1821. line 48, i^fter ** Midz./' add ** (who d. 1616) " ; line 44, after ** Ounbridge," add "admitted 1631." p. 313 ; line 11, for ** (KniKBOVSM)," nod (** Kibkhotbh, hut, more eorreeU^, tan DBir, KiBOHHOVi)" ; dsls line 14 end ineert "Yah dim Kuloeboye, otherwUe POLT- ▲NDBB, Seigneur of Heenvliet in Zealand " ; line 17, after '* Wotton," ineeri ** or Marlit. He waa 6. in or aoon after 1636 "; Une 26, a/ter '* fieldB,"a(U "Kar. lia Vio. Qen., he about 88, Bach, ahe about 87, widow " ; line 82, deie *' Bart. [I.]." Note («), line 1, d$U " two " ; line 2, for ** Anne." read *< Franoea " ; Ime 8 thereof, after '^1686." add "aged 20, in her lifetime. The aUtement in iTit. Oen, et Her. (2d 8., Tol. ▼, p. 80), tho* by ao good an authority aa Charlea Beat Nordiffe, that thia Yiacount («) had a aon,(«) * Charlea, 2d ViBoount, ahdn 1685,' can hardly be credited. A truatworthy pedigree of the Bard family (by Q. 8. 8[teinman]) ia in CM. Top, a Oen., toI. !▼, pp. 59-61." Note (•). for *< f ," read " d." p. 314 ; line 4, after " widow," add ** who ia aaid to have been h. 9 and hap. 18 Feb. 1665 at St. Gilea' in the fielda "; line 9, after "m.," a<id " 8 Dec. 1787, at Morton Court, near Ledbury"; line 11, for "1787," read "1787/8"; line 19, deU « 12 July 1708 "; line 20, i^fter " Someraet," add " of palay, and waa bur. 16 June 1708, in the Abbey there"; line 81, for " July," read " at St. Qilea' in the fielda, 4 May "; Une 87, efier " Kyfed," add " VuoouiiT Coon, or." p. 315; linea 1 and 27, q/Ker ** ttyled," add "ViBCOUKT Coon, or"; line 8, after " merchant," add " She d, 9 and waa bur. 27 July 1768, at St. Anne'a Soho "; line 4, after " 1765," add "and waa bur. 81, aa * Yiacount Coote' from South- wark [Qy. the Kiog'a Bench priaon f] at St Anne'a afad. Admon. 18 Jan. 1766 "; line 6, for " (a.," read " a."; line 9, dde "and h."; line 25. after " 1800," add " at Dublin "; line 26, after " 1818," add " at Pennnoe. M.I. there " ; line 44, for " EARL OF," read " EARL." p. 316 ; Une 2, after " 1794," add " at Bath (apeo. Uc.) "; line 6, after " 1841," add " aged 86, at Beth and waa bur. at Caledon "; linea 6, IS, and 17, dele '<or"; Une 9, for " He m./' read " 1819-41. He m. at Mount Juliet "; line 11, after " 1841," add "at Leamington Spa, aged 67 "; line 12, after " 1861," add " at Green park, RoKtrevor"; line 15, after "1084," add "at St Geo. Han. an."; line 16, after • 1846," add "at Caatle Coole, aged nearly 44 "; for "(1886)," read "(1897)"; Une 22, after " 1872," add "one of the Lorda Juatioea of Ireland, 1885, 1890, 1891, 1895, and 1896; L.-Ueut of co. Tyrone; a.O.M.a. 1890"; laat Une, . afUr " Walea," add "ed. at Wincheater (1888) and at Trin. HaU, Cambridge ; M.A.; SherUr of oo. Fermanagh, 1895." Note(»X line li M "1788," read " 1798." p. 317 ; note, Une 18,ybr "ia," read "waa, 1878 to 1886." p. 318; Une 18, /or "ia now (1886) Uving," read "<f. auddenly 12 Dec 1890 at Milford houae, Belper "; Une 17, aft^r " 1879," add " eue. to the peeraye, 80 June 1880 ; Capt. of the Qentlemen-at-Arma, 1895 ; A.D.C. to the Queen; * formerly head of the well-known firm of W. G. and J. Stnitt, one of the oldeat in the ootton trade ' [Dod'a Peerage, 1897]." p. 319; in margin, /or " 1772," read " 1774." line 6, for " April 1772," read " Nov. 1774, at Belyidere"; line 14, after "County," add "She d. 6 April 1808"; Une 16, rfter " 1814," add *'in Great Denmark atreet^ DubUn "; Une 19, q/lter "Counael," add "She d. there, about Dec. 1886"; Une 21, after *<Baiony,"