Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/34

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24 faato ^ Wmv Miif ■tfcw. Beau IS Ai^-ISSI, J^mAjn, %i^M.44 Sir J ▲• Biaul lltk Bart. n. m Ut^M^mt kM HCMuJ wife, KMe, ^ «f SAvv^'Bua, b^ riUiXiM,. IM fUMOi Tomr (L] He ^ IS Jam. Ififift. a ,aiksft2djc«: Hii mi0v A 2S Oct. 157», ^ri J 7, ai lY. 1^^. ^ DATBOLUs-Bi-AKsnT (db lfoLBra% aftermofds ri!f74l EtbukiI'M Mount, «W ^■■■■■rfj ri£33-U v Mnus). Bjuw Tnmr (L 1«<^^], «»! aiK»« A>r^«f [L llSHTl lit a. sd k. ; A.S±Ja^ 1«2S ; 1:9^ Pen (Li 10 Jbij ld7i : Utat, CaL com. Uk Btm. Ruf^ llaMur Fud^ien^ IbU^ ', mctmiJU fttrm^ (Lj Is Jaa. l64S. 1^ i«jal Ik. [L^ 1 S«v. U74, h«  tcic4 «W BMW W £wda^ btiun tkat ttf dir Jldkyw. H« m. 13 ScfL IMO. ai Vkldm lk«ae, cd. HidkiClkcui, li«nci Blial^ik Fimm^ Ut 4a. «< WjkBcmon, 44 Kiddrie lUniaial, bj KiaMa Maiy, ^ af Hchj Uon. «l Pj A m 18S3, I aiMliI af t843» aow m «». Kany, vvrtk jmjMmy^ar. MakUma^-hminkMm Etmm, mem Dm^ co^ YKRDON. BasoBjr bj /. Thbobald db YnDCHi,(^) a. (poanblj n and h.), of Wnt. Jt^i^ OB Vbukmi, ocA^rwue Lk B4/nLLat.(<) of Alum, co. SuJIuni, L 1295 (*^»^ in IrrUod, 1278), liy hk ini wife, Marpnci^ da. ol Qflbert DB Lact, and graadan^htcr and eoiicir of Walter DC Lact, of Bvyaa haey and WeoUej, eoL Hereford, Lotd of the paktiM koooor of lfcatii,(^) beeane, in rigfat of bia aaid iDoUi«r. Locd of Dnlctt. U-, tfce laatpra Baoiety of tl»c boDOor of Mealb, baring lirery thereof 0274-75), 3 Bd. L, bcini^ ai tbat time CiAMKUUe at Irebnd. He waa in the FarL of (12&9-90|. 18 Ed. L. bat waa in (12M i^l). 19 Kd. L, found gniltj of high trea«oa, and bia eatatea cunfiarated, tko' ha wm anbe»qnentJj rtlganni for a fine of 600 marka. He waa anm. to Pari, aa n Baron (LORD VKUDON). from 24 Jane (1295). 23 Bd. I. to 3 Nor. (1306), S4 Bd. L, the wriU after (1298 99), 27 Bd. L baring the addition of the word *'&aMr. HknaHia m *^ TkeobmidmM de Kcnfan, /Anaiaw dt ITciMe" ia affixed tn the Banna' letter to the Pope, in 1S0].(«) In (1305-06), 84 Kd. ]., he waa aum. to the Seotch war. He ia aaid to bare m. Maigcry, or Eleanor. He dL at hit caatle of Alton, eoi. StaSbrdt 24 Aug, 1309, and waa btw, in Crusdcn Abbej. Imq. f. awrt^ 28 Aug. 1309. but, aeeordtng to the royal lie. of 1841, the pantee waa ** deaeeoded fiom a fiunfly long aeated at Bnmbam, to, Norfolk, of wbich hie immediate anceator, Frederick William Molbaa, or Medina, came to Ireland in the rdgn of Cbarl«a II." ; alau that

    • previonaiy to the 16th eentury, the itmily name waa uniformly [ !J spelled Molina,

and more andently [ Q de Mol«jna or de Mutiny" [Thia laat atatemeut reaainda one of the matrrial which would " wear for cacr, and make n petticoat mftarwmrds."] Tlicae more ancient anceatora of the bouae of Mnllini^ are (with probably equal antheutieity), indicated in Barke'a Peenge" for 1841 aa under. "Tbe family derirei from a common anceator with that of Moltbsujl, Barla of Sefton, mt. Sir Bicbard Moljneoz, Kni., of Sefton, co. Lancaater, from whom dcaoended William Molynenz, or Mullina, of Bumbam, co. Norfolk, wboae aon (Frederk^ William), iettled in IreUnd," The reader ia left to cboae between theae two illuatriona, but eoDflicting deaeenta, aa a deep base obacurea the view not only of the enenlry, but eren of the actual poremUige of thia William MuUina, father of the emigrant to Ireland ; aa alio aa to the lact wbethcr Buckingfaamahiie or Norfolk ia to be credited with the honour of bia origin. (*) See p. 28, note " h," aa to bia remote deaeent firom thia fiimily. (^) The oame^ apparently, ia from Verdun, on the Meuaa in Fiance, a town well known aa the plaoe wbere tha Kngliah priaoneta were eonlined by Napoleon. (•) This John waa a. and h. of Theobald Le Botiller, by Koheaia, da. and h. of Nicbohtt de Vardon, who inherited the raat eaUtea of tbat family. (d) See ToL i, p. xi, in '^ introduction." (•) See full deacription therauf in " Niooka," pp. 761-^9.