Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/35

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VERDON. 25 II. 1299, £. TiiioBALD (Vxrdom), Lord Yerdok, 2d but Ist to lunr. ■. and b.y(*) aged 80 and more at his father's death. He, aa 1316. well aa hii father, was sum., equii el armi$;' to Carlisle (1297-98), 26 Ed. I., both being designated Baronii. He was knighted T.p., in England, 21 June 1298. and was sum. to Pstl. v.p. as a Barvn (LORD VERDON), from 29 Dec. (1299) 28 Ed. I. to 24 Oct (1814) 8 Ed. II., the earlier write, down to 22 Feb. (1806/7) 86 Ed. I., having the addition ot the word 'Vuntor," which ia omitted in those from 4 March (1808/9) 2 Ed. II. He had livery of his father's landa in 1810, being then aged 28 ; wss Chief Got. of Ireland (as Cnstos), 1814-15. He m. firstly, about 1299, Maud, sister of Roger (MonTiiiBii), 1st Earl op March, da. of Edmund, Lord Mortimkr, by Elisabeth, da. and coheir of Bartholomew (dm Badijebmrhb), Lord Badlbsmbri. 8he d. at Alton Castle, and was frfir. 9 Oct. 1812, at Croxden Abbey afsd. He m. secondly, 8 Feb. 1815/6, at Bristol, Elizabeth, widow of John db Buroh {d, v.p. 18 June 1818), 8d da. of Gilbert (db Clark), Earl or Glodckstbr and Earl ok Hrktpord, by his second wife, the Lady Joan PLAifTAGBHBT, 8d but 2d sunr. da. of Sdward I. He d» s.i>.m.s.,(b) sged about 36, at Alton Castle, 27 July and was bur, 13 Oct. 1816, at Croxden abb«y afsd., when the Baronf fell into ab€pance.{') Hia widow, who on the death, 24 June 1814, of her br., Earl Gilbert, to whom she was 8d sister and coheir, inherited the Lordship of Clare, co. Suffolk, Ac., m. as her 8d husband, Roger (D'Am(i)ub), Lord D'Amorib [1817 to 1822X who waa aUainied 1322, and d. s.p.m. the same year, at Tutbury Castle, co. Stafford. She, who was Foundress of *' Clare llall," Cambridge, d. 4 Nov. 1860, aged about 68. Will, directing her burial to be at the Sisters' Minories, Aldgate, London, dat. at Clare, 25 Sep. 1355, pr. 8 Dec. 1860.(<^) III. 1333, i. John di Vrrdon* was sum. to Pari, as a Baron to (LOUD VKKDON), from 27 Jan. (1881/2) 6 Ed. III. to 22 Jan. 1342. (1835/6) 9 Ed. III., and again 25 Feb. (1841/2) 16 Kd. in.(«) No account is given of him in ** DugdaU^*' bat he is presumed to have Ihsch the same as John, s. of Thomas de Verdoii, of nriiiinghAin, co. Noi folk, and Brix worth, co, Nurtlmmpton, and to htive been aged 16 on 24 June 1316.(') He d. s.p.m.(S) [Qy. in 1346J. None, however, of his descendants were ever aum. to Pari. (*) John Verdon, the 1st a., d. v.p. and s.p. in Ireland, 6 June 1297. (^) His two sons^ John and William, both tf. young and v.p. (*) The coheirs, in 1816, were his four daughters, of whom the three elder were by the first wife, and the yat. by the second wife, vis. (i), Jotm, then aged 18, who inherited Alton Castle snd the Staffordshire estates, and who m., 21 Sep. 1816, Tbomaa (de Furnivall), Lord Furnivall ; (ii) Klizabelh, then aged 10, who inherited the Castle of Ewyas Lacy and estates in Herefonlshire, Monmouthshire, and Salop, and who SI. Bartholomew (de Hurghrrsb), Ijord Dnrgherah [1830-8.'i] ; (iii) M.irffery, then aged seven, who inheriteii Weobley and other estates in co. Hereford, and who st. three husbands, rts. (1), Marcus Hussey (2), William lUuuiit, and (8) Sir John Crophnll, by whom alie was mother of Thomas Crophull, whose da. and h., Agnes, m. Sir Walter Deveretiz ; (iv) Isabel, h. posthumously on St Benedict's day, 21 March 1816/7, whose portion wss the Castle of Ludlow, Ac, and who m. Henry (Feirers), Lord Ferrers [de Qroby] and d. 1349. These four coheirs, says Courthope, "are now [1857 J represented by the Lords Stourton and I'etre as representatives of Joan, the eldest da. ; by the Baroness le Des|)encer as representative of Elisabeth, the 2d da. ; and by the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos as representative of Margaret and Isabel, the 8d snd 4th daughters.*' Banka (Bar, Angl, Cone) mentions that in the '* Pleaa de Quo warranto coram Uege, anno 2 Kd. III., rot 128, pro lib' de Trim in Hibernia," there is mention (besides Elisabeth, Margery, and Isabel, under age) of " a da., Caihetine, unnoticed by Dugdale or Sir Harris Nicolas." (0) " Royal and Noble Wills," pp. 84—42. {*) There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his sitting. (0 Blomefield's ** Aorjolk,** vol. i, p. 50. and Banks's '* Bar. AnyL Cvne.** among the ** Baronet pretermUei^" where his descendants are shewn to the 6th seneration, not^ however, altogether agreeinv with the account given in note " g " below, which is based on that in " Courthope. (V) According to Banks (ut tupra) he left tvfo daughters and coheirs, vis. (1), Margaret (da. of his 1st wife, Blaud), as below, and (2) Isabel (da. of hia 2d wife,