Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/343

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. II. 383 n. 130 ; line 18, /br « RngUnd/' read "Orent Britain "; lioe 18, after " ▼essel/* add "28 "; Hue 20, after " Abbey," add " Will iir. 26 July 1861, under £120,000 "; line 22, dele the oomma after "CAmpbell ; between lines 25 and 26 iHeert at under — CAMPCASTELL. ».e., "Albmoor and Gampcastsll" Barony [S.] (ScoU) er. 1660, with the Eabldoh of Tarbas [S.], which eee ; «r. 1693/' p. 181 ; line 4, for " 28 Oct 1629,** read " at hin houee iu 8t. Lnwrence Jewrri London, 18, 20, or 28 Oct., and was bur, 4 Nov. 1629, at Campden "; lines 6 and 6> dele ** He was bur, at Carop<len "; line 6, Jnr '* The will of his widow," rea>l ** His widow d. between 25 April und 26 June 1643. Will "; line 16, for 12," rend '*20"; line 18, for 'MO March 1643," rend "8 March 1642/3 "; line 25. /r//er " firstly," add *• 25 Dec. 1 632 "; line 29, for •* in, or before, 1641," read 21 Dec 1689, at Bonghton Malherbe, Kent (Lie. at Cant, on 12th)"; line 31, e^fter " Throckuorton," add *'She, who was liap. 11 Jan. 1615/6, at Boughton afsd., was living 4 Feb. 1645/6 "; line 35, after ** d,," add "iibout 20 July "; linra 80 and 40, jar '* b. before 1641," read ** bap. 27 Jan. 1640/1, at Bougbton afsd." p. 132 ; line 10, after " 1832," add " nt Ki<!inbtirRh, aged 83 "; line 26, after *< 1805," add «at North Berwick "; line 29. after *< Midx./' add ** Will pr. 19 June 1867, under £4.000 "; line 32, after '* ed.," add " at Eton and "; last line, far ** 1886," read *' 1898." p. 133 ; line 6, after " 1867," add "and 1st class classics." p. 134 ; line 6, /or " Balconie," read " Balcomie "; line 8, after "m.," add " at the house of the Marquess of Titchfield, in Onieveuor street, St Geo. Han. m). "; line 22, for " 1826,'* read " 1827 "; line 24. after ** Abbey," add "Will pr. 1837 "; line 81, after " Gov. Qen.," add " (being the first Viceroy) "; line 38, after *' 1861," add"tin< was bnr. at IWrnck|K>i-e"; last line, after ** extinct " add *' Will pr. 5 Aug. 1862, under £250,000." P- 136f between lines 28 and 29 ineert a$ below— [The title of Ix)rd Cautelupe was assuoied, tho', appareutly, without any good ground, by thj Lords Zouche da Haryngworth from an early date, 1552 or before. See Vol. iv, p. 225, note (*)]. last line, /or " resignation of," rsad '* rejection for." p. 136; line 7, after "65," add "of apoplexy, and was bur. (with bis father) at Addington, oo. Surrey. Will pr. 16 Feb. 1846 or 1847 "; line 8, after " 54," add "and was bur. there. Will, dat Oct to Nov. 1846. pr. Jan. 1846 "; line 18, e^fter "Midx.,"a(M *<Admon. 29 Nov. 1869, under £2,000"; line 20, a/Ker "1838," add **at Great Witchincham, Norfolk"; line 21, after '* Norfolk," add ««by Juliana, da. of Thomas Rett, of Seething Hall, in that county "; after '* 1877,*' add " at 12, Queensberry plsce, South Kensington, aired 63. Will pr. 26 Sep. 1877, under £40,000 "; line 22, for " 1886," read " 1898 "; line 87, after ** Hart- ford;' add " was Knighted at Oxford, 17 Jan. 1644/5 "; last line,/tfr " Cahisbury,' read '* Caahiobury." p. 137; line U, after "1695," add **till his death"; line 15, after *' Surrey,*' add " by his 2nd wife, Mary, da. of Robert Lkmam, of Ipswich, which Richard wan "; ' line 16, /or '* Dublin Castle," read " Chapel Ifx>d, of convulsions, aged 79 " ; line 17, after " extmet," add ** Will pr. Jan. 1697 ; after " M.I./' add " Will, in which she states that she was bom in St. Andrew's Holbom, pr. 1721 "; line 46, after " Mbtbick," add " which lady was living in 1628 '; aft^ "Jane," add "widow of Sir Wilh'am Mirkditu, of Leeds, co. Kent'** line 47, /wr who," read " Ist Bart, of Wingham, Kent, by Margaret, da. of John Polky. She "; line 48, after " him," read " He d, 6 May 1684, at Golden Grove, and was bur, at Llandeilo Vawr." p. 138; line 11, a/lsr " thirdly," add a few days before 20 July 1652"; line 16, after ••«.," add "about 1658"; line 37, for "s.p.," read "s.p.s., 7 March