Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/344

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884 CORRIGKNDA, BTC., TO VOL IL 1664/7 "; liM 26, •fia- "LoDdun," «U *'K.B. ti Um eoroiMtkio. Aprfl 1661 **; liiM 31, ufUT **alM," «U " who was 6. 1668." NaU(^),/<«- "lleltoii," fvwC " Miltim." V- 139 ; Uu« 18, ofier " 1 759," m/<< "^ mi C«lukrM sImI "; mfur ** 1789,** «/«i «* in ClM|iel stTMi, GrtAvnior «qiiare. AilnioD. Aug. 1789 "; Um 18, mfttr " 1783," add "at UxtoD*'; Hue 19, afUr "1809," «^'«WU1 |ir. 1809"; Uue 23, «/^ '^ 179J," aiia**ui ftL Geo, H«u. aq."; liue 2a, «//«r "1^14)0." mU •' WiU pr. 1809**; liiia 26, iffur *• 1806,*' add " at the houao of Jamea Kamaaj Outbbert^ id Berkeley atreei, St Qw., Hun. aq."; line 27. afttr <«1829," mdd '* tt Uxiuo Hall," /or " AduioD./' rea#/ '* tkere. AdiiKiO. Aug^; line 80, /er ** He d, a.p.m.T.," rtmd " in Merriou aq , DuMiii. He d. a.p ua in Monutjoj aquare, DubUn "; Una 42, f»r " 80/' read " 79 "; liue 48, m/Ur •' 1852," add** at CmaUa Freke." p. 140 ; line 8, 0/trr ** Cork,** add '< He d. 8.D.m. at Laxt4io Hall, 25 N<it. 1889, aged 79. Will pr. at Dublin, but reaealed in London, 10 June 1890, under £15,000." VIIL 1889. 8. William Charlbb (Kvak&^Fbbkb), Baron Cab- BBKY [I.], yat. and only aunr. br. and h male ; 6. 24 May 1812. High Sheriff of HuilMudrhire, 1862 ; aue. to tke pttrayt [I] 25 Nov. 1889. Rkp. Pbbh [I.] 1890.«JL He M. firatly 23 April 1810, at lAsawington, Supbb, widow uf Sir Tboui4« Whichcx/tb, 6Ui Bart, Sd da. of Philip (Subkabd), 5th Kakl or Uab- MiBOUOH, by Kleauor, da. of the Col. the Hon. John Moiicktum. Site, by whom he had no iaaiie, waa 6. 16 Nor. 1795, d. 28 Sep. 1851. He m. secondly 15 Dee. 1866, Victoria, 4th and y«t. da. of Urownlow (Cbcil), 2d M abqubbs or Kxbtbb, by laabella, da. of William Stephen PoYsrrz. He d. of bronchitia, 7 Not. 1894, at Laxton Hall, aged 72. Will pr. at £43,296 gruM. Ilia widow, who waa h. 6 Nor. 1848 (the Prince Couaort being one of her apouaora), living 1898. IX. 1894. 9. Alusrnon William GiBOBas (EvANtt-FRBKB), Baron Cabbbby [L 1715], alao a Baronet [L 1708] lat a. and h., by 2d wife; h, 9 Sep. 1868 wtcioikt peerage [I.] 9 Nov. 1894. He m. 26 Nov. 1890, at St. Uargaret'a, WeaUn., Mary, 2d da. of Henry Joaeph TouLMiB, of The Pr4,near8t. Albana, Herta, by Emma liouiaa, da. of Philip Wbouohtoh.^ laat liue, MteM^ " Will pr. July 1703." p. 141 ; h'ne 2, for ** Franoea," read *" about 1 June 1668, Franoea, lat "; line 12, after

    • 1732," add "at the aeat of hia br-in-kw, Lord Bnioe. Will pr. 1782 "; after

•• widow," edd " who waa b. about J«n. 1689 "; line 18, after " 1745," add *' WiU pr. 1746 "; line 30, /or •' UU Grace d.," reed *' WiU pr. Hay 1775. Hia Grace d. aged 77, at lib house in Privy gardena"; Une 34, after "bek>w," add *< WiU pr. June 1790"; line 41, after " exUna, add ** Admau. 26 May 1770 and July 1798 "; liue 4 1, afUr '* London," add *' ed. (1736) at Wincheater. p. 142 ; liue 1,/ar " Nov. 1786," read "Jan. 1786, and waa bur. at Trinity Minoriea"; liue 4, aflvr 1811," add in Grovveuor atreet "; line 5, after •' estiurt;' add "WiU pr. 1811"; line 6, after "1823," add "of inflammation, in Seymour place, Mayfair and waa 3Mr. 1 July, at Naveatock, Eaaea "; Hne 11, after " 1794,'* add " at St. Geo. Han. aq. "; line 12, /or " 1816," read " 1826, at (the seat of her souiu-law, Earl Howe) Gopaall, NotU "; after " 1837," add " in Portman aquare, aged 68, and waa bur. 21 Aug., at Deene. WiU pr. Sep. 1837"; line 83, after "1858," add "at 36, South atreet. Park laue. Admon. 30 July 1858. under j^2.000 "; Uue 36, for " 28," reoif " 27 "; afUr " horse," add " Will pr. 28 June 1868, under £60,000 "; laat line, eondude " and waa living 1898." p. 144 ; line 45, after " estinet;* add " WUl pr. 2 April 1886, at £56,931 ; resworn May 1887, under £55,481." p. 145 ; line 16, for " 1858," read " 1838"; line 20, after " 1856," add ** WiU pr. 1857 "; lines 20 and 25, Jor " 1886," read " 1898 "; lino 24, after ** Bom," add " WUl pr. 23 May 1882, at £43,480 "; Uue 29, after " 1832," add " having #««. to the peerage, 8 Sep. 1881. He m. 27 June 1888, at St Geo. Han. aq., Julia Mary, lat da. and coheir of Albert Arthur Brin LBTHBBiDaB, 13th Light Dimgoona (yr. a. of 8d Bart.), by Jane, da. and h. of Robert A. Hill, of HamUton, Canada Waat«p