Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/36

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26 VBRR. YERE. Barony by i. Hugh db Were, 2d s. of Robert (db Yebe 5th Writ. Eakl or Oxvobd, by Alioe, da. and oohmr of Gilbert di Saviou), wm I 1299 ^' '^^^t 1264 ; was io ibe wan with Franoe, 1293 ; on an embaaay . ' to Franee, 1297; and to Romo, 1298, and was aum. to Pari aa a 1 o I Q • Baron (LORD VERE), frtHn 6 Feb. (1298/9), 27 Ed. I., to 8 Maich 1^151 (1817/8), 11 Ed. II. He m. Dionjaia, da. and h. of Sir William DB MoBOHBHSi [only sorv. a. and b. of Warinc de 1ConchflOBi,{*) by Joan, 5th aiiter and oobeir of Anaelm (Uabsbal), Bail <w Pbhihunu.] Tbia great bflims d a.p. before bim 1813. He ia praaumed to bave alio d, a.p., probably in or ■oon after 1818, when the ilonmy became eximeL VERB OF HANWORTH. Barony. i. Lord Ybeb Bbauclbbk, 3d s. of Charles (Bbau- L 1750 ^'I'BK), 1st DuKB or St. Aldanb, by Diana, 1st da. and eventually sole heir of Aubrey (Di Vkbb), Eabl ov Oxfgbo (the last of bis race), was 6. 14 July 1 699 ; became Gapt. RN., 1721 ; waa a cowmiaar. fur the office of High Admiral, 1788-42, and 1744-49 ; Admiral off the Blue, 1748. He waa also H.P. for Windsor, 1726-41. and for Plymouth. 1741-60, and waa er. 28 March 1750, BARON VERB OP HANWOUTH, oo. Middlesex, bdog introduced the 30th Inst. L..Lieut. of Berlu, 1761. He m. 18 April 1736, at St Jamea'a, Weetm., Mary, 1st da. and oobeir(b) of Thomas Cuambbbb, of Hanworth afiid., by Mary, da. of Charles (Bbbkblbt), 2d Earl or Bbbkblbt. He d. at bis house in St James's square, 2 and was bur, 6 Oct 1781, at St Jamea'a, Westm., aged 82. Will pr. Oct 1781. His widow d in St Jamea'a square, 21 Jan. and waa bur. 11 Feb. 1783, at St Jamea' afid. WiU pr. March 1788. II. 1781. 2. AuBRBT (Bbauclbrk), Barok Vbbbop Habwobth, 4th and yst, but only snrv. s. and h.(«) ; b, 8 June 1740 ; me. io ike peerage, 2 Oct 1781. and became, 15 AprU 1787, 5th DUKE OP SAINT ALBANS, &c„ by the death of his cousin, the 4th Duke. See that dignity, cr. 1684. VERE OP TILBURY. Barony. J, Sir Horacb Ykbb, yst. of the 4 soiia of the Hon. I -1625 Cleuffrey DK Vbrb (3d s. of Jubn, Eabl ov Oxpobd). by Elissabeth, da. to ' ^' ^^^ '^^^^ Habdktn, of Culchf«ter, wns b. 1565 at Kirby Hall, oo. -innK Essex; served (with bis br. Francis) iu Holland, iu 1585; was I0t>0. kaighied at Cadis, 1596 ; distinguished himself at the victory of Nieuport, 1600.(<lj and especially at the siege of Ostend, in 1601, by a masterly retreat in 1605 ; by the taking of the town of Sluys, 3rc. ; was Qeu. off the English forces in the Netherlands, and Qov. of Brill, 1608, which Goyemurship he, 1^ order u( the King, surrendered to ** the States General " in 1 616. He was, in 1620, in command, and in 1621, was General of the English forces in the Palatinate, returning therefrom in Jan. 1622/8 ; Coundllor of War, 1624, and was or. 24 July 1625, BARON VERB OP TILBURY, co. E^x ; was Master of the Ordnance, 1629. , __i.iii- i - --— - — -- - — ■-__ Isabel, da. and h. of Sir John Vise de Lore), who «. <* Sir Imbert Noon, off Shelf- hanger, whose male line long continued there." As to Msigaret, Oourthope writes :

    • Margaret, bia da. and heir d, [1436/7] 15 Heu. VI., having been twice «.— lst» to

Hugh Rradsbaw, Esq., by whom she bad a son, Robert, who died ante wuUretnt leaving Elisabeth, his d«. and h., who was aged 80 [1486/7], 15 Hen. VL, and m. Sir Ricbanl Harrington, and had issue ; the 2d husband of the said Margaret de Verdun waa Sir John PilkiuRton, whose great-grandson and h. general, Roger Pilkiugton, left six daughters and oMieirs in the reign of Henry Vll. The Barony is now vested in the heirs general of the said Margaret, da. and sole h. of the said Barun." ^) See vol. vi, page 203| note "i," iub Pembmke." (b^ Anne, her yr. sister, was Countess Temple. M Vere, Ohamben and Saokville, his 8 elder brothers, all d. in infimoy. (^ Camden says, Lq reference to this victory, that "among those who deserved the ^t oommendations were Sir Francis Vere and Sir Horace Vere."