Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/50

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40 WALDBQBAVK. penonaliy. Hii widow, well known for uuuaj yean (m " FhuieeB,(*) Conntan Walde- gnt9 ") ia Londoo aodety, a. 30 Sep. 1848, «i BolboiiM in Avelcy, eo. EHez (tho •cat of Sir Tbomaa Leniwrd, Burt.) am bia leoond wile, Qeoffge Qnmville, Viuio*- HiBOOUBT, of Nunebam park, Oion, who tL a.p.m., 19 Dee. 1861, aged 7& She ai. (aa bar 4Ui hoafaand) 20 Jan. 186S, ai Triniiy dutrcfa, Bromptoo, the Bt. Hon. Chiebcater Samuel PABsmon-FoBnaoDK, who was or. 28 Feb. 1874, Babob Cabuvofoui, and who (after ber deatb) tuc 29 Joly 1887, aa 2d BaBOV CmifovT OF Dbom UKBi [L] Sbe d, a.p. of pnenmonia and mieope in Gbrltoo yirdana, 6 Joly 1879, and was htr. ai Badaloek, eo. Soaienet(^) Her 401 bnaband Uvii^ 1897. Sarldom. VIII. Bftrony. IX. 8 and 9. Wiluam (Wau>bqra¥b), Earl Waldb- OBAVB, Sec, onde and 11 male, being 4th and yat a.(«} of ' 1846 ^^ ^^ '^'^ ^* ^** ^' ^ ^^^ ^^^> *^ Kaveatoek ; ed. at Eton ; jcMoed the Royal Navy, 1801 ; waa in oommand of "the Revenge** (78 gone) at the aiage of St. Jean d*Acre in 1840, beooming eventually, 1858, retired Vice Admiral, and receiving a *' good aervioe " penakm. He waa ILP. for Bedford, 1815-18 ; O.B., 18 Dec 1840. He at. firaUy, 10 Aug. 1812, Klixabetb, let dA. of Samuel Wbitbiuuii, of Cardiugton, Beda., by Elisabeth, let da. of Cbariea (Gbbt), let Eabl Qbet. She d. in liarley atreet, 1 llarefa 1843, aged 51. He aiw aeoondly, 8 De& 1846, at All Soula, Marylebone, Sanh, widow of William Milwabd, of •^ the Mention," in High atreet, Haaunga, da. of the lUv. WUliam Whitkab, MJL, Preb. of (jbicbeater. He <i. 24 Oct 1859 at <' the ICanaion " afad. in bia 71at year. Uia widow d. there a.p. 18 April 1878, in ber 87tb year.(d) [William Fbbdirick Waldiqratb, UyUd after 1846, Visoount Chewtob, let a and h. ap. by finit wife, b. 29 June 1816, at Gardington afMl., entered the army, 1847, beoouiiug CHpt. Souto Funilier Quardc He bl 2 July 1850, atSL Geo. Han. aq., Fninoea, nuly do. of John BAflTAUD, of Sbarpbam in Aahpringtuu. oo. Devon, Oapt., R.N., by Franoea, da. and cubeir of Beojamiu Waob, of the Giauge, CO. York. He d. v.p. 8 Oct 1854, at ScuUri, of wounda received 20 Sep. at the battle of Alma, and waa frier, at Scutari. (*) M.L Hia widow, ainoe 1855 a Lady of the Bedchamber, waa V.A., 4th claaa, 1892, and Uving 1897.] Earldom. IX. Barony. X. 9 and 10. Wiluam Frkdkriok (Waldigravb), Eabl Waldboravm [1729], Vjsooumt Chkwtum [1729], and 1859. ^^^ Waldbqratb op Chbwtob [1696], alao a Baronet [1648], grandaon and b., being lat a. and b. of William Frederick Waldbokavb, HgUd Yuooumt Ohbwton, by Francea, bia wife, both abovenamed. Be waa fr. 2 March 1851, in Wilton creaoent; waa UjfUd VisoomT Cbewton, after the death of hia father, 8 Oct 1854, till he tuc to the peerage, aa above, 24 Oct 1859. He waa ed. at Eton, aud at Trinity Coli, Cambridge ; B.A., 1878 ; M.A.. 1877; waa Major 9th VuL Batt King'a Royal Rifle corpa ; a Lord in waiting, 1886-92, and agHin 1895-96, Gapt. of the Yeiiman of the Guard, 1896. Hem. 5 Aug. 1874, at St. Maithew'a, Blackmore, Hanta, hia firatcouain, Mary Dorothea, 2d da. of Roundell (Palmbb), lat Eakl of Sai.BoBKi, by l^iura, da. of William (Waldbgbayb), 8th Eabl Waldkgkavb. She waa b. 25 March 1850. (*) See vol. it, p. 288, note ** b," aa to the adoption of that atyle of deaignation by Dowager Peereaaea. (b) See vol ii, p. 288, noto '*a," tub " dermont" (•) Tbe 8d bod, the Hon. Edward William Waldegrave, fr. 29 Aug. 1787, lieut 7tb Dragoona, aerved with diatinotion under Sir John Moore, and d. unm. 22 Jan. 1809, being luat at aea off Falmouth, aged 21. {^) Her numeroua obaritiea and good worka were many yean remembenid at Haatinga, where moat of ber long life had been apent (•) •< Puor Lord Gbewton moat awfully out about (at the battle of the Alma); five wounda in arma, head and leg, be waa bayonetted and beat about the head aa he liiy on the ground with a broken thigh," [Sir J. AaUey'a " Fiftg Yean uf mg X(/(," vol i, p. 222.]