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WALDEQRAVE— WALLACE. 41 [Willi 4m-Edward^itmour Waldigravb, styled Vi8CX)unt Chswton, only s. And h. up., h, 2 Oot. 1882.] Family £«la(et.— These, in 1876, were nlienated from the title and became the aheolute property of Frances, relict of the 7th Karl. They then coneiated of 6,821 acrea (worth £9,380 a year) in Somerset; 5,108 (worth £6,009 a year) in Eaaex : 416 in the East Riding of Yorkahure; 188 in Kent, and 85 (woHh £1,602 a year) in Hiddleaes. ToUd, 11,068 acres, worth £17,771 a year. That lady devised such of them ss she still possessed, to her 4th husband for his life, with rem., it is beliefed, to the Earl Waldegra?e in tail m^e. WALDEN. t.e., " Waldik," Yisoountcy [S.] (Ha^^), er. 1694 with the AtARQun-. 8ATB OP TwnoD4Li [S.], which see. See AuDLBT of Waldbn, co. Essex," Barony (Andley er. 1638; ec 1544. See ^'Howard db Waldbn," Barony (Hoivard), cr, 1597. See " Burqhclerb op Waldbn, co. Essex," Barony {Gardner)^ er. 1896. WALES. The title of Prince of Wales is not, of itself, a Peerage title, but it was first confeiTcd in 1301 on Prince Ed wsrd (afterwards Bdward II. )t a. and h. ap. of Bdward L, togelker with a peerage, viz. the EARLDOM OP CH1£ST£R, bj which titles Jie was sum. to Pari, from 2 June 1802 to 8 Nor. 1306. It WHS for the second time conferred, in 184:), on Prince Edward (the lilnck Prince), a. and h. ap. of Kilwanl III., winch Prince was aJfrtady a Peer, being (like his predeocwor Earl of Clieater aa well as) Duke of Cornwall* It haa, ainoe that date, been regularly conferred, together with the Sarldom of Cheuer, on the heir ap. to the throne. See " Chistkii,*' Earldom. WALEYS. Baronv by 1. RiciiARD Walbtb was, by writ, 16 May (1321) Writ. u Ed. IL, directed *' Aico. Walt^'^ sum. to Pari, aa a Baron I. 1321. (^OHD WALlCYS), but ncTor afterwards, being the last of the 90 Barons sum. to that Pari. Such summons, however, can hardly be held to have constituted an hereditary peerage. " Dugdale gives no account of this Baron in his Bnronaffe. He was, however, of the party of Thomaa, Earl of Lancaster ; wss present at the battle of Borooghbridge, and received write on various occasions between the yearn 1808 and 1825, although never aum. to ParL after 1321. He left a son, Stephen Waleys, living 1848, whose only da. and h., Elisabeth, was the wife of Sir John Depedene, Knt*' [Omrikope], WALLACE OF KNARESDALE. Barony. 1, Thb Rt. Hon. Thomas Wallaci, of Asholme, I. 1828 Knaresdale and Featlierstone Castle, co. Northumberland, only s. . ' and h. of JaniSs Waixaob, of the same, sometime (1780-88) Attorney IHAA General (who d. 16 Nov. 1783), by Elisabeth, da. and h. of Thomas 1044. SlsilW)N, of Oarleton Hall, co. Cumberland, was 6. at Brampton, co. Cumberland, 1708 ; ed. at Eton and at Ch Gh., Oxford ; mat 10 June 1785, aged 17 ; er. M.A., 18 March 1790, and D.C.L., C July 1793 ; was M.P. for Grampound, 1790-96 ; for Penrhyn, 1796—1802 ; for Hindon, 1802-07 ; for Shaftesbury, 1807-12 ; for Wmrmouth, 1812-18 ; for Cockermouth, 1818-18 ; and for Weymouth (2d time) 1S18-2S ; was a Lord of the Admiralty, 1797—1800 ; a Commissr. for Indian aflaira,