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WALLSCOURT — WALPOLB. 48 II. 1806. S. JoexFH Hbnrt (Blaks), Baron Wallbcourt or Ardfrt [I.], nephew of the nboTe, being only ■• and h. of Ignatias Charles Blakb, Cnpt. 18th DmgoonB, by Helen, da. of Willinm 0A8HBLr«, of Berwick upon Tweed, whidi lenatiuB (who d. 6 Atir. 1797, in his 24th year), wai the neit br. that left taaue of the lete Peer. He was b. 23 July 1795| nnd liy the deiith of hia grandfnther, 19 Jan. 1806 (as heir male of hie body), preBumabIy(*) tue. io the peerage [1.] under the apec. rem. in ita creation. He d, unm. 11 Oct 1816, at Fleming villa, Old Brompton. III. 1816. 3. Joseph Hbnrt (BfiAKic), Baron Wallbcourt op Ardprt [I.], ooarin and h. mate, being let a. and h. of Henry James, Col. of the Oalway Militia, by Anne, da. of John Frbvch, of Qalway, whidi' Henry (who d, 11 Nov. ISll, aged 88), waa yat. br. of the first Peer. He wa8 6. 2 June 1797, and presumab]y(*) fiic to the peerage [I.] 11 Oct. 1816 ; was Aide-de-camp to the Gen. of the Northern district of Ireland. He m. 28 Sep. 1822, at the Britiah Embasmr at Nnples, Elisabeth, only da. of William Lock, of Korbury Park, oo. Surrey. He a, 28 May 1849, at Paris, of cholera, aged 62. Admon. Feb. 1851. His widow tf. 2 Jan. 1877, at 5, Montagu sc|uare, aged 72. IV. 1849. 4. Erroll Augustus (Bijikb), Baron Wallsoourt of Ardfrt [I.], 8d and yst. but only snrv. s. and h.(^) ; 6. at Brighton 22 Aug. 1841 ; tue. pre8umab]y(*) to the peerage [I.], 28 May 1849 ; sometime (1866-67), Capt. Coldstream Guarda ; Gent, Usher to the Viceroy of Ireland, 1876-80. He m. firstly, 7 Feb. 1874, Jane Harriet Charlotte, 4th da. of Charles Wyndham (Stanhofi), 7th Earl op Harrinoioh, by Elizabeth Still, da. of Robert Lucas Pkarsall. She, who was ft. 29 July 1858, d. 8 Sep. 1889, at Stanhope Lodge, Cowes, Isle of Wight, aged 36. He m. secondly, 26 Jan. 1896, at St Peter s Eaton Square, May, da. of Sir William Palussr, O.B., by Anna. da. of George Pirham.sjs Family £ila(ef.— These, in 1888, were under 2,000 acres. JKeftdoiee.— Ardfry, co. Galway. WALPOLE. t.<f, " Walpolb," Yisoountoy {Wafpole)^ cr. 1742 with the Earldom or Orford, which see ; ex. 1797. WALPOLE OF WALPOLE. le. " Walpolb of Walpole, oo. Norfolk," Barony (WaJpole), er. 1723 with a apec rem. ; see '* OiivORD *' Earldom, cr, 1742 under the 2d, 8d, and 4th Earla, and again *' Ohford '* Earldom, cr. 1806 under the 1st and succeeding Earls. WALPOLE OF WOLTERTON. Barony. /. Horatio Walpolb, next yr. br. to Robert, Ist I 1756 Karl op Orford, tlie celebrated Prime Minister, and 2d surr. s. of Robert Walpolk, of Houghton, oo. Norfolk (d. 18 Not. 1700, aged 50), by Mary, da. and h, of Sir QeoffWiy Burwsll, of Rongham, co. Suffolk, was h. 8 Dec 1678 ; waa M.P. for Lostwitbiel, Jan. to Sep. 1710 ; for Caatle Rising, 1710-15; for Beeralston, 1715-17; for East Looe, 1718-22; for Great YHnnonth, 1722-84, and for Norwich, 1734-56; waa Sec. to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1707; Sec. to the embasay of Spitin, 1708; to France, 1709-10, and to the States Q«n., 1714 ; Sec. to the Treasury, 1715-17, and again, 1721 ; Envoy to the States Gen., 1716 ; Surveyor of the Revenue in America (for life), 1717 ; Sec. of SUte [1.] and P.O. [(.], 1720 ; Paymaster Gen. of the Land Forces, 1720-21 ; Auibassadinr at Patis, 1724-28 ; joint Ambassador to the Congress at Soisons, 1728 ; Cofferer of the Household, 1780-41 ; P.C, 1780 ; Ambassador to the States Gen., (•) See p. 42, note " f." C) Of his elder brothers (1) Henry Joseph, h. 22 Sep. 1828; d. Match 1828 ; (2) WUUam Richard, h. 6 May 1825 ; d. 6 April 1829.