Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/52

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42 WALLACB— WALIiSGOURT. 1800-06 ; P.O., 21 Hay 1801 ; Prw. of the Bowrd of Control. 1807-16 ; Vice Prat, of the Board of Tmde, 1818-23, and ICaater of the Mint, 1828-27, being er., 2 Feb. 1828, BARON WALLAOB OP KNARESDALB, oo. Nortbumberiand.(») He «., 16 Feb. 18 U, Jane, widow of Henry (Dohdas), 1st Visoodiit Milyillb, da. of John (Hon), 2d Babl of Hopbtoum [S.], by his second wife, Jane, da. of Robert Oufhamt. She, who was 6. 12 No?. 1766, d. s.p. 8 June 1829. in Portmao square, and was hur, in the mausoleum at Featherstone Castle, af;ed 62. He d. s.pi 23 FeK 1844, at Featheratone Castle, aged 76, and was bur. with his wife, when the peeru(f€ became txUnei, Will dat 20 July 1843 to 15 Feb. 1844, pr. July 1844, under £45,000 personalty. (>>) WALLINGFORD. $.€., WALLiMoroRD, oa Berks," Visoountoy (Knollys), cr. 1616; see

    • Bambubt " Barldom, cr. 1626 ; noi recognmd ainoe 1632.

WALLI3, Bee WALEYS. WALLOP. t.e., "Wallop of Wallop, co. Southampton, Barouj (Wallop), cr. 1720 with the Yuoouiitct of Ltuimoton ; see " Pobtbmooth," Earldom, er, 1743. WALL8C0URT OF ARDFRY. Barony [I.] i. Jobbph Hbnry Blakib, Ist a. and h. ap. of Joseph I 1800 ^^^^, ^^ Ardfry, oo. Galway (who </. 10 Jan. 1806, aged 66), by . ' iiunoria, only da. of Dermot Daly, was b. 5 Oct 1765 ; adopted 1 oM ^® established religion : was M.P. [I.] for oo. Galway, in 3 parls., 18UJ. 1790-1800, and was cr. (v.p.) 81 July 1800.(«) BARON WALLS- COURT OP ARDFRY, oo. Gnlway JI.]. with a tpee. rem,, in default of heirs male of his body, to those of his father.(<>) He m. 18 Aug. 1784, Ijouisa Catharine Mary, 2d da. and ooheir of Thomas (Bbrminoham), Karlov I^outu [1.], by MargMot, da. of Peter Daly. He d., s.p.m.,(«) and Y.p. 28 March 1803, aged 37, when the Barmny (no heir then existing thereto) became possibly exUnct, but more Srobablr only niMendtd.{*) His widow, who was 6. 20 July 1764, m. 21 April 1804, snifls Dalt, of Tnam, and d. 28 May 1827, in Dublin. (•) He had been a consistent supporter of Pitt aud hit political suooessora, declining >>ffioe under Canning. The peerage was conferred on the accession of the Duke of Wellington as Prime Minister. The services rendered by him to commerce were acknowledged, in 1823, by a testimonial, signed by the Chief Merchants and Bankers in London. (^) He devised all his estates, some of which had been for many generations in his family, to a stranger in blood, m.. Col. the Hon. James Hope (nephew to his late wife), who took the additional name of Wallace, and d. 7 Jan- 1854, aged 46, leaving iMuci He left but £1,000 to his cousin and heir at law, John Wallace, who was the 2d surv. of the six sons of his undo, John Wallace, of Sidcup, oo. Kent, whose issue male still (1896) exisU. See a full account of this family m Burke's " £xUna Peerage," (0) One of 16 Baronies [I.] cr, that day. See vol. iv, p. 205, note " c," f«( '* Henniker." See also voL vi, p. 376, note ^ d," stc^ " Kiversdale." i^) See the reason of the omissiun of the father (himself) in note " f " below. •) Anastada, his only da. and h., m. 6 Jan. 1803, Luke (Dillon), 2d Baron Clonbrock [I.], and had issue. (1) «The Barony [of WaHsoourt] was, on account of his [Bir. Blake's] father being a Roman Catholic, conferred upon him with [an extended] rem. to the kein male [of the body], of his father, but the contingency of his dying without issue [male] in the lifetime of his father was overlooked. This event, however, did take place, and at Lord Wallsoourt's death, his father was still alive with an heir apparent only, in the person of a grandson. Doubts arose ss to whether in law the peerage was not therefore extinct, and altho' the young man succeeded to his uncle's title, neither be nor any subsequent Lord Wallaoourt has ever brought the question to issue by ddming to vote for a representative peer." [Note by the Editor of " The ComtoaUie Curretpondence}